Android 图片使用导致OOM 性能分析<4>

来源:互联网 发布:地产网络推广公司排名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:55

在开发android app的过程中,常常需要使用图片资源,然而在使用图片资源的过程中,常常因为内存不够导致OOM crash事故.

google 和牛人提供了一下建议,希望能够解决和改善使用图片资源带来的内存使用过度的现象.


新建一个Android 工程:

<1> :工程树如下:

<2> : 主要代码如下:

package org.durian.durianmemoryenum;import android.content.res.AssetManager;import android.content.res.Resources;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import;import android.util.Log;import android.view.Menu;import android.view.MenuItem;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.ImageView;import org.durian.durianmemoryenum.image.DurianImage;public class DurianMainActivity extends ActionBarActivity implements View.OnClickListener{    private final static String TAG="DurianMainActivity";    private Button mButton;    private Button mDecodeResStreamButton;    private Button mLowButton;    private Bitmap mBitmap;    private ImageView mImage;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.durian_main);        mImage=(ImageView)findViewById(;        mButton=(Button)findViewById(;        mButton.setOnClickListener(this);        mDecodeResStreamButton=(Button)findViewById(;        mDecodeResStreamButton.setOnClickListener(this);        mLowButton=(Button)findViewById(;        mLowButton.setOnClickListener(this);    }    @Override    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);        return true;    }    @Override    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {        // Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will        // automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long        // as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.        int id = item.getItemId();        //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement        if (id == {            return true;        }        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);    }    @Override    public void onClick(View v) {        int id=v.getId();        switch(id){            case                mImage.setImageBitmap(DurianImage.getPerfectImage(DurianMainActivity.this));                break;            case                mImage.setImageBitmap(DurianImage.getDecodeResourceStream(DurianMainActivity.this));                break;            case                mImage.setImageBitmap(DurianImage.getLowMemoryImage(DurianMainActivity.this));                break;            default:                break;        }    }}
package org.durian.durianmemoryenum.image;import android.content.Context;import android.content.res.Resources;import;import;import android.util.Log;import android.util.TypedValue;import org.durian.durianmemoryenum.R;import;/** * Project name : DurianMemoryEnum * Created by zhibao.liu on 2016/1/7. * Time : 14:11 * Email * Action : durian */public class DurianImage {    private final static String TAG ="DurianImage";    public static Bitmap getPerfectImage(Context context){        Bitmap mBitmap;        /*        * 第一步 : 通过设置inJustDecodeBounds=true,首先获取图片相关的信息,这个时候并不会加载图片;        * 第二步 : 获取相关信息以后,通过相关信息计算图片的inSampleSize,并且设置.        * 第三步 : 通过上面的设置信息,开始获取图片,这个才是真正的要消耗内存的        * */        Resources res= context.getResources();        BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();        //将不返回实际的bitmap不给其分配内存空间而里面只包括一些解码边界信息即图片大小信息        options.inJustDecodeBounds=true;        mBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.back,options);        //重新读入图片,注意这次要把options.inJustDecodeBounds 设为 false        options.inJustDecodeBounds=false;        //通过设置inJustDecodeBounds为true,获取到outHeight(图片原始高度)和 outWidth(图片的原始宽度),然后计算一个inSampleSize(缩放值)        ////计算缩放比        int be = (int)(options.outHeight / (float)200);        if (be <= 0)            be = 1;        options.inSampleSize=be;        /*        * inPreferredConfig : 缺省值是ARGB_8888        * ALPHA_8:每个像素占用1byte内存        * ARGB_4444:每个像素占用2byte内存        * ARGB_8888:每个像素占用4byte内存        * RGB_565:每个像素占用2byte内存        * */        //options.inPreferredConfig= Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444;        mBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,R.drawable.back,options);        int w=mBitmap.getWidth();        int h=mBitmap.getHeight();        Log.i(TAG,"w : "+w+" h : "+h);        return mBitmap;    }    public static Bitmap getDecodeResourceStream(Context context){        Bitmap map;        BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();        TypedValue value=new TypedValue();        InputStream is=context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.bks);        options.inDensity=100;        options.inTargetDensity=120;        map=BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(context.getResources(),value,is,null,options);        return map;    }    public static Bitmap getLowMemoryImage(Context context){        BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();        options.inPreferredConfig= Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;        options.inPurgeable=true;        options.inInputShareable=true;        InputStream is=context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.bks);        Bitmap map=BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is,null,options);        return map;    }}


