NDK 错误:Unable to launch cygpath. Is Cygwin on the path

来源:互联网 发布:windows 远程桌面 打开 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 22:27
  1. Head to the project's properties. If you're using Windows, the shortcut is Alt + Enter; or simply right-click the project name to find its properties.
  2. Go to the C/C++ Build section; under Builder Settings tab in Build command: text box you're likely to find something similar to that below, if it's empty then type in the similar text - namely:${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd where NDKROOT, as its name implies, refers to the path where your NDK root folder exists. enter image description here

  3. Now you must inform eclipse what NDKROOT equates to; as in, where is the NDK root path. You can do this by heading to (in your project's properties) C/C++ Build > Environment > press Add…

  4. Now add your environment variable named NDKROOT (the Name) with the relevant path (Value). Note that you're to repeat this per NDK project. You would get a window similar to that below. enter image description here

  5. Press OK to the New variable input window and then OK again to the properties window.

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