
来源:互联网 发布:python编写exe程序 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 17:00

1.  java.lang.Thread.yield() = sleep(0)

A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this hint.

Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to ensure that it actually has the desired effect.

It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing concurrency control constructs such as the ones in thejava.util.concurrent.locks package.



2.  sleep(long millis)

Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. The thread does not lose ownership of any monitors.



Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted. The interrupted status of the thread is cleared by this method. In other words, if this method were to be called twice in succession, the second call would return false (unless the current thread were interrupted again, after the first call had cleared its interrupted status and before the second call had examined it).

A thread interruption ignored because a thread was not alive at the time of the interrupt will be reflected by this method returning false.



必须在synchronized函数或者synchronized block中调用,否则虽然编译能通过,但是会发生IllegalMonitorStateException异常。

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