shell 常用命令之四 sed

来源:互联网 发布:新唐单片机官网 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 13:45

sed 可以 对文本文件和标准输入进行编辑(键盘输入、文件重定向、字符串、变量、管道文本)。

sed [选项] ‘sed 命令’   输入文件     //sed对输入文件进行处理

| sed [选项] ‘sed 命令’      //加一个管道,说明sed处理的是从管道中读取的数据,就没必要加   输入文件
当然也可以 cat /etc/passwd  |  sed -n '/root/p'  //显示以root关键字 开头的行





-e:表示键下一个字符串解释为sed 编辑命令


-i :表示在原文本中修改


x       :x为指定行号

x,y     :指定从x到y的行号范围

x,y!   :查询不包括从x到y的行号范围

/pattern/     :查询包含模式的行

/pattern/pattern/  :查询包含两个模式的行                                 //注意:模式间的分隔符不是写死的,可以随意改动,只要三个统一就可以

/pattern/,x         :从与模式匹配的行到x行号之间的行

x,/pattern/          :从第x行到与pattern相匹配的行之间的行


p            :打印匹配的行

=           :打印文件的行号

a\          :在定位行号之后追加文本信息

i\           :在定位行号之前追加文本信息

d          :删除定位行

c\       :用新的文本定位文本

s        :使用替换模式替换相应的模式

r         :从另一个文本中读文本

w         :将文本写入到一个文件

y         :变换字符


 [root@zhangna ~]# cat input    This is a Certificate Request file:    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:        /O=Grid/OU=GLOBUSTest/        The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.    /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem[root@zhangna ~]# sed '1p' input                                 //没有选项-n,结果:将第一行打印出来之后,会将整个文本打印出来    This is a Certificate Request file:    This is a Certificate Request file:    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:        /O=Grid/OU=GLOBUSTest/        The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.    /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem[root@zhangna ~]# sed '3p' input    This is a Certificate Request file:    It should be mailed to    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:        /O=Grid/OU=GLOBUSTest/        The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.    /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem[root@zhangna ~]# sed -n '3p' input                                       //加上选项-n,只打印选中的行    It should be mailed to[root@zhangna ~]# sed -n '3,6p' input                                     //打印3~6行    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:[root@zhangna ~]# sed -n '/certificate/p' input                          //打印与/certificate/匹配的行    The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.[root@zhangna ~]# sed -n '/Certificate/=' input16[root@zhangna ~]# sed -n -e '/Certificate/=' -e '/Certificate/p' input               //只有向sed命令传递多个编辑命令时用-e才有意义  ;;;;这是前两个命令汇在了一起1    This is a Certificate Request file:6    Certificate Subject:[root@zhangna ~]# [root@zhangna ~]# sed '/file:/a\this is a new add.' input                                //  a\表示追加到匹配行后    This is a Certificate Request file:this is a new add.    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:        /O=Grid/OU=GLOBUSTest/        The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.    /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem下面看一下参数-f 怎么使用<pre name="code" class="objc">[root@zhangna ~]# cat append.sed                       #!/bin/sed -f/file:/a\    We append a new line.\    So we are very happy.[root@zhangna ~]# ./append.sed input     This is a Certificate Request file:    We append a new line.    So we are very happy.    It should be mailed to    ==================================================================================    Certificate Subject:        /O=Grid/OU=GLOBUSTest/        The above string is konwn as your user certificate subject,and it uniquely identifies this user .$88    To install this user certificate ,please save this e-mail message into the following file.    /home/globus/.globus/usercert.pem

   在这在简单说一下-i的用法:sed -i  指定行号  /s被替换模式/替换成模式/    文件;当然模式间的分隔符可以随便修改,只要三个一样就行。

因此,还有一个表达形式:sed -i "行号"“s@”“str1”“@str2@”  文件    //注意: 黄色部分之间没有空格



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