
来源:互联网 发布:文字壁纸制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:21

Forever Young

let's dance in style, lets dance for a while
heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
hoping for the best but expecting the worst
are you going to drop the bomb or not?
let us die young or let us live forever
we don't have the power but we never say never
sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
the music's for the sad men
can you imagine when this race is won
turn our golden faces into the sun
praising our leaders we're getting in tune
the music's played by the madmen

forever young, i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever, forever and ever
forever young, i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever, forever young

some are like water, some are like the heat
some are a melody and some are the beat
sooner or later they all will be gone
why don't they stay young
it's so hard to get old without a cause
i don't want to perish like a fading horse
youth is like diamonds in the sun
and diamonds are forever
so many adventures couldn't happen today
so many songs we forgot to play
so many dreams are swinging out of the blue
we let them come true

        也许有许多话永远也不可能从你期望的人的口中说出,这会是你最大的悲哀与痛苦吗!原谅她吧,其实她已在心里默念千遍了……她终于还是会说出的。如果心还没有安定,那么请永远不要说放弃,如果暂时不能在一起,请你同样原谅他,请相信今天的等待是为了明天决不会失望的相聚,请相信欢笑泪水的约定只会提前不会迟来……爱属于那些曾灰心失望却仍继续期待的人,爱属于那些纵然伤痕累累却仍渴求爱的人…… 什么才是最快乐的人?他们会是哭过的人,受过伤的人,追求过的人,尝试过的人,充满感激的人,而又重新快乐起来生活的人!会是真正懂得快乐的人!



