Sicily 1793. Numbers

来源:互联网 发布:三维模型数据网络发布 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 15:44

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Given the greatest common divisor(GCD) and the least common multiple(LCM) of two integers a and b (a <= b), please find the minimum of b-a.


Input may consist of several test data sets. For each data set, it can be format as below: There is just one line containing two integers, the GCD and the LCM, both are between [1, 10^9].
Input is ended by GCD = LCM = 0.


For each data set, output one integer representing the minimum difference of a and b can be found, and then output a, then b, separated with only one space. If more than one pair of a and b can be found, output the one which has minimum a.

Sample Input

6 36
1 35
0 0
Sample Output

6 12 18
2 5 7

n(≧▽≦)n Just do it!

#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int get_GCD(int num1, int num2){    if (num1 % num2 != 0)    {        return get_GCD(num2, num1 % num2);    }    else        return num2;}int main(){    int GCD, LCM, a, b;    while (cin >> GCD >> LCM && (GCD || LCM))    {        //// 暴力搜寻,从最接近的位置开始寻找        for (b = ceil(sqrtf(LCM * GCD)); b <= LCM; b++){            if (LCM * GCD % b == 0){                    a = LCM * GCD / b;                if (get_GCD(a, b) == GCD){                    break;                }            }               }        cout << b - a << " " << a << " " << b << endl;    }    return 0;}
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