
来源:互联网 发布:网络对我们的影响 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:09



template<class T, class K>

class OSHashTable {


   OSHashTable( UInt32 size ) //构造函数


       fHashTable = new ( T*[size] );//初始化大小

       Assert( fHashTable );

       memset( fHashTable, 0, sizeof(T*) * size );//设置初始值

       fSize = size;




 fMask = fSize - 1;

        if((fMask & fSize) != 0)//判断是不是2的幂,确定使用何种哈希函数(ComputeIndex

           fMask = 0;

       fNumEntries = 0;


   ~OSHashTable() //析构


       delete [] fHashTable;


    voidAdd( T* entry ) { //加入元素,有标记代码可以看出,此处解决冲突的方式采用了链地址法

       Assert( entry->fNextHashEntry == NULL );

        Kkey( entry );

       UInt32 theIndex = ComputeIndex( key.GetHashKey() );

        entry->fNextHashEntry = fHashTable[theIndex ];

       fHashTable[ theIndex ] = entry;



    voidRemove( T* entry )//移除元素


        Kkey( entry );

       UInt32 theIndex = ComputeIndex( key.GetHashKey() );

        T*elem = fHashTable[ theIndex ];

        T*last = NULL;

       while (elem && elem != entry) {

           last = elem;

           elem = elem->fNextHashEntry;



        if( elem ) // sometimes remove is called 2x ( swap, then un register )



           if (last)

               last->fNextHashEntry = elem->fNextHashEntry;


                fHashTable[ theIndex ] =elem->fNextHashEntry;

           elem->fNextHashEntry = NULL;




    T* Map(K* key ) //查找对象


       UInt32 theIndex = ComputeIndex( key->GetHashKey() );

        T*elem = fHashTable[ theIndex ];

       while (elem) {

           K elemKey( elem );

           if (elemKey == *key)


           elem = elem->fNextHashEntry;


       return elem;


    UInt64GetNumEntries() { return fNumEntries; }


    UInt32GetTableSize() { return fSize; }

    T*GetTableEntry( int i ) { return fHashTable[i]; }







    UInt32 ComputeIndex(UInt32 hashKey )


       if (fMask)

            return( hashKey & fMask );//掩码方式


            return( hashKey % fSize );// 除留取余法




template<class T, class K>

class OSHashTableIter {


   OSHashTableIter( OSHashTable<T,K>* table )


       fHashTable = table;





        for(fIndex = 0; fIndex < fHashTable->GetTableSize(); fIndex++) {

           fCurrent = fHashTable->GetTableEntry( fIndex );

           if (fCurrent)






       fCurrent = fCurrent->fNextHashEntry;

        if(!fCurrent) {

           for (fIndex = fIndex + 1; fIndex < fHashTable->GetTableSize();fIndex++) {

                fCurrent =fHashTable->GetTableEntry( fIndex );

               if (fCurrent)







       return( fCurrent == NULL );


    T*GetCurrent() { return fCurrent; }



   OSHashTable<T,K>* fHashTable;



