
来源:互联网 发布:魔兽数据库手机版7.25 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 07:46
<%'**************************************************************************' CLASS: cRandom'Calls randomize to seed the random number generator.'Provides functions for returning ranged random integers or arrays of'ranged random integers.'**************************************************************************class cRandom' Calling randomize to seed the random number generator at the time the ' class is created seemed like a reasonable thing to do.private sub Class_Initialize()' Check the VBScript documentation for the specifics relating' to the Randomize functionRandomizeend sub' Terminate doesn't need to do anything for this classprivate sub Class_Terminate()end sub'**********************************************************************' FUNCTION:RangedRandom' PARAMETER:lowerBound, the lowest allowable number to return' PARAMETER:upperBound, the highest allowable number to return' RETURNS:A random integer between lowerBound and UpperBound,'inclusive'**********************************************************************public function RangedRandom( lowerBound, upperBound )RangedRandom = CInt((upperBound - lowerBound) * Rnd + lowerBound)end function'**********************************************************************' FUNCTION:  RangedRandomArray' PARAMETER: lowerBound, the lowest allowable number to return' PARAMETER: upperBound, the highest allowable number to return' PARAMETER: arraySize, zero based number specifying the size of the array' PARAMETER: duplicates, true or false to indicate whether duplicate'            random values are allowed in the array' RETURNS: A single dimension array sized to match the arraySize ' parameter, containing random integers between lowerBound and ' upperBound, inclusive'**********************************************************************public function RangedRandomArray(lowerBound, upperBound, arraySize, duplicates)dim tempArray()dim filledElements, tempValue, badValue, i' resize the tempArray to hold the number of elements passed in the' arraySize parameterredim tempArray(arraySize)' This is a loop counter, set it to 0filledElements = 0' loop until filledElements is equal to the arraySize + 1do until filledElements = arraySize + 1' Call the RangedRandom function with the lowerBound and upperBoundparameterstempValue = RangedRandom( lowerBound, upperBound )' Handle the case where we don't want duplicate valuesif duplicates = false thenbadValue = falsefor i = 0 to UBound(tempArray)' check if the new random value already exists in the array' if it does set the badValue flag to true and break out of the loopif tempValue = tempArray(i) thenbadValue = trueexit forend ifnext if badValue = false thentempArray(filledElements) = tempValuefilledElements = filledElements + 1end ifelse' Handle the case where duplicate values in the array are acceptabletempArray(filledElements) = tempValuefilledElements = filledElements + 1end ifloop' return the arrayRangedRandomArray = tempArrayend functionend class%><%' All the code that follows is example code showing the use of the' cRandom class.dim objRandomdim flipdim randomArraydim rowsToTestdim i, j' create an instance of our classset objRandom = new cRandom' set the number of iterations that we want to testrowsToTest = 10' "toggle" to determine whether or not we set the bgcolor of the table rowflip = true' Start the tableResponse.Write "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>"for j = 0 to rowsToTest' We'll alternate the bgcolor of the table rows based on the' value of the flip variableif flip thenResponse.Write "<tr bgcolor=LightGrey>"elseResponse.Write "<tr>"end if' Call the RangedRandomArray function for testing purposesrandomArray = objRandom.RangedRandomArray( 1, 100, 9, false )' Output the contents of the arrayfor i = 0 to UBound(randomArray)Response.Write "<td align=right width=30><font face=Verdana size=1>" & randomArray(i) & "</font></td>"nextResponse.Write "</tr>"' Toggle the flip boolean variableflip = not flipnext' Close the tableResponse.Write "</table>"' Destroy the instance of our objectset objRandom = nothing%>