OpenCV 3.0.0 MSER Binary Mask

来源:互联网 发布:c语言大于号怎么打 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 23:44

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I am trying to use MSER algorithm in OpenCV 3.0.0 beta to extract text regions from an image. At the end I need a binary mask with the detected MSER regions, but the algorithm only provides contours. I tried to draw these contours but I don't get the expected result.

This is the code I use:

void mserExtractor (const Mat& image, Mat& mserOutMask){    Ptr<MSER> mserExtractor  = MSER::create();    vector<vector<cv::Point>> mserContours;    vector<cv::Rect> mserBbox;    mserExtractor->detectRegions(image, mserContours, mserBbox);    for( int i = 0; i<mserContours.size(); i++ )    {        drawContours(mserOutMask, mserContours, i, Scalar(255, 255, 255), 4);    }}

This is the result:OPENCV MSER

The problem is that non-convex regions are filled by lines crossing the actual MSER region. I would like just the list of pixels in the region like I get from MATLABdetectMSERFeatures:MATLAB MSER

Any ideas how to get the filled region from the contours (or to get the MSER mask in other ways)?

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I found the solution! Just loop over all the points and draw them!

void mserExtractor (const Mat& image, Mat& mserOutMask){    Ptr<MSER> mserExtractor  = MSER::create();    vector<vector<cv::Point>> mserContours;    vector<KeyPoint> mserKeypoint;    vector<cv::Rect> mserBbox;    mserExtractor->detectRegions(image, mserContours,  mserBbox);    for (vector<cv::Point> v : mserContours){        for (cv::Point p : v){  <uchar>(p.y, p.x) = 255;        }    }}

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