
来源:互联网 发布:软件研发工程师待遇 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 23:04


1 实验目标


TestSerial is a simple application that may be used to test that the
TinyOS java toolchain can communicate with a mote over the serial
port. The java application sends packets to the serial port at 1Hz:
the packet contains an incrementing counter. When the mote application
receives a counter packet, it displays the bottom three bits on its
LEDs. (This application is similar to RadioCountToLeds, except that it
operates over the serial port.) Likewise, the mote also sends packets
to the serial port at 1Hz. Upon reception of a packet, the java
application prints the counter's value to standard out.

2 配置文件TestSerialAppC.nc

#include "TestSerial.h"configuration TestSerialAppC {}implementation {  components TestSerialC as App, LedsC, MainC;  components SerialActiveMessageC as AM;  components new TimerMilliC();  App.Boot -> MainC.Boot;  App.Control -> AM;  App.Receive -> AM.Receive[AM_TEST_SERIAL_MSG];  App.AMSend -> AM.AMSend[AM_TEST_SERIAL_MSG];  App.Leds -> LedsC;  App.MilliTimer -> TimerMilliC;  App.Packet -> AM;}

3 模块组件文件TestSerialC.nc

#include "Timer.h"#include "TestSerial.h"module TestSerialC {  uses {    interface SplitControl as Control;    interface Leds;    interface Boot;    interface Receive;    interface AMSend;    interface Timer<TMilli> as MilliTimer;    interface Packet;  }}

implementation {  message_t packet;  bool locked = FALSE;  uint16_t counter = 0;  

event void Boot.booted() {    call Control.start();  }

  event void MilliTimer.fired() {    counter++;    if (locked) {      return;    }    else {      test_serial_msg_t* rcm = (test_serial_msg_t*)call Packet.getPayload(&packet, sizeof(test_serial_msg_t));      if (rcm == NULL) {return;}      if (call Packet.maxPayloadLength() < sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)) {return;      }      rcm->counter = counter;      if (call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &packet, sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)) == SUCCESS) {locked = TRUE;      }    }  }
      这是定时时间到的事件函数,同时也是节点通过串口发送数据所处之处。发送数据之前,先有第一个if检查是否已启动了一次串口发数据。第二个if用于检查payload region(载荷区域)是否小于len即这里的sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)。第三个if判断maximum payload length长度是否小于sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)。通过上述三个if的判断则可以通过调用AMSend.send来发送数据。

event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t* bufPtr,    void* payload, uint8_t len) {    if (len != sizeof(test_serial_msg_t)) {return bufPtr;}    else {      test_serial_msg_t* rcm = (test_serial_msg_t*)payload;      if (rcm->counter & 0x1) {call Leds.led0On();      }      else {call Leds.led0Off();      }      if (rcm->counter & 0x2) {call Leds.led1On();      }      else {call Leds.led1Off();      }      if (rcm->counter & 0x4) {call Leds.led2On();      }      else {call Leds.led2Off();      }      return bufPtr;    }  }

event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error) {    if (&packet == bufPtr) {      locked = FALSE;    }  }  event void Control.startDone(error_t err) {    if (err == SUCCESS) {      call MilliTimer.startPeriodic(1000);    }  }  event void Control.stopDone(error_t err) {}}
      此处目前还不太理解的是这个Control是个啥意思?:-) 哪位朋友解答一下。在此先感谢了。



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