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android=""    xmlns:tools=""    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    android:orientation="vertical">    <Button    android:id="@+id/button"    android:text="button"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />    <Button        android:id="@+id/decoderesstream"        android:text="Decode Res Stream"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />    <Button        android:id="@+id/lowbutton"        android:text="low image"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />    <ImageView        android:id="@+id/image"        android:scaleType="center"        android:src="@drawable/bks"        android:layout_width="wrap_content"        android:layout_height="wrap_content" /></LinearLayout>




<3> : 运行看结果:通过点击按钮不断切换,会发现只有点击第一个button的时候,非常的慢:


内存开支: 不设置格式的情况下:


options.inPreferredConfig= Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;



点击第三个按钮时:有点点看不到了,大概在5m 和40s之间的位置


<4> : 程序重点,请参考里面的步骤

public static Bitmap getPerfectImage(Context context){        Bitmap mBitmap;        /*        * 第一步 : 通过设置inJustDecodeBounds=true,首先获取图片相关的信息,这个时候并不会加载图片;        * 第二步 : 获取相关信息以后,通过相关信息计算图片的inSampleSize,并且设置.        * 第三步 : 通过上面的设置信息,开始获取图片,这个才是真正的要消耗内存的        * */        Resources res= context.getResources();        BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();        //将不返回实际的bitmap不给其分配内存空间而里面只包括一些解码边界信息即图片大小信息        options.inJustDecodeBounds=true;        mBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.back,options);        //重新读入图片,注意这次要把options.inJustDecodeBounds 设为 false        options.inJustDecodeBounds=false;        //通过设置inJustDecodeBounds为true,获取到outHeight(图片原始高度)和 outWidth(图片的原始宽度),然后计算一个inSampleSize(缩放值)        ////计算缩放比        int be = (int)(options.outHeight / (float)200);        if (be <= 0)            be = 1;        options.inSampleSize=be;        /*        * inPreferredConfig : 缺省值是ARGB_8888        * ALPHA_8:每个像素占用1byte内存        * ARGB_4444:每个像素占用2byte内存        * ARGB_8888:每个像素占用4byte内存        * RGB_565:每个像素占用2byte内存        * */        //options.inPreferredConfig= Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444;        mBitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,R.drawable.back,options);        int w=mBitmap.getWidth();        int h=mBitmap.getHeight();        Log.i(TAG,"w : "+w+" h : "+h);        return mBitmap;    }


/*        * inPreferredConfig : 缺省值是ARGB_8888        * ALPHA_8:每个像素占用1byte内存        * ARGB_4444:每个像素占用2byte内存        * ARGB_8888:每个像素占用4byte内存        * RGB_565:每个像素占用2byte内存        * */        //options.inPreferredConfig= Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444;


