
来源:互联网 发布:a5创业网源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 11:58













(1)确定最优解所在区间[a,b] (进退法)
(2)在[a, b]内,找到极小值(黄金分割法和平分法)

:如何在实际应用中,选择[a, b],函数f是什么样子的?这些问题需要讨论。整个优化的目标是:找到最优θ,使得代价CostJ最小。故此f=CostJ

拟牛顿法 – DFP法


拟牛顿法 – BFGS法



Python2.7需要安装pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib。
numpy–http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/ –这里面也可以找到较新的scipy –

# coding = utf-8'''time: 2015.06.03author: yujianminobjection: BGD / SGD / mini-batch GD / QNGD / DFP / BFGS 实现了批量梯度下降、单个梯度下降; 最速下降法、牛顿下降法、阻尼牛顿法、拟牛顿DFP和BFGS'''import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport scipy as spimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltdata = pd.read_csv("C:\\Users\\yujianmin\\Desktop\\python\\arraydataR.csv")print(data.ix[1:5, :])dataArray = np.array(data)'''x = dataArray[:, 0]y = dataArray[:, 1]plt.plot(x, y, 'o')plt.title('data is like this')plt.xlabel('x feature')plt.ylabel('y label')plt.show()'''def Myfunction_BGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' Batch Gradient Descent    :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        H = np.dot(x,theta)        J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)        print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))        costJ.append(J)        Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow        Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)        if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:            return theta, costJ        else:            ## update            theta = theta + alpha * Gradient        i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_SGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' Stochastic Gradient Descent    :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    Loop = 0    costJ = []    while Loop <numIter:        H = np.dot(x,theta)        J = np.sum((y-H)**2)/(2*nRow)        print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(Loop+1,J))        costJ.append(J)        i = 0        while i <nRow:            Gradient = (y[i] - np.dot(x[i], theta)) * x[i]            Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)            theta = theta + alpha * Gradient            i = i + 1        #eplise = 0.4        Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow        if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:            return theta, costJ        Loop = Loop + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_NGD1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha*[f'']^(-1)*f'    :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://www.doc88.com/p-145660070193.html    :hessian = transpos(x) * x     '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    while i < numIter:        H = np.dot(x,theta)        J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)        ## update        print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))        costJ.append(J)        Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow        Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)        #eplise = 0.4        if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<=eplise:            return theta, costJ        Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow        theta = theta + alpha * np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)        #theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)        i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_NGD2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - [f'']^(-1)*f'    :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://www.doc88.com/p-145660070193.html    :hessian = transpos(x) * x     '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    while i < numIter:        H = np.dot(x,theta)        J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)        ## update        print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))        costJ.append(J)        Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow        Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)        #eplise = 0.4        if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient)) <= eplise:            return theta, costJ        Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow        theta = theta + np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)        i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_QNGD(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' Newton Gradient Descent -- theta := theta - alpha* [f'']^(-1)*f'--            alpha is search by ForwardAndBack method and huang jin fen ge     :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://www.doc88.com/p-145660070193.html    :hessian = transpos(x) * x     '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        H = np.dot(x,theta)        J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)        ## update        print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))        costJ.append(J)        Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow        Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)        if np.sum(np.fabs(Gradient))<= eplise:            return theta, costJ        else:            Hessian = np.dot(np.transpose(x), x)/nRow            Dk = - np.dot(np.linalg.inv(Hessian), Gradient)            ## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha            ## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}            alpha0 = 0            h = np.random.random(1)            alpha1 = alpha0            alpha2 = alpha0 + h            theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk            theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk            f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)            f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)            Loop = 1            a = 0            b = 0            while Loop >0:                print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)                Loop = Loop + 1                if f1 > f2:                    h = 2*h                else:                    h = -h                    (alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)                    (f1, f2) = (f2, f1)                alpha3 = alpha2 + h                theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk                f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)                print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))                if f3 > f2:                    a = min(alpha1, alpha3)                    b = max(alpha1, alpha3)                    break                if f3 <= f2:                    alpha1 = alpha2                    alpha2 = alpha3                    f1 = f2                     f2 = f3            ## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa             e = 0.01            while Loop >0:                alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)                alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)                theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk                theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk                f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)                f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)                if f1 > f2:                    a = alpha1                if f1< f2:                    b = alpha2                if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:                    alpha = (a+b)/2                    break            print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)            theta = theta + alpha * Dk        i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_DFP2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk               --alpha is searched by huangjin method               --satisfied argmin{f(theta+alpha*Dk)}##    :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://blog.pfan.cn/miaowei/52925.html    :reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##    :hessian is estimated by DFP method.    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)    H = np.dot(x,theta)    J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)    #costJ.append(J)    Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow    Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)    Dk = - Gradient    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##            return theta, costJ        else:            ## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)            ## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha            ## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}            alpha0 = 0            h = np.random.random(1)            alpha1 = alpha0            alpha2 = alpha0 + h            theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk            theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk            f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)            f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)            Loop = 1            a = 0            b = 0            while Loop >0:                print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)                Loop = Loop + 1                if f1 > f2:                    h = 2*h                else:                    h = -h                    (alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)                    (f1, f2) = (f2, f1)                alpha3 = alpha2 + h                theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk                f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)                print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))                if f3 > f2:                    a = min(alpha1, alpha3)                    b = max(alpha1, alpha3)                    break                if f3 <= f2:                    alpha1 = alpha2                    alpha2 = alpha3                    f1 = f2                     f2 = f3            ## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa             e = 0.01            while Loop >0:                alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)                alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)                theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk                theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk                f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)                f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)                if f1 > f2:                    a = alpha1                if f1< f2:                    b = alpha2                if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:                    alpha = (a+b)/2                    break            print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)            theta_old = theta            theta = theta + alpha * Dk            ## update the Hessian matrix ##            H = np.dot(x,theta)            J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)            ## update             print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))            costJ.append(J)            # here to estimate Hessian'inv #            # sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient            sk = theta - theta_old            #yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)            DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow            DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow            yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)            #z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix            #z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value            z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)            z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)            #z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix            #z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value            z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)            z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)            DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4            Hessian = Hessian + DHessian            Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))        i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_DFP1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' DFP -- theta := theta + alpha * Dk               alpha is fixed ##    :type data: array     :param data: contain x and y(label)     :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://blog.pfan.cn/miaowei/52925.html    :reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##    :hessian is estimated by DFP method.    