AS基础命令篇一 - android

来源:互联网 发布:ise软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 20:09

android 命令可以:

  • 创建、删除、查看AVD.
  • 创建、更新Android工程.
  • 升级你的Android SDK包括平台、控件、文档.

如果你在使用AS, 那么android 工具的特性已经整合到IDE中, 因此你不必直接使用这个工具.

备注: 以下的文档中的一些命令可能不全面或者已经过时. 为了更准确使用命令执行android --help.


android [global options] action [action options]

  • 全局选项

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Usage help
Verbose mode: errors, warnings and informational messages are printed.

AVD actions and options

ActionOptionDescriptionCommentsavdNoneLaunch the AVD Manager sdkNoneLaunch the Android SDK Manager create avd-n <name>The name for the AVD.Required-t <targetID>Target ID of the system image to use with the new AVD. To obtain a list of available targets, use android list targetsRequired-c <path>|<size>[K|M]The path to the SD card image to use with this AVD or the size of a new SD card image to create for this AVD. For example, -c path/to/sdcardor -c 1000M-fForce creation of the AVD -p <path>Path to the location at which to create the directory for this AVD's files. -s <name>|<width>-<height>The skin to use for this AVD, identified by name or dimensions. The android tool scans for a matching skin by name or dimension in theskins/ directory of the target referenced in the -t <targetID> argument. For example, -s HVGA-L delete avd-n <name>The name of the AVD to deleteRequiredmove avd-n <name>The name of the AVD to moveRequired-p <path>Path to the location at which to create the directory for this AVD's files. -r <new-name>New name of the AVD if you want to rename it update avd-n <name>The name of the AVD to moveRequired


ActionOptionDescriptionCommentscreate project-n <name>The name for the projectRequired-t <targetID>Target ID of the system image to use with the new AVD. To obtain a list of available targets, use android list targetsRequired-k <path>|<size>[K|M]Package namespaceRequired-aName for the default Activity classRequired-p <path>Location of your project directoryRequiredupdate project-n <name>The name of the project to update -p <path>Location path of the projectRequired-l <library path>Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project -s <subprojects>Update any projects in subfolders such as test projects -t <targetID>Target id to set for the project create test-project-n <name>The name of the project -p <path>Location path of the projectRequired-m <main>The name of the projectRequiredupdate test-project-p <path>Location path of the project to test, relative to the new projectRequired-m <main>The main class of the project to testRequiredcreate lib-project-k <packageName>(Required) Package name of the library projectRequired-p <path>Location path of the projectRequired-t <targetID>Target ID of the library projectRequired-n <name>The name of the projectRequiredupdate lib-project-p <path>Location path of the projectRequired-l <libraryPath>Location path of an Android Library to add, relative to the main project -t <name>Target ID of the library project create uitest-project-n <name>The name of the UI test project -t <name>Target ID of the UI test projectRequired-p <path>Location path of the UI test projectRequired


update adb
Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the SDK add-ons.
update sdk
Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
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