<5> : 对于上面的加载图片中的参数配置,发现在没有配置的时候,那么系统是如何配置默认的呢,下面可以看一下系统源代码

    /**     * Synonym for opening the given resource and calling     * {@link #decodeResourceStream}.     *     * @param res   The resources object containing the image data     * @param id The resource id of the image data     * @param opts null-ok; Options that control downsampling and whether the     *             image should be completely decoded, or just is size returned.     * @return The decoded bitmap, or null if the image data could not be     *         decoded, or, if opts is non-null, if opts requested only the     *         size be returned (in opts.outWidth and opts.outHeight)     */    public static Bitmap decodeResource(Resources res, int id, Options opts) {        Bitmap bm = null;        InputStream is = null;                 try {            final TypedValue value = new TypedValue();            is = res.openRawResource(id, value);            bm = decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, null, opts);        } catch (Exception e) {            /*  do nothing.                If the exception happened on open, bm will be null.                If it happened on close, bm is still valid.            */        } finally {            try {                if (is != null) is.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                // Ignore            }        }        if (bm == null && opts != null && opts.inBitmap != null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problem decoding into existing bitmap");        }        return bm;    }
/**     * Decode a new Bitmap from an InputStream. This InputStream was obtained from     * resources, which we pass to be able to scale the bitmap accordingly.     */    public static Bitmap decodeResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value,            InputStream is, Rect pad, Options opts) {        if (opts == null) {            opts = new Options();        }        if (opts.inDensity == 0 && value != null) {            final int density = value.density;            if (density == TypedValue.DENSITY_DEFAULT) {                opts.inDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT;            } else if (density != TypedValue.DENSITY_NONE) {                opts.inDensity = density;            }        }                if (opts.inTargetDensity == 0 && res != null) {            opts.inTargetDensity = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;        }                return decodeStream(is, pad, opts);    }



public static Bitmap decodeStream(InputStream is, Rect outPadding, Options opts) {        // we don't throw in this case, thus allowing the caller to only check        // the cache, and not force the image to be decoded.        if (is == null) {            return null;        }        // we need mark/reset to work properly        if (!is.markSupported()) {            is = new BufferedInputStream(is, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE);        }        // so we can call reset() if a given codec gives up after reading up to        // this many bytes. FIXME: need to find out from the codecs what this        // value should be.        is.mark(1024);        Bitmap bm;        boolean finish = true;        if (is instanceof AssetManager.AssetInputStream) {            final int asset = ((AssetManager.AssetInputStream) is).getAssetInt();            if (opts == null || (opts.inScaled && opts.inBitmap == null)) {                float scale = 1.0f;                int targetDensity = 0;                if (opts != null) {                    final int density = opts.inDensity;                    targetDensity = opts.inTargetDensity;                    if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0) {                        scale = targetDensity / (float) density;                    }                }                bm = nativeDecodeAsset(asset, outPadding, opts, true, scale);                if (bm != null && targetDensity != 0) bm.setDensity(targetDensity);                finish = false;            } else {                bm = nativeDecodeAsset(asset, outPadding, opts);            }        } else {            // pass some temp storage down to the native code. 1024 is made up,            // but should be large enough to avoid too many small calls back            // into This number is not related to the value passed            // to mark(...) above.            byte [] tempStorage = null;            if (opts != null) tempStorage = opts.inTempStorage;            if (tempStorage == null) tempStorage = new byte[16 * 1024];            if (opts == null || (opts.inScaled && opts.inBitmap == null)) {                float scale = 1.0f;                int targetDensity = 0;                if (opts != null) {                    final int density = opts.inDensity;                    targetDensity = opts.inTargetDensity;                    if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0) {                        scale = targetDensity / (float) density;                    }                }                bm = nativeDecodeStream(is, tempStorage, outPadding, opts, true, scale);                if (bm != null && targetDensity != 0) bm.setDensity(targetDensity);                finish = false;            } else {                bm = nativeDecodeStream(is, tempStorage, outPadding, opts);            }        }        if (bm == null && opts != null && opts.inBitmap != null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Problem decoding into existing bitmap");        }        return finish ? finishDecode(bm, outPadding, opts) : bm;    }


static jobject nativeDecodeAsset(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint native_asset,        jobject padding, jobject options) {    return nativeDecodeAssetScaled(env, clazz, native_asset, padding, options, false, 1.0f);}

static jobject nativeDecodeAssetScaled(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jint native_asset,        jobject padding, jobject options, jboolean applyScale, jfloat scale) {    SkStream* stream;    Asset* asset = reinterpret_cast<Asset*>(native_asset);    bool forcePurgeable = optionsPurgeable(env, options);    if (forcePurgeable) {        // if we could "ref/reopen" the asset, we may not need to copy it here        // and we could assume optionsShareable, since assets are always RO        stream = copyAssetToStream(asset);        if (stream == NULL) {            return NULL;        }    } else {        // since we know we'll be done with the asset when we return, we can        // just use a simple wrapper        stream = new AssetStreamAdaptor(asset);    }    SkAutoUnref aur(stream);    return doDecode(env, stream, padding, options, true, forcePurgeable, applyScale, scale);}

