
来源:互联网 发布:三年自然灾害真相 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 02:20


/* * how to play: w->up, s->down, a->left, d->right, space->enter  */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <curses.h>#include <string.h>#include <setjmp.h>#define CWAY 'O'#define CSTONE '*'#define CCAT '@'#define CCAT_IN_CIRCLE '#'#define ROW 9#define COL 9#define INIT_STONE 10#define HEAP_SIZE ROW*COL+10enum Type {    WAY = 1,    STONE = 2,    CAT = 3,};enum Who {    PLAYER = 1,    COMPUTER = 2};enum Direction {    LEFT = 0,    LEFT_UP = 1,    RIGHT_UP = 2,    RIGHT = 3,    RIGHT_DOWN = 4,    LEFT_DOWN = 5};typedef struct Location {    int x, y;    enum Type type;    int cost, path;    int out;}Location;Location map[ROW][COL];Location computer, player;int inCircle = 0;const char *info[] = {"You win!", "You lost!"};jmp_buf jmpBuf;void init();void init_map();void draw_map();void draw_one(enum Type type);void get_left(Location cur, Location *get);void get_leftUp(Location cur, Location *get);void get_rightUp(Location cur, Location *get);void get_right(Location cur, Location *get);void get_rightDown(Location cur, Location *get);void get_leftDown(Location cur, Location *get);void get_round(Location cur, Location buf[]);int is_boundary(Location cur);void cal_onePath(Location *cur);void go_player();void go_computer();int min_path(Location cur);int max_cost(Location cur);void cal_roundCost(Location cur);void who_win(enum Who w);int is_inCircle(Location cur);void make_nextStep(Location *nextStep, int x, int y);void cal_allPath();void cal_allOut();//void test();int main(){_again:    if(setjmp(jmpBuf) != 0)        goto _again;    init();//  init_map();//  test();    while(1) {        go_player();        go_computer();    }    return 0;}void make_nextStep(Location *nextStep, int x, int y){    nextStep->x = x;    nextStep->y = y;    nextStep->type = map[x][y].type;    nextStep->cost = map[x][y].cost;    nextStep->path = map[x][y].path;    nextStep->out = map[x][y].out;}int is_inCircle(Location cur){    cal_allOut();    if(map[cur.x][cur.y].out == 0)        return 0;    else        return 1;}void cal_roundCost(Location cur){    Location buf[6], buf2[6];    int i, j;    get_round(cur, buf);    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)        map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].cost = 1;    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {        if(map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].type != WAY) {            continue;        }        else {            get_round(buf[i], buf2); //note!            for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) {                if(map[buf2[j].x][buf2[j].y].type == WAY)                    map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].cost++;            }        }    }}int max_cost(Location cur){    Location buf[6];    int i, nextStep, maxCost = 0;    cal_roundCost(cur);    get_round(cur, buf);    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)         if((map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].type == WAY) &&                 (maxCost < map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].cost)) {            maxCost = map[buf[i].x][buf[i].y].cost;            nextStep = i;        }    if(maxCost == 0)        who_win(PLAYER);    return nextStep;}void go_computer(){    int i;    int oldx = computer.x;    int oldy = computer.y;    Location buf[6];    if(is_boundary(computer))        who_win(COMPUTER);    if(is_inCircle(computer)) {        i = max_cost(computer);        inCircle = 1;    }    else         i = min_path(computer);    switch(i) {        case 0:            computer.y--;            break;        case 1:            if((computer.x % 2) == 0) {                computer.x--;                computer.y--;            }            else {                computer.x--;            }            break;        case 2:            if((computer.x % 2) == 0) {                computer.x--;                           }            else {                computer.x--;                computer.y++;            }            break;                  case 3:            computer.y++;            break;        case 4:            if((computer.x % 2) == 0) {                computer.x++;            }            else {                computer.x++;                computer.y++;            }            break;        case 5:            if((computer.x % 2) == 0) {                computer.x++;                computer.y--;            }            else {                computer.x++;            }            break;    } //end switch    if((oldx % 2) == 0)        move(oldx, oldy*2);    else        move(oldx, oldy*2+1);    draw_one(WAY);    map[oldx][oldy].type = WAY;    if((computer.x % 2) == 0)        move(computer.x, computer.y*2);    else        move(computer.x, computer.y*2+1);    draw_one(CAT);    map[computer.x][computer.y].type = CAT;}int min_path(Location cur){    Location buf[6];    int next_step = 0;    int minPath;    int i;    cal_allPath();    get_round(cur, buf);    minPath = 100;    for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {        if(buf[i].path < minPath) {            next_step = i;            minPath = buf[i].path;        }    }    if(minPath == 100)        who_win(PLAYER);    return next_step;}void who_win(enum Who w){    char ch;    move(9, 0);    if(w == COMPUTER)        printw("%s", info[1]);    else        printw("%s", info[0]);    refresh();    move(10, 1);    printw("try again?