
来源:互联网 发布:讯飞读屏软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 08:14


* Author: zhen.LI

* date: 2015 12 25, Merry Christmas!!


* reference: P121, equation 2.28 and  2.29

* equation 2.28 is measuremant update, measruement model: z=Ax+v;

* equation 2.29 is the time update, state model: x1 = PHI*X0 + G*w0;

* comments: G: nrow = xnum, ncol =wnum; w0: nrow = wnum, ncol=1;

* inputs:

*       wnum           xnum          1

*      | Rw           Rwx           zw | wnum

* IM = |                               |

*      | 0          R(j+1)     z^(j+1) | xnum

* z^ = R*x0; z^,R are a priori measurement value and covariance(P0 = R^-1*R^-T)

* IM should be initialized before the estimation process; nrow = xnum+wnum; ncol = xnum+wnum+1

* A: the design matrix for measurement equation; nrow= obsnum, ncol = xnum

* z: the current obs value, nrow = obsnum, ncol = 1;

* PHI: the inversion of the state transformation matrxi(IT MUST BE UNSINGULAR); nrow = xnum, ncol = xnum;

* G :  the coefficient of process noise ; nrow = xnum, ncol= wnum;


void SRIF( int xnum, int obsnum, int wnum,double* IM,double* A,double* z,

          double* PHI,double* G)


int i = 0, j = 0 , k = 0 ;

int nrow_DM = xnum+obsnum;

int ncol_DM = xnum+1;

double* DM = new double[nrow_DM*ncol_DM];


    double sum =0.0, tmp =0.0;

/*      xnum  1

*      | R   z^| xnum

* DM = |       |

*      | A   z | obsnum



for( i = 0 ; i< nrow_DM; i++ )


for( j = 0 ; j< ncol_DM; j++ )


if( i< xnum && j< xnum )  // R part, data equation


                DM[i*ncol_DM+j] = IM[(i+wnum)*(xnum+wnum+1)+j+wnum];


else if( i<xnum && j>=xnum ) // z^ part, data equation


                DM[i*ncol_DM+j] = IM[(i+wnum)*(xnum+wnum+1)+j+wnum];


else if( i>= xnum && j<xnum ) // A part , measurement equation


DM[i*ncol_DM+j] = A[(i-xnum)*xnum+j]; 


else if( i>= xnum && j>=xnum ) // z part, measurement equation


DM[i*ncol_DM+j] = z[i-xnum];



}// end of the formation of matrix DM


    printf("measurement updata(before) DM matrix:\n");

    for( i = 0 ; i< nrow_DM; i++ )


        for( j = 0 ; j< ncol_DM; j++ )



            printf("%6.4f ",DM[i*ncol_DM+j]);






     *     |R z^|  |R^ z^^|

     *  Tj*|    |= |      |

     *     |A z |  |0  e  |


     *  the process of Householder transformation

     *  this is also called the measurement updation





    printf("measurement updata(after) DM matrix:\n");

    for( i = 0 ; i< nrow_DM; i++ )


        for( j = 0 ; j< ncol_DM; j++ )



            printf("%6.4f ",DM[i*ncol_DM+j]);






     * obtaining the R and z,which are updated by the measurement equation,called measuement updation.

     * then, combining with the process noise w and state transformation matrxi PHI

     * we can doing the state transformation, which is called time updation as well.




     *        | Rw              0            zw  |   | Rw(j+1)    Rwx(j+1)    zw(j+1) |

     * (Tj+1)*|                                  | = |                                |

     *        |-R^*PHI^(-1)*G   R^*PHI^(-1)  z^^ |   | 0          R(j+1)      z^(j+1) |


     * the first row , Rw(j+1) , Rwx(j+1) and zw(j+1) are used in smoothing problem

     * the second row, R(j+1) and z^(j+1) are used in filter problme




    /*computing R^*PHI^-1*/


    double* RPHI = new double[xnum*xnum];



        for( i = 0 ; i< xnum ; ++i )


            for( k=0;k<xnum;++k )


                sum = DM[i*(xnum+1)+k];

                for( j =0 ;j< xnum; ++j )


                   RPHI[i*xnum+j]+= sum*PHI[k*xnum+j];





    //computing the R^*PHI^-1*G and apply it into the IM matrix

    for( i = 0 ; i<xnum; i++ )


        for( k =0; k<xnum; k++ )


            tmp = RPHI[i*xnum+k];

            sum = 0.0;

            for( j =0; j<wnum; j++ )


               // 这里在赋值之前需要将IM相应部分清0

                sum+= ( -tmp*G[k*wnum+j] );



            IM[(wnum+k)*(wnum+xnum+1)+j]  = sum;




    //apply the RPHI^-1 to the IM matrix

    for( i = 0 ; i< xnum ; i++ )


        for( j=0;j<xnum; j++ )


            IM[(wnum+i)*(wnum+xnum+1) + wnum+j] = RPHI[i*xnum+j];



         //udpate z^^ from Matrix DM

        IM[(wnum+i)*(wnum+xnum+1) + wnum+xnum] = DM[i*(xnum+1) + xnum];




    printf("measurement updata(before) IM matrix:\n");

    for( i = 0 ; i< wnum+xnum; i++ )


        for( j = 0 ; j< wnum+xnum+1; j++ )



            printf("%6.4f ",IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j]);