// since we "may" create a purgeable imageref, we require the stream be ref'able// i.e. dynamically allocated, since its lifetime may exceed the current stack// frame.static jobject doDecode(JNIEnv* env, SkStream* stream, jobject padding,        jobject options, bool allowPurgeable, bool forcePurgeable = false,        bool applyScale = false, float scale = 1.0f) {    int sampleSize = 1;    SkImageDecoder::Mode mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodePixels_Mode;    SkBitmap::Config prefConfig = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;    bool doDither = true;    bool isMutable = false;    bool willScale = applyScale && scale != 1.0f;    bool isPurgeable = !willScale &&            (forcePurgeable || (allowPurgeable && optionsPurgeable(env, options)));    bool preferQualityOverSpeed = false;    jobject javaBitmap = NULL;    if (options != NULL) {        sampleSize = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_sampleSizeFieldID);        if (optionsJustBounds(env, options)) {            mode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;        }        // initialize these, in case we fail later on        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, -1);        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, -1);        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID, 0);        jobject jconfig = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_configFieldID);        prefConfig = GraphicsJNI::getNativeBitmapConfig(env, jconfig);        isMutable = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mutableFieldID);        doDither = env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_ditherFieldID);        preferQualityOverSpeed = env->GetBooleanField(options,                gOptions_preferQualityOverSpeedFieldID);        javaBitmap = env->GetObjectField(options, gOptions_bitmapFieldID);    }    if (willScale && javaBitmap != NULL) {        return nullObjectReturn("Cannot pre-scale a reused bitmap");    }    SkImageDecoder* decoder = SkImageDecoder::Factory(stream);    if (decoder == NULL) {        return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null");    }    decoder->setSampleSize(sampleSize);    decoder->setDitherImage(doDither);    decoder->setPreferQualityOverSpeed(preferQualityOverSpeed);    NinePatchPeeker peeker(decoder);    JavaPixelAllocator javaAllocator(env);    SkBitmap* bitmap;    if (javaBitmap == NULL) {        bitmap = new SkBitmap;    } else {        if (sampleSize != 1) {            return nullObjectReturn("SkImageDecoder: Cannot reuse bitmap with sampleSize != 1");        }        bitmap = (SkBitmap*) env->GetIntField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_nativeBitmapFieldID);        // config of supplied bitmap overrules config set in options        prefConfig = bitmap->getConfig();    }    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> add(decoder);    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb(bitmap, javaBitmap == NULL);    decoder->setPeeker(&peeker);    if (!isPurgeable) {        decoder->setAllocator(&javaAllocator);    }    AutoDecoderCancel adc(options, decoder);    // To fix the race condition in case "requestCancelDecode"    // happens earlier than AutoDecoderCancel object is added    // to the gAutoDecoderCancelMutex linked list.    if (options != NULL && env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_mCancelID)) {        return nullObjectReturn("gOptions_mCancelID");    }    SkImageDecoder::Mode decodeMode = mode;    if (isPurgeable) {        decodeMode = SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode;    }    SkBitmap* decoded;    if (willScale) {        decoded = new SkBitmap;    } else {        decoded = bitmap;    }    SkAutoTDelete<SkBitmap> adb2(willScale ? decoded : NULL);    if (!decoder->decode(stream, decoded, prefConfig, decodeMode, javaBitmap != NULL)) {        return nullObjectReturn("decoder->decode returned false");    }    int scaledWidth = decoded->width();    int scaledHeight = decoded->height();    if (willScale && mode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {        scaledWidth = int(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f);        scaledHeight = int(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f);    }    // update options (if any)    if (options != NULL) {        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_widthFieldID, scaledWidth);        env->SetIntField(options, gOptions_heightFieldID, scaledHeight);        