
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu查找源命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:24








二、内存申请函数 pbuf_alloc()




/** * Allocates a pbuf of the given type (possibly a chain for PBUF_POOL type). *分配一个给定类型(可能是一个PBUF_POOL型的链)的pbuf * * The actual memory allocated for the pbuf is determined by the * layer at which the pbuf is allocated and the requested size * (from the size parameter). *实际内存分配的pbuf是由分配的pbuf的层次和请求的大小决定的 * * @param layer flag to define header size  * @param length size of the pbuf's payload * @param type this parameter decides how and where the pbuf * should be allocated as follows: * * - PBUF_RAM: buffer memory for pbuf is allocated as one large *             chunk. This includes protocol headers as well. * PBUF_RAM:为pbuf缓冲存储器分配一大块。这也包括协议头 *  * - PBUF_ROM: no buffer memory is allocated for the pbuf, even for *             protocol headers. Additional headers must be prepended *             by allocating another pbuf and chain in to the front of *             the ROM pbuf. It is assumed that the memory used is really *             similar to ROM in that it is immutable and will not be *             changed. Memory which is dynamic should generally not *没有缓冲内存分配给PBUF,即使是协议头。附加协议头必须预先在到ROM中的pbuf之前分配另一个pbuf和链表考虑 *假定内存使用的内存和ROM是非常相似的,它是不可改变的而且不会改变。 *内存是动态的,一般不应附着到PBUF_ROM中的pbuf。使用PBUF_REF相反。 * * - PBUF_REF: no buffer memory is allocated for the pbuf, even for *             protocol headers. It is assumed that the pbuf is only *             being used in a single thread. If the pbuf gets queued, *             then pbuf_take should be called to copy the buffer. *没有缓冲内存分配给PBUF,即使是协议头。假定这个pbuf只被使用在单个线程中。 *如果pbuf被排队,然后pbuf_take应该叫做复制缓冲区 * * - PBUF_POOL: the pbuf is allocated as a pbuf chain, with pbufs from *              the pbuf pool that is allocated during pbuf_init(). *PBUF_POOL:所述的pbuf被分配为pbuf链,与来自pbuf池的pbufs在pbuf_init()即内存初始化函数中被分配 * * * @return the allocated pbuf. If multiple pbufs where allocated, this * is the first pbuf of a pbuf chain. * 返回被分配的pbuf。如果多个pbuf被分配,这是pbuf链中的第一个pbuf */struct pbuf *pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer layer, u16_t length, pbuf_type type){    struct pbuf *p,*q, *r;    u16_t offset; /*有效数据起始偏移位置*/    s32_t rem_len; /* remaining length 剩余长度*/    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE,("pbuf_alloc(length = %"U16_F")\n", length);/* determine header offset */seitch(layer) { /* pbuf的层次 */case PBUF_TRANSPORT:    /* add room for transport (often TCP) layer header */    /* 如果为传输层申请pbuf,那么有效数据的偏移位置为PBUF_LINK_HLEN +PBUF_IP_HLEN +PBUF_TRANSPPORT_HLEN */    offset  = PBUF_LINK_HLEN + PBUF_IP_HLEN + PBUF_TRANSPPORT_HLEN;    break;case PBUF_IP:    /* add room for IP layer header */    /* 如果为ip层申请pbuf,那么有效数据的偏移位置为PBUF_ip_HLEN + PBUF_LINK_HLEN */    offset= PBUF_LINK_HLEN + PBUF_IP_HLEN;case PBUF_LINK:    /* add room for link layer header */    /* 如果是链路层申请pbuf内存,那么有效数据的偏移位置为PBUF_LINK_HLEN */    offset = PBUF_LINK_HLEN;    break;case PBUF_RAM:    /*如果为原始层申请pbuf内存,那么数据偏移位置就是0,不预留任何空间*/    offset= 0;    break;default:    LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc:bad pbuf layer", 0);    return NULL;    } /********************************************************/switch (type){ /* pbuf的类型 */    case PBUF_POOL: /*PBUF_POOL分配一个链表,链表上每个元素所管理的内存最大不超过PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE*/        /* allocate head of pbuf chain into p */        p = (struct pbuf *)memep_malloc(MEMP_PBUF_POOL);/* 为PBUF_POOL类型时 */        /*PBUF_POOL类型和PBUF_RAM类型的都由内存池分配得到,此处调用了memp_malloc,在memp.c文件中 */        /* 分配的内存池类型为MEMP_PBUF_POOL*/        LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_alloc: allocated pbuf %p\n"), (void *)p)); /* p是pbuf类型的指针*/        /*LWIP_DEBUGF是LwIP协议栈的调试信息输出函数 */        /*1.可以查看函数的调用关系,跟踪程序流程。*/        /*2.查看各种协议的调试信息,关键变量的值*/        if(p == NULL){            PBUF_POOL_IS_EMPTY();            return NULL;        }        p->type = type;        p->next = NULL;        /* make the payload pointer point 'offset' bytes into pbuf data memory */        p->payload = LWIP_MEM_ALIGN((void *)((u8_t *)p + (SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + offset)));        /* payload指向pbuf管理的数据的起始地址,payload指向的起始地址即为offset。*/        /*以offset为基准,登记有效数据存储的起始偏移位置到p->payload[luther.gliethttp] */        LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: pbuf p->payload properly aligned",            ((mem_ptr_t)p->payload % MEM_ALIGNMENT) == 0);    /* the total length of the pbuf chain is the requested size */    p->tot_len = length; /* pbuf链表上有效数据总大小 */    /* set the length of the first pbuf in the chain */    p->len = LWIP_MIN(length, PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED - LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(offset));    /*pbuf链表上的每个元素所能存储的最大数据为PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE。如果超过,如果超过该值,那么就会使用链表方式。*/    /*链接其他很多个pbuf,直到申请的size数据全部能够正常存储为止[luther.gliethttp]*/    LWIP_ASSERT("check p->payload + p->len does not overflow pbuf",                ((u8_t*)p->payload + p->len <=                 (u8_t*)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED));    LWIP_ASSERT("PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE must be bigger than MEM_ALIGNMENT",      (PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED - LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(offset)) > 0 );    /* set reference count (needed here in case we fail) */    p->ref = 1; /* ref表示当前pbuf被引用的次数 */    /* now allocate the tail of the pbuf chain */    /* remember first pbuf for linkage in next iteration */    r = p;    /* remaining length to be allocated */    rem_len = length - p->len;    /* any remaining pbufs to be allocated? */    while (rem_len > 0) {      q = (struct pbuf *)memp_malloc(MEMP_PBUF_POOL);      if (q == NULL) {        PBUF_POOL_IS_EMPTY();        /* free chain so far allocated */        pbuf_free(p);        /* bail out unsuccesfully */        return NULL;      }      q->type = type;      q->flags = 0;      q->next = NULL;      /* make previous pbuf point to this pbuf */      r->next = q;      /* set total length of this pbuf and next in chain */      LWIP_ASSERT("rem_len < max_u16_t", rem_len < 0xffff);      q->tot_len = (u16_t)rem_len;      /* this pbuf length is pool size, unless smaller sized tail */      q->len = LWIP_MIN((u16_t)rem_len, PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED);      q->payload = (void *)((u8_t *)q + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF);      LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: pbuf q->payload properly aligned",              ((mem_ptr_t)q->payload % MEM_ALIGNMENT) == 0);      LWIP_ASSERT("check p->payload + p->len does not overflow pbuf",                  ((u8_t*)p->payload + p->len <=                   (u8_t*)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE_ALIGNED));      q->ref = 1;      /* calculate remaining length to be allocated */      rem_len -= q->len;      /* remember this pbuf for linkage in next iteration */      r = q;    }    /* end of chain */    /*r->next = NULL;*/    break;  /********************************************************/  case PBUF_RAM: /*PBUF类型内存,一次性分配size大小的连续内存*/    /* If pbuf is to be allocated in RAM, allocate memory for it. */    p = (struct pbuf*)mem_malloc(LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + offset) + LWIP_MEM_ALIGN_SIZE(length));    /*PBUF_RAM由内存堆分配内存,此处调用了mem_malloc(),为内存堆分配函数,在mem.c文件中。*/    /*分配的空间大小包括:pbuf结构头大小size_struct_pbuf,需要的数据存储空间大小length。*/    /*还有一个offset,即有效数据起始偏移位置 */    if (p == NULL) {      return NULL;    }    /* Set up internal structure of the pbuf. */    p->payload = LWIP_MEM_ALIGN((void *)((u8_t *)p + SIZEOF_STRUCT_PBUF + offset));    p->len = p->tot_len = length;    p->next = NULL;    p->type = type;    LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: pbuf->payload properly aligned",           ((mem_ptr_t)p->payload % MEM_ALIGNMENT) == 0);    break;  /********************************************************/  /* pbuf references existing (non-volatile static constant) ROM payload? */  case PBUF_ROM: /*ROM只需要分配小小的管理pbuf的控制管理内存*/  /* pbuf references existing (externally allocated) RAM payload? */  case PBUF_REF:    /* only allocate memory for the pbuf structure */    /*只需申请pbufs头控制结构体所需内存即可[luther.gliethttp]*/    p = (struct pbuf *)memp_malloc(MEMP_PBUF);    /*分配的内存池类型为MEMP_PBUF,大小恰为一个pbuf头的大小*/    if (p == NULL) {      LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SERIOUS,                  ("pbuf_alloc: Could not allocate MEMP_PBUF for PBUF_%s.\n",                  (type == PBUF_ROM) ? "ROM" : "REF"));      return NULL;    }    /* caller must set this field properly, afterwards */    p->payload = NULL;    p->len = p->tot_len = length;    p->next = NULL;    p->type = type;    break;   /********************************************************/  default:    LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_alloc: erroneous type", 0);    return NULL;  }  /* set reference count */  p->ref = 1;  /* set flags */  p->flags = 0;  LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_alloc(length=%"U16_F") == %p\n", length, (void *)p));  return p;}



