End-To-End Memory Networks

来源:互联网 发布:mac版魔兽世界大脚插件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 16:42

Single Layer

A layer has two memroy: input memory,output memory. Parameters are ARd×|V|,BRd×|V|,CRd×|V|,WR|V|×d.

Input set x1,...,xi (one hot encoding or distribute encoding? probably the one hot.)

Input memory
The input memory represented by mi, the mi is computed by Axi, i.e. each mi is transformed from xi using A.

The query q is transformed to the internal state u using Bq. Then, compute the match probability pi between u and each memory mi using softmax:


so p is a probability vecotr over the inputs.

Output memory
Each xi is transformed to a output vecotr ci by Cxi. The response vector o from the memory computed by:


Generating final prediction
The predicted label formula:


Figure 1

Mutltiple Layers

With K hop operations, the memory layers are stacked in the following way:

  • The input tot layers above the first is the sum of the output ok and the input uk from layers k1(different ways to combine ok and uk are proposed later):


  • Each layer has its own embedding matrices Ak,Ck, used to embed the inputs xi.

  • At the top of network, the input W also combines the input and the output of the top memory layer:a^=softmax(Wuk+1)=softmax(W(oK+uK)).

Two types of weights tying:

  • Adjacent: the output embedding for one layer is the input embedding for the one above, i.e. Ak+1=Ck. also constrain (a) the answer prediction matrix to be the same as the final output embedding, i.e. WT=CK, and (b) the question embedding to match the input embedding of the first layer, i.e. B=A1.
  • Layer-wise (RNN-like): the input and output embeddings are the same across different layers, i.e. A1=A2=...=AK and C1=C2=...=CK. found it useful to add a linear mapping H to the update of u between hops; that is, uk+1=Huk+ok. This mapping is learned from data and used throughout experiments for layer-wise weight tying.
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