env->SetObjectField(options, gOptions_mimeFieldID,                getMimeTypeString(env, decoder->getFormat()));    }    // if we're in justBounds mode, return now (skip the java bitmap)    if (mode == SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) {        return NULL;    }    jbyteArray ninePatchChunk = NULL;    if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {        if (willScale) {            scaleNinePatchChunk(peeker.fPatch, scale);        }        size_t ninePatchArraySize = peeker.fPatch->serializedSize();        ninePatchChunk = env->NewByteArray(ninePatchArraySize);        if (ninePatchChunk == NULL) {            return nullObjectReturn("ninePatchChunk == null");        }        jbyte* array = (jbyte*) env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, NULL);        if (array == NULL) {            return nullObjectReturn("primitive array == null");        }        peeker.fPatch->serialize(array);        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(ninePatchChunk, array, 0);    }    jintArray layoutBounds = NULL;    if (peeker.fLayoutBounds != NULL) {        layoutBounds = env->NewIntArray(4);        if (layoutBounds == NULL) {            return nullObjectReturn("layoutBounds == null");        }        jint scaledBounds[4];        if (willScale) {            for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {                scaledBounds[i] = (jint)((((jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds)[i]*scale) + .5f);            }        } else {            memcpy(scaledBounds, (jint*)peeker.fLayoutBounds, sizeof(scaledBounds));        }        env->SetIntArrayRegion(layoutBounds, 0, 4, scaledBounds);        if (javaBitmap != NULL) {            env->SetObjectField(javaBitmap, gBitmap_layoutBoundsFieldID, layoutBounds);        }    }    if (willScale) {        // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter        // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding        // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here.        // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of        // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size        const float sx = scaledWidth / float(decoded->width());        const float sy = scaledHeight / float(decoded->height());        SkBitmap::Config config = decoded->config();        switch (config) {            case SkBitmap::kNo_Config:            case SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config:            case SkBitmap::kRLE_Index8_Config:                config = SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config;                break;            default:                break;        }        bitmap->setConfig(config, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);        bitmap->setIsOpaque(decoded->isOpaque());        if (!bitmap->allocPixels(&javaAllocator, NULL)) {            return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap");        }        bitmap->eraseColor(0);        SkPaint paint;        paint.setFilterBitmap(true);        SkCanvas canvas(*bitmap);        canvas.scale(sx, sy);        canvas.drawBitmap(*decoded, 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);    }    if (padding) {        if (peeker.fPatch != NULL) {            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding,                    peeker.fPatch->paddingLeft, peeker.fPatch->paddingTop,                    peeker.fPatch->paddingRight, peeker.fPatch->paddingBottom);        } else {            GraphicsJNI::set_jrect(env, padding, -1, -1, -1, -1);        }    }    SkPixelRef* pr;    if (isPurgeable) {        pr = installPixelRef(bitmap, stream, sampleSize, doDither);    } else {        // if we get here, we're in kDecodePixels_Mode and will therefore        // already have a pixelref installed.        pr = bitmap->pixelRef();    }    if (pr == NULL) {        return nullObjectReturn("Got null SkPixelRef");    }    if (!isMutable) {        // promise we will never change our pixels (great for sharing and pictures)        pr->setImmutable();    }    // detach bitmap from its autodeleter, since we want to own it now    adb.detach();    if (javaBitmap != NULL) {        // If a java bitmap was passed in for reuse, pass it back        return javaBitmap;    }    // now create the java bitmap    return GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(env, bitmap, javaAllocator.getStorageObj(),            isMutable, ninePatchChunk, layoutBounds, -1);}


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