
来源:互联网 发布:居住区绿地率一般数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 19:58











public LinearGradient (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int[] colors, float[] positions, Shader.TileMode tile)

Added in API level 1

Create a shader that draws a linear gradient along a line.

x0The x-coordinate for the start of the gradient liney0The y-coordinate for the start of the gradient linex1The x-coordinate for the end of the gradient liney1The y-coordinate for the end of the gradient linecolorsThe colors to be distributed along the gradient linepositionsMay be null. The relative positions [0..1] of each corresponding color in the colors array. If this is null, the the colors are distributed evenly along the gradient line.tileThe Shader tiling mode

public LinearGradient (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int color0, int color1, Shader.TileMode tile)

Added in API level 1

Create a shader that draws a linear gradient along a line.

x0The x-coordinate for the start of the gradient liney0The y-coordinate for the start of the gradient linex1The x-coordinate for the end of the gradient liney1The y-coordinate for the end of the gradient linecolor0The color at the start of the gradient line.color1The color at the end of the gradient line.tileThe Shader tiling mode

public static Drawable makePowerGradientDrawable(int baseColor, int numStops, int gravity, float power, final Shader.TileMode mode) {        numStops = Math.max(numStops, 2);        PaintDrawable paintDrawable = new PaintDrawable();        paintDrawable.setShape(new RectShape());        paintDrawable.setIntrinsicWidth(200);        paintDrawable.setIntrinsicHeight(200);        final int[] stopColors = new int[numStops];        int red =;        int green =;        int blue =;        int alpha = Color.alpha(baseColor);        for (int i = 0; i < numStops; i++) {            float x = i * 1f / (numStops - 1);            float opacity =Math.min(1, (float) Math.pow(x, power));            stopColors[i] = Color.argb((int) (alpha * opacity), red, green, blue);        }        final float x0, x1, y0, y1;        switch (gravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {            case Gravity.LEFT:                x0 = 1;                x1 = 0;                break;            case Gravity.RIGHT:                x0 = 0;                x1 = 1;                break;            default:                x0 = 0;                x1 = 0;                break;        }        switch (gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {            case Gravity.TOP:                y0 = 1;                y1 = 0;                break;            case Gravity.BOTTOM:                y0 = 0;                y1 = 1;                break;            default:                y0 = 0;                y1 = 0;                break;        }        paintDrawable.setShaderFactory(new ShapeDrawable.ShaderFactory() {            @Override            public Shader resize(int width, int height) {                LinearGradient linearGradient = new LinearGradient(width * x0, height * y0, width * x1, height * y1, stopColors, null, mode);                return linearGradient;            }        });        return paintDrawable;    }
        //方法一:使用LinearGradient        //CLAMP        mImageTest1=(ImageView)findViewById(;        Drawable drawable1=makePowerGradientDrawable(Color.parseColor("#80FF0000"),10,Gravity.TOP,0.5f,Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);        mImageTest1.setImageDrawable(drawable1);        //MIRROR        mImageTest2=(ImageView)findViewById(;        Drawable drawable2=makePowerGradientDrawable(Color.parseColor("#80FF0000"),10,Gravity.TOP,0.5f,Shader.TileMode.MIRROR);        mImageTest2.setImageDrawable(drawable2);        //REPEAT        mImageTest3=(ImageView)findViewById(;        Drawable drawable3=makePowerGradientDrawable(Color.parseColor("#80FF0000"),10,Gravity.TOP,0.5f,Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);        mImageTest3.setImageDrawable(drawable3);



        GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation orientation, int[] colors)

     Create a new gradient drawable given an orientation and an array of colors for the gradient.


     //方法二:使用GradientDrawable        //GradientDrawable 第一个参数表示渐变方向,总共8个方向,第二个是渐变点数组        GradientDrawable gd = new GradientDrawable(                GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, new int[] { 0x80FF0000,                0x30FF0000, 0x00FF0000 });//        gd.setGradientType(GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT);//        gd.setGradientType(GradientDrawable.RADIAL_GRADIENT);//        gd.setGradientType(GradientDrawable.SWEEP_GRADIENT);        gd.setSize(200, 200);        mImageTest4=(ImageView)findViewById(;        mImageTest4.setImageDrawable(gd);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><selector xmlns:android="">    <!--点击状态-->    <item android:state_pressed="true">        <shape android:shape="rectangle">            <solid android:color="#80FF0000" />            <corners android:radius="2dp" />        </shape>    </item>    <!--没写状态表示常态写-->    <item>        <shape android:shape="rectangle">            <!--大小-->            <size android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp"></size>            <!-- 顏色填充 -->            <!--solid android:color="#587df9" /-->            <!-- 圆角 还可以单独设置四个圆角的圆半径,比如topLeftRadius左上圆角半径-->            <corners android:radius="2dp" />            <!-- 渐变 -->            <gradient android:angle="270" android:startColor="#80FF0000" android:endColor="#00FF0000" />            <!-- 描边 -->            <!--stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#dcdcdc" /-->            <!--上下左右padding-->            <!--padding android:bottom="10dp" android:left="10dp" android:right="10dp" android:top="10dp" /-->        </shape>    </item></selector>
         具体见drawable resources官方文档


    //方法三:使用selector xml    mImageTest5=(ImageView)findViewById(;    mImageTest5.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.selector_gradient));

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