
来源:互联网 发布:php 合并二维数组 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 02:15





#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include <tld_utils.h>#include <iostream>#include <sstream>  //c++中的sstream类,提供了程序和string对象之间的I/O,可以通过ostringstream//和instringstream两个类来声明对象,分别对应输出流和输入流#include <TLD.h>#include <stdio.h>using namespace cv;using namespace std;//Global variablesRect box;bool drawing_box = false;bool gotBB = false;bool tl = true;bool rep = false;bool fromfile=false;string video;//读取记录bounding box的文件,获得bounding box的四个参数:左上角坐标x,y和宽高/*如在\datasets\06_car\init.txt中:记录了初始目标的bounding box,内容如下142,125,232,164   */void readBB(char* file){  ifstream bb_file (file);  //以输入方式打开文件  string line;  //istream& getline ( istream& , string& );  //将输入流is中读到的字符存入str中,终结符默认为 '\n'(换行符)   getline(bb_file, line);  istringstream linestream(line); //istringstream对象可以绑定一行字符串,然后以空格为分隔符把该行分隔开来。  string x1,y1,x2,y2;    //istream& getline ( istream &is , string &str , char delim );   //将输入流is中读到的字符存入str中,直到遇到终结符delim才结束。  getline (linestream,x1, ',');  getline (linestream,y1, ',');  getline (linestream,x2, ',');  getline (linestream,y2, ',');    //atoi 功 能: 把字符串转换成整型数  int x = atoi(x1.c_str());// = (int)file["bb_x"];  int y = atoi(y1.c_str());// = (int)file["bb_y"];  int w = atoi(x2.c_str())-x;// = (int)file["bb_w"];  int h = atoi(y2.c_str())-y;// = (int)file["bb_h"];  box = Rect(x,y,w,h);}//bounding box mouse callback//鼠标的响应就是得到目标区域的范围,用鼠标选中bounding box。void mouseHandler(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param){  switch( event ){  case CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:    if (drawing_box){        box.width = x-box.x;        box.height = y-box.y;    }    break;  case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:    drawing_box = true;    box = Rect( x, y, 0, 0 );    break;  case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP:    drawing_box = false;    if( box.width < 0 ){        box.x += box.width;        box.width *= -1;    }    if( box.height < 0 ){        box.y += box.height;        box.height *= -1;    }    gotBB = true;   //已经获得bounding box    break;  }}void print_help(char** argv){  printf("use:\n     %s -p /path/parameters.yml\n",argv[0]);  printf("-s    source video\n-b        bounding box file\n-tl  track and learn\n-r     repeat\n");}//分析运行程序时的命令行参数void read_options(int argc, char** argv, VideoCapture& capture, FileStorage &fs){  for (int i=0;i<argc;i++){      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-b")==0){          if (argc>i){              readBB(argv[i+1]);  //是否指定初始的bounding box              gotBB = true;          }          else            print_help(argv);      }      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0){   //从视频文件中读取          if (argc>i){              video = string(argv[i+1]);    ;              fromfile = true;          }          else            print_help(argv);      }  //Similar in format to XML, Yahoo! Markup Language (YML) provides functionality to Open   //Applications in a safe and standardized fashion. You include YML tags in the HTML code  //of an Open Application.      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0){   //读取参数文件parameters.yml          if (argc>i){  //FileStorage类的读取方式可以是:FileStorage fs(".\\parameters.yml", FileStorage::READ);      [i+1], FileStorage::READ);          }          else            print_help(argv);      }      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-no_tl")==0){  //To train only in the first frame (no tracking, no learning)          tl = false;      }      if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0){  //Repeat the video, first time learns, second time detects          rep = true;      }  }}/*运行程序时:%To run from camera./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml%To run from file./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg%To init bounding box from file./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt%To train only in the first frame (no tracking, no learning)./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt -no_tl %To test the final detector (Repeat the video, first time learns, second time detects)./run_tld -p ../parameters.yml -s ../datasets/06_car/car.mpg -b ../datasets/06_car/init.txt -r*///感觉就是对起始帧进行初始化工作,然后逐帧读入图片序列,进行算法处理。int main(int argc, char * argv[]){  VideoCapture capture;;    //OpenCV的C++接口中,用于保存图像的imwrite只能保存整数数据,且需作为图像格式。当需要保存浮  //点数据或XML/YML文件时,OpenCV的C语言接口提供了cvSave函数,但这一函数在C++接口中已经被删除。  //取而代之的是FileStorage类。  FileStorage fs;  //Read options  read_options(argc, argv, capture, fs);  //分析命令行参数  //Init camera  if (!capture.isOpened())  {cout << "capture device failed to open!" << endl;    return 1;  }  //Register mouse callback to draw the bounding box  cvNamedWindow("TLD",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);  cvSetMouseCallback( "TLD", mouseHandler, NULL );  //用鼠标选中初始目标的bounding box  //TLD framework  TLD tld;  //Read parameters file;  Mat frame;  Mat last_gray;  Mat first;  if (fromfile){  //如果指定为从文件读取      capture >> frame;   //读当前帧      cvtColor(frame, last_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);  //转换为灰度图像      frame.copyTo(first);  //拷贝作为第一帧  }else{   //如果为读取摄像头,则设置获取的图像大小为320x240       capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,340);  //340??      capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT,240);  }  ///InitializationGETBOUNDINGBOX:   //标号:获取bounding box  while(!gotBB)  {    if (!fromfile){      capture >> frame;    }    else      first.copyTo(frame);    cvtColor(frame, last_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);    drawBox(frame,box);  //把bounding box 画出来    imshow("TLD", frame);    if (cvWaitKey(33) == 'q')    return 0;  }  //由于图像片(min_win 为15x15像素)是在bounding box中采样得到的,所以box必须比min_win要大  if (min(box.width, box.height)<(int)fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()["min_win"]){      cout << "Bounding box too small, try again." << endl;      gotBB = false;      goto GETBOUNDINGBOX;  }  //Remove callback  cvSetMouseCallback( "TLD", NULL, NULL );  //如果已经获得第一帧用户框定的box了,就取消鼠标响应  printf("Initial Bounding Box = x:%d y:%d h:%d w:%d\n",box.x,box.y,box.width,box.height);  //Output file  FILE  *bb_file = fopen("bounding_boxes.txt","w");    //TLD initialization  tld.init(last_gray, box, bb_file);  ///Run-time  Mat current_gray;  BoundingBox pbox;  vector<Point2f> pts1;  vector<Point2f> pts2;  bool status=true;  //记录跟踪成功与否的状态 lastbox been found  int frames = 1;  //记录已过去帧数  int detections = 1;  //记录成功检测到的目标box数目  REPEAT:  while({    //get frame    cvtColor(frame, current_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);    //Process Frame    tld.processFrame(last_gray, current_gray, pts1, pts2, pbox, status, tl, bb_file);    //Draw Points    if (status){  //如果跟踪成功      drawPoints(frame,pts1);      drawPoints(frame,pts2,Scalar(0,255,0));  //当前的特征点用蓝色点表示      drawBox(frame,pbox);      detections++;    }    //Display    imshow("TLD", frame);    //swap points and images    swap(last_gray, current_gray);  //STL函数swap()用来交换两对象的值。其泛型化版本定义于<algorithm>;    pts1.clear();    pts2.clear();    frames++;    printf("Detection rate: %d/%d\n", detections, frames);    if (cvWaitKey(33) == 'q')      break;  }  if (rep){    rep = false;    tl = false;    fclose(bb_file);    bb_file = fopen("final_detector.txt","w");    //capture.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO,0);    capture.release();;    goto REPEAT;  }  fclose(bb_file);  return 0;}



#include <tld_utils.h>using namespace cv;using namespace std;/*vector是C++标准模板库STL中的部分内容,它是一个多功能的,能够操作多种数据结构和算法的模板类和函数库。vector之所以被认为是一个容器,是因为它能够像容器一样存放各种类型的对象,简单地说,vector是一个能够存放任意类型的动态数组,能够增加和压缩数据。为了可以使用vector,必须在你的头文件中包含下面的代码:#include <vector>vector属于std命名域的,因此需要通过命名限定,如下完成你的代码:using std::vector;*/void drawBox(Mat& image, CvRect box, Scalar color, int thick){  rectangle( image, cvPoint(box.x, box.y), cvPoint(box.x+box.width,box.y+box.height),color, thick);} //函数 cvRound, cvFloor, cvCeil 用一种舍入方法将输入浮点数转换成整数。//cvRound 返回和参数最接近的整数值。 cvFloor 返回不大于参数的最大整数值。//cvCeil 返回不小于参数的最小整数值。void drawPoints(Mat& image, vector<Point2f> points,Scalar color){  for( vector<Point2f>::const_iterator i = points.begin(), ie = points.end(); i != ie; ++i )      {      Point center( cvRound(i->x ), cvRound(i->y));  //类似于int i(3)的初始化,但center为何没用到?      circle(image,*i,2,color,1);      }}Mat createMask(const Mat& image, CvRect box){  Mat mask = Mat::zeros(image.rows,image.cols,CV_8U);  drawBox(mask,box,Scalar::all(255),CV_FILLED);  return mask;}//STL中的nth_element()方法找出一个数列中排名第n的那个数。//对于序列a[0:len-1]将第n大的数字,排在a[n],同时a[0:n-1]都小于a[n],a[n+1:]都大于a[n],//但a[n]左右的这两个序列不一定有序。//用在中值流跟踪算法中,寻找中值float median(vector<float> v){    int n = floor(v.size() / 2);    nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin()+n, v.end());    return v[n];}//<algorithm> //random_shuffle的头文件//shuffle 洗牌  首先简单的介绍一个扑克牌洗牌的方法,假设一个数组 poker[52] 中存有一副扑克//牌1-52的牌点值,使用一个for循环遍历这个数组,每次循环都生成一个[0,52)之间的随机数RandNum,//以RandNum为数组下标,把当前下标对应的值和RandNum对应位置的值交换,循环结束,每个牌都与某个//位置交换了一次,这样一副牌就被打乱了。 理解代码如下:/*for (int i = 0; i < 52; ++i)  {      int RandNum = rand() % 52;        int tmp = poker[i];      poker[i] = poker[RandNum];      poker[RandNum] = tmp;  } *///需要指定范围内的随机数,传统的方法是使用ANSI C的函数random(),然后格式化结果以便结果是落在//指定的范围内。但是,使用这个方法至少有两个缺点。做格式化时,结果常常是扭曲的,且只支持整型数。//C++中提供了更好的解决方法,那就是STL中的random_shuffle()算法。产生指定范围内的随机元素集的最佳方法//是创建一个顺序序列(也就是向量或者内置数组),在这个顺序序列中含有指定范围的所有值。//例如,如果你需要产生100个0-99之间的数,那么就创建一个向量并用100个按升序排列的数填充向量.//填充完向量之后,用random_shuffle()算法打乱元素排列顺序。//默认的random_shuffle中, 被操作序列的index 与 rand() % N 两个位置的值交换,来达到乱序的目的。//index_shuffle()用于产生指定范围[begin:end]的随机数,返回随机数数组vector<int> index_shuffle(int begin,int end){  vector<int> indexes(end-begin);  for (int i=begin;i<end;i++){    indexes[i]=i;  }  random_shuffle(indexes.begin(),indexes.end());  return indexes;}
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