
来源:互联网 发布:苹果医药软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 01:09


  • PreparedStatement是预编译的,对于批量处理可以大大提高效率,也叫JDBC存储过程。

  • 使用 Statement 对象。在对数据库只执行一次性存取的时侯,用 Statement 对象进行处理。PreparedStatement 对象的开销比Statement大,对于一次性操作并不会带来额外的好处。

  • statement每次执行sql语句,相关数据库都要执行sql语句的编译,preparedstatement是预编译得, * preparedstatement支持批处理*

  • PreparedStatement对象不仅包含了SQL语句,而且大多数情况下这个语句已经被预编译过,因而当其执行时,只需DBMS运行SQL语句,而不必先编译。当你需要执行Statement对象多次的时候,PreparedStatement对象将会大大降低运行时间,当然也加快了访问数据库的速度。这种转换也带来很大的便利,不必重复SQL语句的句法,而只需更改其中变量的值,便可重新执行SQL语句。选择PreparedStatement对象与否,在于相同句法的SQL语句是否执行了多次,而且两次之间的差别仅仅是变量的不同。如果仅仅执行了一次的话,它应该和普通的对象毫无差异,体现不出它预编译的优越性。

  • PreparedStatement对象比Statement对象更有效,特别是如果带有不同参数的同一SQL语句被多次执行的时候。PreparedStatement对象允许数据库预编译SQL语句,这样在随后的运行中可以节省时间并增加代码的可读性。


    /**     * SQL 注入.     */    @Test    public void testSQLInjection() {        String username = "a' OR PASSWORD = ";        String password = " OR '1'='1";        String sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '" + username                + "' AND " + "password = '" + password + "'";        System.out.println(sql);        Connection connection = null;        Statement statement = null;        ResultSet resultSet = null;        try {            connection = JDBCTools.getConnection();            statement = connection.createStatement();            resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);            if ( {                System.out.println("登录成功!");            } else {                System.out.println("用户名和密码不匹配或用户名不存在. ");            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            JDBCTools.releaseDB(resultSet, statement, connection);        }    } /**     * 使用 PreparedStatement 将有效的解决 SQL 注入问题.     */    @Test    public void testSQLInjection2() {        String username = "a' OR PASSWORD = ";        String password = " OR '1'='1";        String sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ? "                + "AND password = ?";        Connection connection = null;        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;        ResultSet resultSet = null;        try {            connection = JDBCTools.getConnection();            preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);            preparedStatement.setString(1, username);            preparedStatement.setString(2, password);            resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();            if ( {                System.out.println("登录成功!");            } else {                System.out.println("用户名和密码不匹配或用户名不存在. ");            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            JDBCTools.releaseDB(resultSet, preparedStatement, connection);        }    }


1、在执行这一语句ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);的时候,如果提示要强制转换成prepareStatement类型,
则不要转换,只需要把包导入就行:import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
2、遇到插入日期语句的时候,比如:ps.setDate(3, new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));
前面的new Date()是要声明为java.sql包中的,里面的new Date()则要声明为java.util包中的。


//预编译方式构建SQL查询:String sql = "select * from student where year(birthday) between ? and ?";PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);ps.setString(1, "1987");ps.setString(2, "1990");rs = ps.executeQuery();


/**     * 释放数据库资源的方法     *      * @param resultSet     * @param statement     * @param connection     */    public static void releaseDB(ResultSet resultSet, Statement statement,            Connection connection) {        if (resultSet != null) {            try {                resultSet.close();            } catch (SQLException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        if (statement != null) {            try {                statement.close();            } catch (SQLException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        if (connection != null) {            try {                connection.close();            } catch (SQLException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }    }应用于查询结束finally{//关闭数据库releaseDB(resultSet, preparedStatement, connection);}


 /**PreparedStatement 预编译之查询栏目的范围 */ public ResultSet StartQuery(String sql,String s1, String s2) {  getConnection();  try {   pStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);   pStatement.setString(1, s1);   pStatement.setString(2, s2);   rSet = pStatement.executeQuery();  } catch (SQLException e) {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();  }  return rSet; }应用:System.out.println("生日范围查询:");ResultSet resultSet = jDemo1.StartQuery("select * from t_userr where year(birthdate) between ? and ?","1992","1992");//将数据库sql语句硬编译到java语句中,不能灵活应变,不利于系统维护,这个时候就会想到可以将sql语句以及参数写到xml文件中jDemo1.AllResult(resultSet);


/** PreparedStatement 预编译之查询拓展版第一个参数是SQL语句,第二个参数是查询的一个参数列表。(一数组形式存放) */ public ResultSet StartQueryLook(String sql,Object[] s) {  getConnection();  try {   pStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);   for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {    pStatement.setObject(i+1, s[i]);   }   rSet = pStatement.executeQuery();  } catch (SQLException e) {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();  }  return rSet; }应用://预编译之查询拓展版应用1  System.out.println("生日范围查询:");  String[] s1 = {"1992","1992"};  ResultSet resultSet = jDemo1.StartQueryLook("select * from t_userr where year(birthdate) between ? and ?",s1);  jDemo1.AllResult(resultSet);  //预编译之查询拓展版应用2  System.out.println("ID范围查询:");  String[] s2 = {"100","200"};  ResultSet resultSet2 = jDemo1.StartQueryLook("select * from t_userr where id between ? and ?",s2);  jDemo1.AllResult(resultSet2);


 /** PreparedStatement 预编译之增删改拓展版 */ public int StartQueryAll(String sql,Object[] objArr) {  int count = 0;  getConnection();  try {   pStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);   if(objArr!=null && objArr.length>0) {    for (int i = 0; i < objArr.length; i++) {     pStatement.setObject(i+1, objArr[i]);    }   }   count = pStatement.executeUpdate();//insert, update 或 delete。 而不包含 select  } catch (SQLException e) {   // TODO Auto-generated catch block   e.printStackTrace();  } finally {   close();  }  return count; } 应用:  //预编译之增删改拓展版:批量增加  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {   Object[] s3 = {10,10};   jDemo1.StartQueryAll("insert into jdbctest(username,password) values(?,?)",s3);  }  //预编译之增删改拓展版:批量删除  System.out.println("删除多条:");  jDemo1.StartQueryAll("delete from t_userr where id between ? and ?",new Object[]{"1010","1030"});


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