scala _的用法

来源:互联网 发布:coc武神升级数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 19:14

The ones I can think of are

Existential types

def foo(l: List[Option[_]]) = …

Higher kinded type parameters

case class A[K[_],T](a: K[T])

Ignored variables

val _ = 5

Ignored parameters

List(1, 2, 3) foreach { _ => println(“Hi”) }

Wildcard patterns

Some(5) match { case Some(_) => println(“Yes”) }

Wildcard imports

import java.util._

Hiding imports

import java.util.{ArrayList => , }

Joining letters to punctuation

def bang_!(x: Int) = 5

Assignment operators

def foo_=(x: Int) { … }

Placeholder syntax

List(1, 2, 3).map (_ + 2)

_+2匿名函数 f=>f+2, f是int

List((1,1), (2,2), (3,3)) map (_._2)

f=>f._2, f是Tuple,_2表示元组的第二个元素

val m = Map("one"->1,"two"->2,"three"->3)m.foldLeft(0)(_+_._2)


Partially applied functions

List(1, 2, 3) foreach println _

There may be others I have forgotten!

Example showing why foo() and foo are different:

This example comes from 0__:

trait PlaceholderExample {
def process[A](f: A => Unit)

val set: Set[_ => Unit]

set.foreach(process _) // Error
set.foreach(process(_)) // No Error

In the first case, process _ represents a method; Scala takes the polymorphic method and attempts to make it monomorphic by filling in the type parameter, but realizes that there is no type that can be filled in for A that will give the type (_ => Unit) => ? (Existential _ is not a type).

In the second case, process() is a lambda; when writing a lambda with no explicit argument type, Scala infers the type from the argument that foreach expects, and => Unit is a type (whereas just plain _ isn’t), so it can be substituted and inferred.

This may well be the trickiest gotcha in Scala I have ever encountered.


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