orocos 的数据表示(模板template): DataObject (还有一条主线为 DataSource)

来源:互联网 发布:绿标域名认证生成器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:38

数据有不同的type(int,double,struct…),还有 c-v qualifier, 还可以是 reference、pointer、array等等。因此,在处理数据的时候要正确区分每一种数据类型的处理方法


typedef typename boost::remove_const<typename boost::remove_reference<T>::type>::type value_t;typedef typename boost::call_traits<value_t>::param_type param_t;typedef typename boost::call_traits<value_t>::reference reference_t;typedef typename boost::call_traits<value_t>::const_reference const_reference_t;

see Effective Modern C++ Deducing Types

c++11引入 universal reference( T&&, std::forward) 和 alias(using), 可以简化上述代码:

The forward template exists in C++11, in the <utility> header, as std::forward

see link universal-references: http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2014/perfect-forwarding-and-universal-references-in-c/


struct RTT_API UnknownType {};template< class T>struct DataSourceTypeInfo;template<>struct RTT_API DataSourceTypeInfo<UnknownType> {    typedef UnknownType value_type;    typedef DataSourceTypeInfo<UnknownType> value_type_info;    static types::TypeInfo* TypeInfoObject;    static const std::string noqual;       // void    static const std::string cqual;        // const    static const std::string refqual;      // reference    static const std::string crefqual;     // const reference    static const std::string ptrqual;      // pointer    static const std::string cptrqual;     // const pointer    static const std::string& getType();   // 都是 static 函数,包括下列各个特化模板,因此其他类只需要直接使用该模板即可得到其他类的数据类型信息    static const std::string& getTypeName();    static const std::string& getQualifier();    // we drop the const qualifier in this specialisation, since it is    // not registered in the type repository (which returns a non const in type() )    static types::TypeInfo* getTypeInfo();  // type_name、 qualifier、std::type_info *  etc.  compiler dependent info};template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<const T&>             {    typedef T value_type;    typedef DataSourceTypeInfo<T> value_type_info;    static std::string getType()  { return getTypeName() + getQualifier(); }    static const std::string& getTypeName()  { return DataSourceTypeInfo< T >::getTypeName(); }  // value_type 的类型    static const std::string& getQualifier() { return DataSourceTypeInfo<UnknownType>::crefqual; }  //qualifier: 其他类型就换成别的字符串("const"、"&" 等等)    static const types::TypeInfo* getTypeInfo() { return DataSourceTypeInfo< T >::getTypeInfo(); }};// 以下类似template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<T&> {...}template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<const T> {...}template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<T*> {...}template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<const T*> {...}template<>        struct RTT_API DataSourceTypeInfo<void> {...}/*** Specialisation for a types::carray<T> type info object.* All RTT internal primitives should use carray references* to (boost) arrays such that run-time size checks can be done.* For example, Property<carray<double> > holds a* ValueDataSource<carray<double> >( carray<double>( data.c_array(), 6 ) )* where data is a boost::array<double,6> or equivalent*/template< class T>        struct DataSourceTypeInfo<types::carray<T> > {...}

Orocos DataObject类的结构:

                DataObjectInterface                         |                       /   \                     /       \       DataObjectLocked      DataObjectLockFree                        \       /                      \     /                     DataOjbect 

DataObjectLocked 和 DataObjectLockFree 分别继承自DataObjectInterface; 然后 DataOject再继承 DataObjectLocked 和 DataObjectLockFree

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