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)    H = np.dot(x,theta)    J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)    #costJ.append(J)    Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow    Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)    Dk = - Gradient    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##            return theta, costJ        else:            ## find alpha that min f(thetaK + alpha * Dk)            ## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'            alpha = alpha            theta_old = theta            theta = theta + alpha * Dk            ## update the Hessian matrix ##            H = np.dot(x,theta)            J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)            ## update             print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))            costJ.append(J)            # here to estimate Hessian'inv #            # sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient            sk = theta - theta_old            #yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)            DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow            DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow            yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)            #z1 = (sk * sk') # a matrix            #z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value            z1 = sk * np.transpose(sk)            z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)            #z3 = (H * yk * yk' * H) # a matrix            #z4 = (yk' * H * yk) # a value            z3 = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(Hessian, yk), np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)            z4 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian),yk)            DHessian = z1/z2 - z3/z4            Hessian = Hessian + DHessian            Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))            i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_BFGS1(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' BFGS     :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://blog.pfan.cn/miaowei/52925.html    :reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##    :hessian is estimated by BFGS method.    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)    H = np.dot(x,theta)    J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)    #costJ.append(J)    Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow    Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)    Dk = - Gradient    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##            return theta, costJ        else:            ## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)            ## here for simple alpha is parameter 'alpha'            alpha = alpha            theta_old = theta            theta = theta + alpha * Dk            ## update the Hessian matrix ##            H = np.dot(x,theta)            J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)            ## update             print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))            costJ.append(J)            # here to estimate Hessian #            # sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient            sk = theta - theta_old            #yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)            DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow            DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow            yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)            #z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value            #z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value            z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)            z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)            #z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix            #z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix            z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))            z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)            DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2            Hessian = Hessian + DHessian            Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))            i = i + 1    return theta, costJdef Myfunction_BFGS2(data, alpha, numIter, eplise):    ''' BFGS     :type data: array      :param data: contain x and y(label)    :type step: int/float numeric    :param step: length of step when update the theta    :reference:http://blog.pfan.cn/miaowei/52925.html    :reference:http://max.book118.com/html/2012/1025/3119007.shtm ## important ##    :hessian is estimated by BFGS method.    '''    nCol = data.shape[1]-1    nRow = data.shape[0]    print nCol    print nRow    x = data[:, :nCol]    print x[1:5, :]    z = np.ones(nRow).reshape(nRow, 1)    x = np.hstack((z, x))  ## vstack merge like rbind in R; hstack like cbind in R;    y = data[:, (nCol)].reshape(nRow, 1)    #theta = np.random.random(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    theta = np.ones(nCol+1).reshape(nCol+1, 1)    i = 0    costJ = []    Hessian = np.eye(nCol+1)    H = np.dot(x,theta)    J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)    #costJ.append(J)    Gradient = (np.dot(np.transpose(y-H),x))/nRow    Gradient = Gradient.reshape(nCol+1, 1)    Dk = - Gradient    #eplise = 0.4    while i < numIter:        if(np.sum(np.fabs(Dk)) <= eplise ): ## stop condition ##            return theta, costJ        else:            ## find alpha that min J(thetaK + alpha * Dk)            alpha = alpha            ## find optimal [a,b] which contain optimal alpha            ## optimal alpha lead to min{f(theta + alpha*DK)}            '''            alpha0 = 0            h = np.random.random(1)            alpha1 = alpha0            alpha2 = alpha0 + h            theta1 = theta + alpha1 * Dk            theta2 = theta + alpha2 * Dk            f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)            f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)            Loop = 1            a = 0            b = 0            while Loop >0:                print(' find [a,b] loop is %d' %Loop)                Loop = Loop + 1                if f1 > f2:                    h = 2*h                else:                    h = -h                    (alpha1, alpha2) = (alpha2, alpha1)                    (f1, f2) = (f2, f1)                alpha3 = alpha2 + h                theta3 = theta + alpha3 * Dk                f3 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta3))**2))/(2*nRow)                print('f3 - f2 is %f' %(f3-f2))                if f3 > f2:                    a = min(alpha1, alpha3)                    b = max(alpha1, alpha3)                    break                if f3 <= f2:                    alpha1 = alpha2                    alpha2 = alpha3                    f1 = f2                     f2 = f3            ## find optiaml alpha in [a,b] using huang jin fen ge fa             e = 0.01            while Loop >0:                alpha1 = a + 0.382 * (b - a)                alpha2 = a + 0.618 * (b - a)                theta1 = theta + alpha1* Dk                theta2 = theta + alpha2* Dk                f1 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta1))**2))/(2*nRow)                f2 = (np.sum((y-np.dot(x, theta2))**2))/(2*nRow)                if f1 > f2:                    a = alpha1                if f1< f2:                    b = alpha2                if np.fabs(a-b) <= e:                    alpha = (a+b)/2                    break            print('optimal alpha is %f' % alpha)            '''            ## Get Dk and update Hessian            theta_old = theta            theta = theta + alpha * Dk            ## update the Hessian matrix ##            H = np.dot(x,theta)            J = (np.sum((y-H)**2))/(2*nRow)            ## update             print('Itering %d ;cost is:%f' %(i+1,J))            costJ.append(J)            # here to estimate Hessian #            # sk = ThetaNew - ThetaOld = alpha * inv(H) * Gradient            sk = theta - theta_old            #yk = DelX(k+1) - DelX(k)            DelXK = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta)),x))/nRow            DelXk = - (np.dot(np.transpose(y-np.dot(x, theta_old)),x))/nRow            yk = (DelXK - DelXk).reshape(nCol+1, 1)            #z1 = yk' * H * yk # a value            #z2 = (sk' * yk) # a value            z1 = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(yk), Hessian), yk)            z2 = np.dot(np.transpose(sk),yk)            #z3 = sk * sk' # a matrix            #z4 = sk * yk' * H # a matrix            z3 = np.dot(sk, np.transpose(sk))            z4 = np.dot(np.dot(sk, np.transpose(yk)), Hessian)            DHessian = (1+z1/z2) * (z3/z2) - z4/z2            Hessian = Hessian + DHessian            Dk = - np.dot(Hessian, DelXK.reshape(nCol+1,1))            i = i + 1    return theta, costJ## test ##num = 10000#theta, costJ = Myfunction_BGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ###theta, costJ = Myfunction_SGD(dataArray, alpha=0.00005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4)#theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ###theta, costJ = Myfunction_NGD2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is 1 ###theta, costJ = Myfunction_QNGD(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ###theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fixed ###theta, costJ = Myfunction_DFP2(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is searched ##theta, costJ = Myfunction_BFGS1(dataArray, alpha=0.0005, numIter=num, eplise=0.4) ## alpha is fxied ##print thetaklen = len(costJ)leng = np.linspace(1, klen, klen)plt.plot(leng, costJ)plt.show()