    //Time updating,




    printf("measurement updata(after) IM matrix:\n");

    for( i = 0 ; i< wnum+xnum; i++ )


        for( j = 0 ; j< wnum+xnum+1; j++ )



            printf("%6.4f ",IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j]);







if( DM != NULL )


delete[] DM; DM = NULL;


    if( RPHI != NULL )


        delete[] RPHI, RPHI = NULL;





 simulate the observables which is time varying

 this kind of paraments can be estimated  withe SRIF() function

 this is a test  main function of the SRIF


void testSRIF1()


    double PI = 3.14159265357;

    double error = 0.0;

    double a = 3.2 , b = 1.2, c = 3.0;

    int N = 1000,N0, i =0 , j =0, k = 0;

    int xnum =3;

    int wnum =1;

    int obsnum = 1;

    double w0 = 0.5// process noise

    double pw0 = 10.0// the initial variance of w0

    double Rw0 = sqrt(pw0);


    double G[3] ={0.0,0.0,0.0}; // the coefficient in front of the processing noise w0

    double IM[4*5] ={0.0}; // the information matrix

    double PHI_[9] ={0.0}; // the state transformation matrix

    //double x0[3] =   {sin(1.0/PI/10.0), cos(1.0/PI/10.0),0.00001};  // initial value , 3 rows and 1 col

    double x0[3] =   {};  // initial value , 3 rows and 1 col


    double D0[9]   = {100,0,0,0,100,0,0,0,100}; // initial cov-variation matrix

    double invR[9] = {0.0};

    double R[9]    = {0.0};

    double y_[3]    = {0.0};

    double yw =  0.0;

    double A[3]={0.0};


    double *x = new double[N];

    double *y = new double[N];

    FILE*   myfile = fopen("srif.dat","w+");

    N0 = 0;

    double alfa = 0.005;

    double beita = 10.0;

    for( i = 0 ; i< N ; i++ )


        x[i] = (i-N0)*alfa;

        //a = sin(i/PI/beita);

        a = 3.2;

        //b = cos(i/PI/beita);

        b = 1.2;

        //c = sin(x[i]);

        c = 3.0;

        y[i] = a*x[i]*x[i] + b*x[i] + c + randn(0,0.5);


       //fprintf(myfile, "%d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n",i,a,b,c,x[i],y[i]);




    //start the processing code


    CholeskyUUT(D0, xnum, invR);

    Rw0 = sqrt(pw0);

    InverseUpperTriangular(invR, xnum, R);

    Rw0 = 1.0/Rw0;

    y_[0] = R[0]*x0[0] + R[1]*x0[1] + R[2]*x0[2];

    y_[1] = R[3]*x0[0] + R[4]*x0[1] + R[5]*x0[2];

    y_[2] = R[6]*x0[0] + R[7]*x0[1] + R[8]*x0[2];

    yw = Rw0*w0;


    //set up the information matrix, 6 parts

    for( i = 0;  i < wnum+xnum ; i++ ) // row


        for( j=0;j<wnum+xnum+1;j++ )  //col


            if( i<wnum && j<wnum )  // the Rw part


                IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j] = Rw0;


            else if( i<wnum && j>=wnum+xnum) // the zw part


                IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j] = yw;


            else if( i>=wnum && j>=wnum && j<wnum+xnum ) // the Rx part


                IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j] = R[(i-wnum)*(xnum)+j-wnum];


            else if( i>=wnum && j>=wnum+xnum ) // the zx part


                IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j] = y_[i-wnum];





    printf("Initial IM:\n");

    for( i = 0 ; i<wnum+xnum ; i++)


        for( j =0; j<wnum+xnum+1;j++ )


           printf("%6.3f ",IM[i*(wnum+xnum+1)+j]);






    // start the filtering

    for( i = 1 ; i< N ; i++ )


        A[0] = x[i]*x[i];

        A[1] = x[i];

        A[2] = 1.0;


        double deltaX = 0.0;

        if( i!= 0 )


            deltaX = x[i] - x[i-1];



        // reset the PHI matrxi , the state transformation matrix

        //PHI_[0] = 1.0/( 1.0+1.0/alfa/beita/PI/tan((1.0/alfa*x[i]+N0)/beita/PI)*deltaX  );

        //PHI_[4] = 1.0/( 1.0-1.0/alfa/beita/PI*tan((1.0/alfa*x[i]+N0)/beita/PI)*deltaX  );

        //PHI_[8] = 1.0/( 1.0+1.0/tan(x[i])*deltaX );


        PHI_[0] = 1.0;  PHI_[4]=1.0; PHI_[8] = 1.0;


        printf("state transformation Matrix PHI:\n");

        for( j = 0 ; j< xnum ; j++ )


            for( k = 0 ; k< xnum ; k++ )


                printf("%8.6f ",PHI_[j*xnum+k]);





        SRIF(xnum, obsnum, wnum, IM, A, y+i, PHI_, G);


        // get the solution of abc


        double RR[9] ={0.0};


        for( j = 0 ; j< xnum ; j++ )


            for( k =0 ; k< xnum ; k++ )


                RR[j*xnum+k] = IM[(j+wnum)*(wnum+xnum+1)+k+wnum];


            y_[j] = IM[(wnum+j)*(wnum+xnum+1)+wnum+xnum];



        double x_est[3]={0.0};

        backSubstitution(RR, y_, x_est, xnum);


        //double aa = sin(i/PI/beita);

        double aa = 3.2;

        //double bb = cos(i/PI/beita);

        double bb = 1.2;

        double cc = 3.0;//sin(x[i]);

        double testobs = A[0]*x_est[0] + A[1]*x_est[1] + A[2]*x_est[2];

        double trueValue = A[0]*aa + A[1]*bb + A[2]*cc;

        printf("X_est:%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", x_est[0],x_est[1],x_est[2]);

        fprintf(myfile, "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", x_est[0],x_est[1],x_est[2],aa,bb,cc,y[i],testobs,trueValue);  //tan((200*x[i]+N0))





    if(myfile != NULL ) { fclose(myfile); myfile = NULL;}




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