class OSRefKey;class OSRefTableUtils{   private:       static UInt32  HashString(StrPtrLen* inString);          friend class OSRef;       friend class OSRefKey;};class OSRef{    public:       OSRef() :   fObjectP(NULL),fRefCount(0), fNextHashEntry(NULL)           {               }       OSRef(const StrPtrLen &inString, void* inObjectP)                                : fRefCount(0),fNextHashEntry(NULL)                                    {   Set(inString, inObjectP); }       ~OSRef() {}        void Set(const StrPtrLen& inString,void* inObjectP)           {                    fString = inString; fObjectP = inObjectP;               fHashValue = OSRefTableUtils::HashString(&fString);           }       void**  GetObjectPtr()  { return &fObjectP; }       void*   GetObject()     { return fObjectP; }       UInt32  GetRefCount()   { return fRefCount; }       StrPtrLen *GetString()  { return&fString; }   private:       //value       void*   fObjectP;       //key       StrPtrLen   fString;       //refcounting        UInt32  fRefCount;#if DEBUG       Bool16  fInATable;       Bool16  fSwapCalled;#endif       OSCond  fCond;//to block threadswaiting for this ref.       UInt32              fHashValue;       OSRef*             fNextHashEntry;        friend class OSRefKey;       friend class OSHashTable<OSRef, OSRefKey>;       friend class OSHashTableIter<OSRef, OSRefKey>;       friend class OSRefTable;};class OSRefKey{public:   //CONSTRUCTOR / DESTRUCTOR:   OSRefKey(StrPtrLen* inStringP)       :   fStringP(inStringP)         {fHashValue = OSRefTableUtils::HashString(inStringP); }   ~OSRefKey() {}   //ACCESSORS:   StrPtrLen*  GetString()         { return fStringP; }private:   //PRIVATE ACCESSORS:      SInt32      GetHashKey()        { return fHashValue; }    //thesefunctions are only used by the hash table itself. This constructor    //willbreak the "Set" functions.   OSRefKey(OSRef *elem) : fStringP(&elem->fString),                           fHashValue(elem->fHashValue) {}                      friendint operator ==(const OSRefKey &key1, const OSRefKey &key2)    {        if(key1.fStringP->Equal(*key2.fStringP))           return true;       return false;    }    //data:   StrPtrLen *fStringP;   UInt32  fHashValue;    friendclass OSHashTable<OSRef, OSRefKey>;};typedef OSHashTable<OSRef, OSRefKey>OSRefHashTable;typedef OSHashTableIter<OSRef, OSRefKey>OSRefHashTableIter;class OSRefTable{    public:       enum        {           kDefaultTableSize = 1193 //UInt32        };       //tableSize doesn't indicate the max number of Refs that can be added       //(it's unlimited), but is rather just how big to make the hash table       OSRefTable(UInt32 tableSize = kDefaultTableSize) : fTable(tableSize),fMutex() {}       ~OSRefTable() {}       //Allows access to the mutex in case you need to lock the table down       //between operations       OSMutex*    GetMutex()      { return &fMutex; }       OSRefHashTable* GetHashTable() { return &fTable;        //Registers a Ref in the table. Once the Ref is in, clients may resolve       //the ref by using its string ID. You must setup the Ref before passingit       //in here, ie., setup the string and object pointers       //This function will succeed unless the string identifier is not unique,       //in which case it will return QTSS_DupName        //This function is atomic wrt this reftable.       OS_Error        Register(OSRef*ref);        //RegisterOrResolve        //If the ID of the input ref is unique, this function is equivalent to        //Register, and returns NULL.        // If there is a duplicate ID already inthe map, this funcion        //leave it, resolves it, and returns it.       OSRef*             RegisterOrResolve(OSRef* inRef);       //This function may block. You can only remove a Ref from the table       //when the refCount drops to the level specified. If several threadshave       //the ref currently, the calling thread will wait until the otherthreads       //stop using the ref (by calling Release, below)       //This function is atomic wrt this ref table.       void        UnRegister(OSRef* ref,UInt32 refCount = 0);        //Same as UnRegister, but guarenteed not to block. Will return        //true if ref was sucessfully unregistered, false otherwise       Bool16      TryUnRegister(OSRef*ref, UInt32 refCount = 0);       //Resolve. This function uses the provided key string to identify andgrab       //the Ref keyed by that string. Once the Ref is resolved, it is safe touse       //(it cannot be removed from the Ref table) until you call Release.Because       //of that, you MUST call release in a timely manner, and be aware ofpotential       //deadlocks because you now own a resource being contended over.       //This function is atomic wrt this ref table.       OSRef*     Resolve(StrPtrLen*  inString);       //Release. Release a Ref, and drops its refCount. After calling this,the       //Ref is no longer safe to use, as it may be removed from the ref table.        void       Release(OSRef*  inRef);        //Swap. This atomically removes any existing Ref in the table with the new        //ref's ID, and replaces it with this new Ref. If there is no matching Ref        //already in the table, this function does nothing.        //        //Be aware that this creates a situation where clients may have a Ref resolved        //that is no longer in the table. The old Ref must STILL be UnRegisterednormally.        //Once Swap completes sucessfully, clients that call resolve on the ID will get        //the new OSRef object.       void        Swap(OSRef* newRef);       UInt32      GetNumRefsInTable() {UInt64 result =  fTable.GetNumEntries();Assert(result < kUInt32_Max); return (UInt32) result; }   private:       //all this object needs to do its job is an atomic hashtable       OSRefHashTable  fTable;       OSMutex         fMutex;};class OSRefReleaser{    public:       OSRefReleaser(OSRefTable* inTable, OSRef* inRef) : fOSRefTable(inTable),fOSRef(inRef) {}       ~OSRefReleaser() { fOSRefTable->Release(fOSRef); }       OSRef*          GetRef() { returnfOSRef; }   private:       OSRefTable*     fOSRefTable;       OSRef*          fOSRef;}; 





服务器网络模型中有个很重要的类EventContext, EventContext.h中包含EventContext类和EventThread类的定义



if (!compare_and_store(8192, WM_USER,&sUniqueID))

           fUniqueID = (PointerSizedInt)atomic_add(&sUniqueID, 1);      //获取一个唯一标识  

fRef.Set(fUniqueIDStr, this);//对引用对象赋值

void Set(const StrPtrLen&inString, void* inObjectP)


                fString = inString; fObjectP =inObjectP;

                fHashValue =OSRefTableUtils::HashString(&fString);



fEventThread->fRefTable.Register(&fRef);//把这个引用对象加入到EventThread中的引用表中(其实就是hash表),fRefTable是OSRefTable类的实例,而类中操作的表是OSRefHashTable类型(typedef OSHashTable<OSRef, OSRefKey>OSRefHashTable;)

OS_ErrorOSRefTable::Register(OSRef* inRef)


       if (inRef == NULL)

        return EPERM;

   OSMutexLocker locker(&fMutex);

   if (inRef->fString.Ptr == NULL || inRef->fString.Len == 0)

   {         return EPERM;


   // Check for a duplicate. In this function, if there is a duplicate,

   // return an error, don't resolve the duplicate

   OSRefKey key(&inRef->fString);

   OSRef* duplicateRef = fTable.Map(&key);//查找有没有重复的,没有则加入到hash表中

   if (duplicateRef != NULL)

        return EPERM;


   // There is no duplicate, so add this ref into the table


   return OS_NoErr;


::memset( &fEventReq, '\0',sizeof(fEventReq));//下面的代码其实就是把socket加入到select监视中,由于本文主要讲解下引用表相关类的使用,所以此处不再详细描述

 fEventReq.er_type = EV_FD;

 fEventReq.er_handle = fFileDesc;

 fEventReq.er_eventbits = theMask;

 fEventReq.er_data = (void*)fUniqueID;

if (select_watchevent(&fEventReq, theMask) !=0)






if (theCurrentEvent.er_data != NULL)// theCurrentEvent就是select返回的数据



           StrPtrLen idStr((char*)&theCurrentEvent.er_data,sizeof(theCurrentEvent.er_data));


           OSRef* ref = fRefTable.Resolve(&idStr);//根据这个唯一标识获取到引用对象,其实就是通过hash类中map函数去查找对象,然后把引用对象的引用计数+1

           if (ref != NULL)


               EventContext* theContext = (EventContext*)ref->GetObject();






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