(y/n)");    refresh();    while(ch = getch()) {        if((ch == 'y') || (ch == 'Y')){            inCircle = 0;            longjmp(jmpBuf, 1);        }        else if((ch == 'n') || (ch == 'N')) {            move(11, 1);            printw("You will quit the game in 2 seconds");            refresh();            sleep(2);            endwin();            exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);        }        else {            move(11, 1);            printw("please input y or n");            refresh();        }    }}void go_player(){    int oldx, oldy;    enum Type oldType;    char ch;    oldx = player.x;    oldy = player.y;    oldType = map[player.x][player.y].type;    while(ch = getch()) {        switch(ch) {            case 'w':            case 'W':                if(player.x == 0)                    player.x = 8;                else                    player.x--;                break;            case 's':            case 'S':                if(player.x == 8)                    player.x = 0;                else                    player.x++;                break;            case 'a':            case 'A':                if(player.y == 0)                    player.y = 8;                else                    player.y--;                break;            case 'd':            case 'D':                if(player.y == 8)                    player.y = 0;                else                    player.y++;                break;            case ' ':                if((player.x % 2) == 0)                    move(player.x, player.y*2);                else                    move(player.x, player.y*2+1);                if(map[player.x][player.y].type != CAT) {                    attron(A_STANDOUT);                    draw_one(STONE);                    attroff(A_STANDOUT);                    map[player.x][player.y].type = STONE;                }                break;            default:                break;        }//end switch        if(ch == ' ') {            cal_allPath();            cal_allOut();            return;        }        if((oldx % 2) == 0)            move(oldx, oldy*2);        else            move(oldx, oldy*2+1);        draw_one(oldType);        oldType = map[player.x][player.y].type;        if((player.x % 2) == 0)            move(player.x, player.y*2);        else            move(player.x, player.y*2+1);        attron(A_STANDOUT);        draw_one(oldType);        attroff(A_STANDOUT);        oldx = player.x;        oldy = player.y;    } //end while}int is_boundary(Location cur){    int x = cur.x;    int y = cur.y;    if((x == 0) || (x == 8) || (y == 0) || (y == 8))        return 1;    return 0;}void get_left(Location cur, Location *get){    //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x][cur.y-1], sizeof(Location));    get->x = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].x;    get->y = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].y;    get->cost = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].cost;    get->path = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].path;    get->type = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].type;    get->out = map[cur.x][cur.y-1].out;}void get_leftUp(Location cur, Location *get){    if((cur.x % 2) == 0) {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].x;        get->y = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].path;        get->type = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].type;        get->out = map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1].out;    }    else {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].x;        get->y = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].path;        get->type = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].type;        get->out = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].out;    }}void get_rightUp(Location cur, Location *get){    if((cur.x % 2) == 0) {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].x;        get->y = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].path;        get->type = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].type;        get->out = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].out;    }    else {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].x;        get->y = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].path;        get->type = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].type;        get->out = map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1].out;    }}void get_right(Location cur, Location *get){//  memcpy(get, &map[cur.x][cur.y+1], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].x;        get->y = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].path;        get->type = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].type;        get->out = map[cur.x][cur.y+1].out;}void get_rightDown(Location cur, Location *get){    if((cur.x % 2) == 0) {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].x;        get->y = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].path;        get->type = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].type;        get->out = map[cur.x+1][cur.y].out;    }    else {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y+1], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].x;        get->y = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].path;        get->type = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].type;        get->out = map[cur.x+1][cur.y+1].out;    }}void get_leftDown(Location cur, Location *get){    if((cur.x % 2) == 0) {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y-1], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].x;        get->y = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].path;        get->type = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].type;        get->out = map[cur.x+1][cur.y-1].out;    }    else {        //memcpy(get, &map[cur.x-1][cur.y], sizeof(Location));        get->x = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].x;        get->y = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].y;        get->cost = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].cost;        get->path = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].path;        get->type = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].type;        get->out = map[cur.x-1][cur.y].out;    }}void get_round(Location cur, Location buf[]){    get_left(cur, &buf[0]);    get_leftUp(cur, &buf[1]);    get_rightUp(cur, &buf[2]);    get_right(cur, &buf[3]);    get_rightDown(cur, &buf[4]);    get_leftDown(cur, &buf[5]);}void init_map(){    int i, j, k, x, y;    for(i = 0; i < ROW; i++) {        for(j = 0; j < COL; j++) {            map[i][j].x = i;            map[i][j].y = j;            map[i][j].type = WAY;            map[i][j].cost = 0;            map[i][j].path = -100;            map[i][j].out = -1;        }    }    computer.x = 4;    computer.y = 4;    map[computer.x][computer.y].type = CAT;    for(i = 0; i < INIT_STONE; i++) {        x = rand() % ROW;        y = rand() % COL;        if((x == computer.x) && (y == computer.y))             continue;        map[x][y].type = STONE;        map[x][y].path = 100;    }    player.x = 4;    player.y = 5;    player.type = map[player.x][player.y].type;    //calulate all path    for(i = 0, j = 0; i <= 4 ; i++, j++) {        for(k = j; k <= (8-j); k++) {            cal_onePath(&map[i][k]);            cal_onePath(&map[8-i][k]);        }        for(k = i; k <= (8-i); k++) {            cal_onePath(&map[k][j]);            cal_onePath(&map[k][8-j]);        }    }    cal_allOut();}void cal_allOut(){    int i, j, k, l, end;    Location cur, buf[6];    //init all out    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {        for(j = 0; j < 9; j++) {            map[i][j].out = -1;        }    }    //init boundary out    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {        if(map[0][i].type != STONE)            map[0][i].out = 0;        if(map[8][i].type != STONE)            map[8][i].out = 0;        if(map[i][0].type != STONE)            map[i][0].out = 0;        if(map[i][8].type != STONE)            map[i][8].out = 0;    }/*    for(i = 1, j = 1, end = 7; i <= 4; i++, j++, end -= 2) {        for(k = 0; k < end; k++) {            if(map[i+k][j+k].type != STONE) {                get_round(map[i+k][j+k], buf);                for(l = 0; l < 6; l++) {                    if(map[buf[l].x][buf[l].y].out == 0) {                        map[i+k][j+k].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    for(i = 7, j = 7, end = 7; i >= 4; i--, j--, end -= 2) {        for(k = 0; k < end; k++) {            if(map[i-k][j-k].type != STONE) {                get_round(map[i-k][j-k], buf);                for(l = 0; l < 6; l++) {                    if(map[buf[l].x][buf[l].y].out == 0) {                        map[i-k][j-k].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }*/    //init other, (1,1)->(7,7)    for(i = 1; i < 8; i++) {        for(j = 1; j < 8; j++ ) {            if(map[i][j].type != STONE) {                get_round(map[i][j], buf);                for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) {                    if(map[buf[k].x][buf[k].y].out == 0) {                        map[i][j].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }                                               }        }    }    //init other, (7,7)->(1,1)    for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {        for(j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {            if((map[i][j].type != STONE) && (map[i][j].out == -1)) {                get_round(map[i][j], buf);                for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) {                    if(map[buf[k].x][buf[k].y].out == 0) {                        map[i][j].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    //init other, (7,1)->(1,7)    for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {        for(j = 1; j < 8; j++) {            if((map[i][j].type != STONE) && (map[i][j].out == -1)) {                get_round(map[i][j], buf);                for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) {                    if(map[buf[k].x][buf[k].y].out == 0) {                        map[i][j].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }    //init other, (1,7)->(7,1)    for(i = 1; i < 8; i++) {        for(j = 7; j >= 0; j--) {            if((map[i][j].type != STONE) && (map[i][j].out == -1)) {                get_round(map[i][j], buf);                for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) {                    if(map[buf[k].x][buf[k].y].out == 0) {                        map[i][j].out = 0;                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }}void cal_allPath(){    int i, j, k;    for(i = 0, j = 0; i <= 4 ; i++, j++) {        for(k = j; k <= (8-j); k++) {            cal_onePath(&map[i][k]);            cal_onePath(&map[8-i][k]);        }        for(k = i; k <= (8-i); k++) {            cal_onePath(&map[k][j]);            cal_onePath(&map[k][8-j]);        }    }}void cal_onePath(Location *cur){    int min, i;    Location buf[6];    if(cur->type == STONE)        min = 100;     else {         if(is_boundary((*cur)))            min =  0;        else {            get_round((*cur), buf);            min = 100;            for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {                if(min > abs(buf[i].path)) {                    min = buf[i].path;                              }            }            if(min != 100)                min++;        }     }    cur->path = min;}void draw_one(enum Type type){    switch(type) {        case WAY:            addch(CWAY);            break;        case STONE:            addch(CSTONE);            break;        case CAT:            if(inCircle)                addch(CCAT_IN_CIRCLE);            else                addch(CCAT);            break;        default:            addch(' ');            break;    }    refresh();}void draw_map(){    int i, j;    for(i = 0; i < ROW; i++) {        for(j = 0; j < COL; j++) {            if((i % 2) == 0) {                move(i, 2*j);                draw_one(map[i][j].type);                           }            else {                move(i, 2*j+1);                draw_one(map[i][j].type);            }        }    }}void init() {    initscr();    clear();    refresh();    cbreak();    noecho();    curs_set(0);    srand(time(NULL));    init_map();    draw_map();    inCircle = 0;}/*void test(){    int i, j;    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {        for(j = 0; j < 9; j++) {            if((i % 2) == 0)                printf("%3d    ",  map[i][j].path);            else                printf("    %3d", map[i][j].path);        }        printf("\n");    }}*/





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