
来源:互联网 发布:java电商架构设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 03:12
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>#include "common.h"#include "population.h"void repain(input_data_t indata){//int loop = 10;unsigned int i;HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);COORD pos;CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO info;GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hOut, &info);pos = info.dwSize;pos.X = 0;pos.Y = 0;if( indata.row_num > 0 ){//while(loop > 0){SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, pos);for( i=0; i<indata.row_num; i++ ){printf("%s\n", &indata.data_p[i * ( indata.col_num * 2 + 1 )]);}//loop--;Sleep(1000);{// swap//char tmp = indata.data_p[5];//indata.data_p[5] = indata.data_p[1 * ( indata.col_num * 2 + 1 ) + 5];//indata.data_p[1 * ( indata.col_num * 2 + 1 ) + 5] = tmp;}}}}// 0 : moved// 1 : hit the wallint moveUp(input_data_t *indata_p, unsigned int *cur_col_p, unsigned int *cur_row_p){unsigned int cur_row = *cur_row_p;unsigned int cur_col = *cur_col_p;char buffer1[MAX_COL_WIDTH];char buffer2[MAX_COL_WIDTH];if( cur_row == 0 ){return 1;}memcpy(buffer1, indata_p->data_p, indata_p->col_width); // the wallmemcpy(buffer2, getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row-1), indata_p->col_width);    if( memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, indata_p->col_width) == 0 ){return 1;}// else move to spacememcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row), buffer2, indata_p->col_width );memcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row-1), buffer1, indata_p->col_width );*cur_row_p -= 1;//debug_output("up");return 0;}int moveDown(input_data_t *indata_p, unsigned int *cur_col_p, unsigned int *cur_row_p){unsigned int cur_row = *cur_row_p;unsigned int cur_col = *cur_col_p;char buffer1[MAX_COL_WIDTH];char buffer2[MAX_COL_WIDTH];if( cur_row >= indata_p->row_num-1 ){return 1;}memcpy(buffer1, indata_p->data_p, indata_p->col_width); // the wallmemcpy(buffer2, getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row+1), indata_p->col_width);    if( memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, indata_p->col_width) == 0 ){return 1;}// else move to spacememcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row), buffer2, indata_p->col_width );memcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row+1), buffer1, indata_p->col_width );*cur_row_p += 1;//debug_output("Down");return 0;}int moveLeft(input_data_t *indata_p, unsigned int *cur_col_p, unsigned int *cur_row_p){unsigned int cur_row = *cur_row_p;unsigned int cur_col = *cur_col_p;char buffer1[MAX_COL_WIDTH];char buffer2[MAX_COL_WIDTH];if( cur_col == 0 ){return 1;}memcpy(buffer1, indata_p->data_p, indata_p->col_width); // the wallmemcpy(buffer2, getAddress(indata_p, cur_col-1, cur_row), indata_p->col_width);    if( memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, indata_p->col_width) == 0 ){return 1;}// else move to spacememcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row), buffer2, indata_p->col_width );memcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col-1, cur_row), buffer1, indata_p->col_width );*cur_col_p -= 1;//debug_output("Left");return 0;}int moveRight(input_data_t *indata_p, unsigned int *cur_col_p, unsigned int *cur_row_p){unsigned int cur_row = *cur_row_p;unsigned int cur_col = *cur_col_p;char buffer1[MAX_COL_WIDTH];char buffer2[MAX_COL_WIDTH];if( cur_col >= indata_p->col_num-1 ){return 1;}memcpy(buffer1, indata_p->data_p, indata_p->col_width); // the wallmemcpy(buffer2, getAddress(indata_p, cur_col+1, cur_row), indata_p->col_width);    if( memcmp( buffer1, buffer2, indata_p->col_width) == 0 ){return 1;}// else move to spacememcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col, cur_row), buffer2, indata_p->col_width );memcpy( getAddress(indata_p, cur_col+1, cur_row), buffer1, indata_p->col_width );*cur_col_p += 1;//debug_output("Right");return 0;}char