0   28.224016691   33.249216932   35.820842773   36.870968784   30.984885315   38.782212966   38.467533247   41.960658458   36.826564139   35.508112110  35.7464718111  36.1711098712  37.5116599913  41.2710925714  44.0384267715  48.0300170516  45.5040184317  45.0263560818  51.7057403419  46.7635988120  52.648759521  48.8138359322  50.6945125423  55.5420040324  54.5563958625  53.1903622326  58.8926909127  54.7888425128  57.903395129  62.2111496730  64.5102546831  62.2071053732  62.9473630433  60.3044793334  65.3204440635  65.8290345236  66.3787221637  69.7564055338  66.0211259439  65.8711903940  74.2720975141  67.5766162842  73.1944408843  69.453311744  74.9112981745  71.2118760946  77.096254547  81.9506683748  78.0463683849  83.4284252650  80.4021756351  78.6865020652  82.9139521553  85.0966311554  88.7154090755  87.7395556  89.1865477657  91.0933744158  83.9561442259  93.3068317960  93.2761859661  88.0785923862  89.1066785663  95.6144366664  93.3989910665  94.3825875866  96.8764180267  96.8789694668  97.009441269  100.07611570  104.761990571  100.791709372  99.8552336273  106.901849474  103.606106375  103.410505876  106.430457677  110.735724978  107.042045579  107.283422180  113.929949681  111.218762782  116.410059683  108.023725684  112.777359285  117.346495786  117.197680787  120.053852188  114.458496489  122.2860022



Batch Gradient Descent
Batch Gradient Descent- 批量梯度下降法

Stochastic Gradient Descent
Stochastic Gradient Descent- 随机梯度下降法








from: http://dataunion.org/20714.html

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