1、pbuf_ref():将 pbuf中的 ref 加1

/** * Increment the reference count of the pbuf * 增量的pbuf的引用次数 * @param p pbuf to increase reference counter of * 参数p的pbuf引用计数增加 * /voidpbuf_ref(struct pbuf *p){    SYS_ARCH_DECL_PROTECT(old_level);    /* pbuf given? */    if(p != NULL) {    SYS_ARCH_PROTECT(old_level);    ++(p->ref); /*当pbuf不为空时将当前pbuf的ref加1*/    SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECT(old_level);    }}

  ref是pbuf结构中定义的一个16位无符号整数,包含一个引用计数,表示该pbuf被引用的次数,初始化一个pbuf的时候,ref字段值被设置为1,当有其他pbuf的next值针指向该pbuf时,该pbuf的字段值加1,所以要删除一个pbuf时,ref的值必须为1才能删除成功,否则删除失败。 统计有多少个指针指向这个pbuf。这些指针可能是应用程序的指针,协议栈自己的指针或者数据链中的pbuf->next指针,ref为0时,才可以释放pbuf


/** * Concatenate two pbufs (each may be a pbuf chain) and take over * the caller's reference of the tail pbuf. * 连接两个pbufs(每个可能都是链表)并替代引用的呼叫方的尾部pbuf * @note The caller MAY NOT reference the tail pbuf afterwards. * 注意对方可能之后不提及尾部的pbuf * Use pbuf_chain() for that purpose. * 目的是使用pbuf_chain(),在pbuf_chain()之中使用这个函数来连接两个pbufs * @see pbuf_chain()  */voidpbuf_cat(struct pbuf *h, struct pbuf *t){    struct pbuf *p; /* p最为一个中间变量 */    LWIP_ERROR("(h != NULL) && (t != NULL)  (programmer violates API)",    ((h != NULL) && (t != NULL)), return;);    /* proceed to last pbuf of chain */    for(p = h; p->next != NULL; p = p->next){        /*使 p = h,当p的next指针(即h的next指针)不是空的时候,即后面还有pbuf*/        /* add total length of second chain to all totals of first chain */        /*第二个链的总长度加到第一个链上的总和*/        p->tot_len += t->tot_len;    }    /* { p is last pbuf of first h chain, p->next == NULL } */    /* p是第一个 h链的末尾pbuf,p->next为空,也就是p的后面再也没有pbuf*/    LWIP_ASSERT("p->tot_len == p->len (of last pbuf in chain)", p->tot_len == p->len);     /* 我还没找到LWIP_ASSERT()是什么,感觉是在声明注释说的意思。有知道的请告诉我 */    LWIP_ASSERT("p->next == NULL", p->next == NULL);    /* add total length of second chain to last pbuf total of first chain */    p->tot_len += t->tot_len;    /* chain last pbuf of head (p) with first of tail (t) */    /* 连接后一个pbuf的头(即 p的头)和第一个的尾部(即 t的尾部)*/    p->next = t;    /* p->next now references t, but the caller will drop its reference to t,    * so netto there is no change to the reference count of t.    * p的next指针现在引用t,但是呼叫方将放弃引用t。所以netto没有改变t的引用计数    */}


/** * Chain two pbufs (or pbuf chains) together. * 连接两个pbufs(或者pbufs链表)在一起 * The caller MUST call pbuf_free(t) once it has stopped * using it. Use pbuf_cat() instead if you no longer use t. * 呼叫方必须调用pbuf_free(t)一旦终止使用它。使用pbuf_cat()而不是你不在使用t * @param h head pbuf (chain) * @param t tail pbuf (chain) * @note The pbufs MUST belong to the same packet. * @note MAY NOT be called on a packet queue. * * The ->tot_len fields of all pbufs of the head chain are adjusted. * The ->next field of the last pbuf of the head chain is adjusted. * The ->ref field of the first pbuf of the tail chain is adjusted. * */voidpbuf_chain(struct pbuf *h, struct pbuf *t){  pbuf_cat(h, t); //将 h和 t进行连接  /* t is now referenced by h    t现在被h引用*/  pbuf_ref(t); /* 将t的ref加1,也就是t被引用了一次*/  LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_chain: %p references %p\n", (void *)h, (void *)t));}



