
来源:互联网 发布:河南化工网软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:51
#include <iostream>#define LINUXOCCI //避免函数重定义错误#include <occi.h>using namespace std;using namespace oracle::occi;#pragma comment(lib,"E:\\app\\Administrator\\product\\11.2.0\\dbhome_2\\OCI\\lib\\MSVC\\oci.lib")#pragma comment(lib,"E:\\app\\Administrator\\product\\11.2.0\\dbhome_2\\OCI\\lib\\MSVC\\oraocci11.lib")int mainBak(){   Environment *env=Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);   cout<<"success"<<endl;   string name = "scott";   string pass = "tiger";   string srvName = "";   try   {      Connection *conn = env->createConnection(name, pass);      cout<<"conn success"<<endl;      env->terminateConnection(conn);   }   catch(SQLException e)   {      cout<<e.what()<<endl;       return -1;   }   Environment::terminateEnvironment(env);   cout<<"end!"<<endl;   return 0;}/*successconn successend!请按任意键继续. . .*/
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">
</pre><p></p><p>Employees.h</p><p><pre name="code" class="cpp">//Employees.h//复制代码/** A simple OCCI test application* This file contains the Employees class declaration*/#include <iostream>#include <occi.h>#include <iomanip> using namespace oracle::occi;using namespace std;class Employees {public:   Employees();   virtual ~Employees();    void List();private:   Environment *env;   Connection  *con;   string user;   string passwd;   string db; };


#include "Employees.h" Employees::Employees() {   /* 69    * connect to the test database as the HR 70    * sample user and use the EZCONNECT method 71    * of specifying the connect string. Be sure 72    * to adjust for your environment! The format 73    * of the string is host:port/service_name 74 */    user = "scott";   passwd = "tiger";  db = "";    env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);    try   {     con = env->createConnection(user, passwd, db);   }   catch (SQLException& ex)   {     cout << ex.getMessage();      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);   }} Employees::~Employees() {   env->terminateConnection (con);   Environment::terminateEnvironment (env); }  void Employees::List(){  /*104    * simple test method to select data from105    * the employees table and display the results106 */    Statement *stmt = NULL;   ResultSet *rs = NULL;   string sql = "select EMPNO, ENAME, JOB " \                "from EMP order by EMPNO";    try   {     stmt = con->createStatement(sql);   }  catch (SQLException& ex)  {     cout << ex.getMessage();   }    if (stmt)   {     try     {      stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(32);      rs = stmt->executeQuery();    }    catch (SQLException& ex)     {      cout << ex.getMessage();    }     if (rs)    {      cout << endl << setw(8) << left << "EMPNO"            << setw(22) << left << "ENAME"           << setw(27) << left << "JOB"           << endl;       cout << setw(8) << left << "======"            << setw(22) << left << "===================="            << setw(27) << left << "========================="           << endl;        while (rs->next()) {        cout << setw(8) << left << rs->getInt(1)            << setw(22) << left << (rs->isNull(2) ? "n/a" : rs->getString(2))              << setw(27) << left << rs->getString(3)  << endl <<"-----------------------------------------"<<endl;              //<< endl;//cout<<"-----------------------------------------"<<endl;         }       cout << endl;       stmt->closeResultSet(rs);     }     con->terminateStatement(stmt);   } } 


#include "Employees.h" using namespace std; using namespace oracle::occi; int main (void) {   /* 48    * create an instance of the Employees class, 49    * invoke the List member, delete the instance, 50    * and prompt to continue... 51 */    Employees *pEmployees = new Employees();    pEmployees->List();   cout << "ENTER to continue...";    cin.get();   delete pEmployees;     return 0; }

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