
来源:互联网 发布:越狱有什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 05:21



>>> class Parent:        def test(self):            print("I am calling the method of class Parent.")>>> class Child(Parent):       #子类继承基类时,把基类的类名写进子类类名后的括号中        pass>>> p1 = Parent()>>> p1.test()I am calling the method of class Parent.>>> c1 = Child()>>> c1.test()                  #通过子类对象调用基类的方法I am calling the method of class Parent.>>> class Child(Parent):        def test(self):        #在子类中定义一个跟基类中方法同名的方法            print("Different!I am calling the method of class Child.")>>> c2 = Child()>>> c2.test()                  #子类和基类方法同名时,子类会覆盖基类的方法,即此时调用的是子类中的test()方法Different!I am calling the method of class Child.



>>> class Pet:        def __init__(self,name,color):            self.name = name            self.color = color        def action(self):            print("My name is ", self.name," and my color is ", self.color)>>> class Dog(Pet):        def __init__(self,name,color):        #子类也重写了初始化方法,会覆盖基类的初始化方法            Pet.__init__(self,name,color)     #在子类的初始化方法中调用未绑定的基类的初始化方法            self.hungry = True        def eat(self):            if self.hungry:                print("I am ", self.name," and I want to eat something.")                self.hungry = False            else:                print("My color is ",self.color," and I am full.")                self.hungry = True>>> pet1 = Pet('LittleSeven0','red')>>> pet1.action()My name is  LittleSeven0  and my color is  red>>> dog1 = Dog('LittleSeven','black and white')>>> dog1.action()       #因为调用了基类中的初始化方法,所以name和color实际是在基类中被初始化的My name is  LittleSeven  and my color is  black and white>>> dog1.eat()I am  LittleSeven  and I want to eat something.>>> dog1.eat()My color is  black and white  and I am full.>>> dog1.eat()I am  LittleSeven  and I want to eat something.


>>> class Dog(Pet):    def __init__(self,name,color):        super().__init__(name,color)          #注意这里一定要写入参数        self.hungry = True    def eat(self):        if self.hungry:            print("I am ", self.name," and I want to eat something.")            self.hungry = False        else:            print("My color is ",self.color," and I am full.")            self.hungry = True>>> dog2 = Dog('LittleSeven3','white')>>> dog2.action()My name is  LittleSeven3  and my color is  white>>> dog2.eat()I am  LittleSeven3  and I want to eat something.


>>> class Parent1:        def fun1(self):            print(" I am class Parent1")>>> class Parent2:        def fun1(self):            print(" Look! I am class Parent2")>>> class Parent3:        def fun2(self):            print(" Look! I am class Parent3")>>> class Child(Parent1,Parent2,Parent3):     #多重继承时,把基类依次写到子类类名后面的括号中        pass>>> c = Child()        #子类Child继承的两个基类中有同名的方法>>> c.fun1()           #调用基类中的同名方法时,Python会默认选择第一个继承的基类中的方法 I am class Parent1>>> c.fun2()           #没有同名方法时,则调用基类中相应的方法 Look! I am class Parent3>>> class ChildTest(Parent2,Parent1,Parent3):    pass>>> c1 = ChildTest()>>> c1.fun1()          #此处,子类调用的是第一个继承的基类Parent2中的fun1()方法 Look! I am class Parent2


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