/** * Dereference a pbuf chain or queue and deallocate any no-longer-used * pbufs at the head of this chain or queue. * * Decrements the pbuf reference count. If it reaches zero, the pbuf is * deallocated. * * For a pbuf chain, this is repeated for each pbuf in the chain, * up to the first pbuf which has a non-zero reference count after * decrementing. So, when all reference counts are one, the whole * chain is free'd. * * @param p The pbuf (chain) to be dereferenced. * * @return the number of pbufs that were de-allocated * from the head of the chain. * * @note MUST NOT be called on a packet queue (Not verified to work yet). * @note the reference counter of a pbuf equals the number of pointers * that refer to the pbuf (or into the pbuf). * * @internal examples: * * Assuming existing chains a->b->c with the following reference * counts, calling pbuf_free(a) results in: *  * 1->2->3 becomes ...1->3 * 3->3->3 becomes 2->3->3 * 1->1->2 becomes ......1 * 2->1->1 becomes 1->1->1 * 1->1->1 becomes ....... * */u8_tpbuf_free(struct pbuf *p){  u16_t type;  struct pbuf *q;  u8_t count;  if (p == NULL) {    LWIP_ASSERT("p != NULL", p != NULL);    /* if assertions are disabled, proceed with debug output */    LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_LEVEL_SERIOUS,      ("pbuf_free(p == NULL) was called.\n"));    return 0;  }  LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free(%p)\n", (void *)p));  PERF_START;  LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_free: sane type",    p->type == PBUF_RAM || p->type == PBUF_ROM ||    p->type == PBUF_REF || p->type == PBUF_POOL);  count = 0;  /* de-allocate all consecutive pbufs from the head of the chain that   * obtain a zero reference count after decrementing*/  while (p != NULL) {    u16_t ref;    SYS_ARCH_DECL_PROTECT(old_level);    /* Since decrementing ref cannot be guaranteed to be a single machine operation     * we must protect it. We put the new ref into a local variable to prevent     * further protection. */    SYS_ARCH_PROTECT(old_level);    /* all pbufs in a chain are referenced at least once */    LWIP_ASSERT("pbuf_free: p->ref > 0", p->ref > 0);    /* decrease reference count (number of pointers to pbuf) */    ref = --(p->ref);    SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECT(old_level);    /* this pbuf is no longer referenced to? */    if (ref == 0) {      /* remember next pbuf in chain for next iteration */      q = p->next;      LWIP_DEBUGF( PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free: deallocating %p\n", (void *)p));      type = p->type;#if LWIP_SUPPORT_CUSTOM_PBUF      /* is this a custom pbuf? */      if ((p->flags & PBUF_FLAG_IS_CUSTOM) != 0) {        struct pbuf_custom *pc = (struct pbuf_custom*)p;        LWIP_ASSERT("pc->custom_free_function != NULL", pc->custom_free_function != NULL);        pc->custom_free_function(p);      } else#endif /* LWIP_SUPPORT_CUSTOM_PBUF */      {        /* is this a pbuf from the pool? */        if (type == PBUF_POOL) {          /*PBUF_POOL是MEMP_PBUF_POOL类型的,由内存池分配,调用memp_free()*/          memp_free(MEMP_PBUF_POOL, p);        /* is this a ROM or RAM referencing pbuf? */        } else if (type == PBUF_ROM || type == PBUF_REF) {          /*PBUF_ROM和PBUF_REF是MEMP_PBUF类型的,由内存池分配,调用memp_free()*/          memp_free(MEMP_PBUF, p);        /* type == PBUF_RAM */        } else {          /*PBUF_RAM是由内存堆分配的,调用mem_free进行释放*/          mem_free(p);        }      }      count++;      /* proceed to next pbuf */      p = q;    /* p->ref > 0, this pbuf is still referenced to */    /* (and so the remaining pbufs in chain as well) */    } else {      LWIP_DEBUGF( PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_free: %p has ref %"U16_F", ending here.\n", (void *)p, ref));      /* stop walking through the chain */      p = NULL;    }  }  PERF_STOP("pbuf_free");  /* return number of de-allocated pbufs */  return count;}
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