decode_gene(char gene){return ( gene & 0xC0 );}// init the population with random geneint random_population( population_t *popu_p ){unsigned int i,j;chromo_t *chromo_p;char *data_p;for( i=0; i<popu_p->individual_num; i++ ){chromo_p = &popu_p->individual_array[i].chromo;data_p = chromo_p->data_p;for( j=0; j<(chromo_p->bits_per_gene*chromo_p->gene_num+8)/8; j++ ){data_p[j] = (char)getRand(256);}}return 0;}// active once with all individuals// 0 : no one success// 1 : some one success (with score 100)int active( population_t *popu_p ){unsigned int i,j,cur_col, cur_row;int ret;float score;float max_score = 0;int max_index=0;chromo_t *chromo_p;population_t next_popu;// caculate score of all individualfor( i=0; i<popu_p->individual_num; i++ ){ret = updateScore(&popu_p->individual_array[i]);if( ret == 1 ){debug_output("active: success!");return 1;}}// create the next genarationif( init_population( &next_popu, popu_p->individual_num ) == 0 ){crossover(popu_p, &next_popu);// after crossover, change popu_p to the next generationfor( i=0; i<popu_p->individual_num; i++ ){char *tmp;tmp = next_popu.individual_array[i].chromo.data_p;next_popu.individual_array[i].chromo.data_p = popu_p->individual_array[i].chromo.data_p;popu_p->individual_array[i].chromo.data_p = tmp;}for( i=0; i<popu_p->individual_num; i++ ){if( popu_p->individual_array[i].score > max_score ){max_score = popu_p->individual_array[i].score;max_index = i;}}free_population(&next_popu);}if( max_score >= 90 ){//showResult( &popu_p->individual_array[max_index].chromo );debug_output("near the end!");}mutation( popu_p );return 0;}int showResult( chromo_t *chromo_p ){unsigned int i,j,cur_col, cur_row;input_data_t indata;indata = initInputData("input.txt",2);cur_col = 0;cur_row = 1;for( i=0; i<chromo_p->gene_num; i++ ){char gene;char direction;gene = get_gene(chromo_p, i);direction = decode_gene(gene);switch(direction){case MOVE_UP:moveUp( &indata, &cur_col, &cur_row );repain(indata);break;case MOVE_DOWN:moveDown( &indata, &cur_col, &cur_row );repain(indata);break;case MOVE_LEFT:moveLeft( &indata, &cur_col, &cur_row );repain(indata);break;case MOVE_RIGHT:moveRight( &indata, &cur_col, &cur_row );repain(indata);break;default:debug_output("active: error direction.");break;}if( cur_col == indata.col_num - 1 ){debug_output("active: success!");break;}}return 0;}int main( int argc, char ** argv ){population_t popu;int i;int ret;init_population( &popu, 20 );random_population( &popu );    for( i=0; i<MAX_GENERATION; i++ ){ret = active( &popu );if( ret == 1 ){printf("success at %d genaration.\n", i+1);break;}}if( ret == 1 ){for( i=0; i<popu.individual_num; i++ ){if( popu.individual_array[i].score >= 99.9 ){showResult(&popu.individual_array[i].chromo);break;}}}free_population(&popu);    return 0;}void test_gene(){chromo_t chromo;char gene = 0x7F;init_chromo(&chromo, 2, 20);set_gene(&chromo, 3,gene);set_gene(&chromo, 4,gene);set_gene(&chromo, 5,gene);gene = get_gene(&chromo, 3);printf("%0x\n", gene);gene = get_gene(&chromo, 4);printf("%0x\n", gene);gene = get_gene(&chromo, 5);printf("%0x\n", gene);free_chromo(&chromo);}void test_input(){FILE *inFile = NULL;    double result = 0;double output = 0;double xList[5];double wList[5];int i;int size = 0;input_data_t indata;unsigned int row=1;unsigned int col=0;indata = initInputData("input.txt",2);repain(indata);for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ){int ret = getRand(4);switch (ret){case 0:moveUp(&indata, &col, &row);break;case 1:moveRight(&indata, &col, &row);break;case 2:moveDown(&indata, &col, &row);break;case 3:moveLeft(&indata, &col, &row);break;default:break;}repain(indata);}for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){xList[i] = i;wList[i] = 0.2;}    result = getActivation( xList, 5, wList, 5 );printf( "Activation = %f\n", result );output = getOutput( result );printf( "Output = %f\n", output );freeInputData(&indata);}

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