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What is Haiku?
HAIKU is an open source operating system currently in development. Specifically targeting personal computing, Haiku is a fast, efficient, simple to use, easy to learn, and yet very powerful system for computer users of all levels. Additionally, Haiku offers something over other open source platforms which is quite unique: The project consists of a single team writing everything from the kernel, drivers, userland services, tool kit, and graphics stack to the included desktop applications and preflets. While numerous open source projects are utilized in Haiku, they are integrated seamlessly. This allows Haiku to achieve a level of consistency that provides many conveniences, and is truly enjoyable to use by both end-users and developers alike.

What’s so good about Haiku anyway?

The key highlights that distinguish Haiku from other operating systems include:

Specific focus on personal computing
Custom kernel designed for responsiveness
Fully threaded design for great efficiency with multi-processor/core CPUs
Rich OO API for faster development
Database-like file system (BFS) with support for indexed metadata
Unified, cohesive interface
Why Haiku?

The Be Operating System introduced progressive concepts and technologies that we believe represent the ideal means to simple and efficient personal computing. Haiku is the realization of those concepts and technologies in the form of an operating system that is open source and free.

Read the General FAQ
Who is behind Haiku?

Haiku is developed by a growing community of volunteer developers from all around the world. Additionally, Haiku also exists thanks to the dedicated support of a fervent and friendly community, and that of Haiku Inc., a non-profit organization founded by former project leader Michael Phipps with the purpose of supporting the development of Haiku as well as the growth of both the community and the Haiku platform.

Discover the Haiku Community
Check out Haiku Contributors at GitHub


Windows Embedded Compact(即 Windows CE)是微软公司嵌入式、移动计算平台的基础,它是一个开放的、可升级的32位嵌入式操作系统,是基于掌上型电脑类的电子设备操作系统。(在2008年4月15日举行的嵌入式系统大会上,微软宣布将Windows CE更名为Windows Embedded Compact,与Windows Embedded Enterprise、Windows Embedded Standard和Windows Embedded POSReady组成Windows Embedded系列产品。)
Windows CE是微软公司嵌入式、移动计算平台的基础,它是一个开放的、可升级的32 bit嵌入式操作系统,是基于掌上型电脑类的电子设备操作系统。它是精简的Windows 95,Windows CE的图形用户界面相当出色。
Windows CE操作系统是Windows家族中的成员,为专门设计给掌上电脑(HPCs)以及嵌入式设备所使用的系统环境。这样的操作系统可使完整的可移动技术与现有的Windows桌面技术整合工作。Windows CE被设计成针对小型设备(它是典型的拥有有限内存的无磁盘系统)的通用操作系统,
Windows CE可以通过设计一层位于内核和硬件之间代码用来设定硬件平台,这即是众所周知的硬件抽象层(HAL)(在以前解释时,这被称为OEMC(原始设备制造)适应层,即OAL;内核压缩层,即KAL。以免与微软的Windows NT操作系统的HAL混淆)。
与其它的微软Windows操作系统不同,Windows CE并不是代表一个采用相同标准的对所有平台都适用的软件。为了足够灵活以达到适应广泛产品需求,Windows CE可采用不同的标准模式,这就意味着,它能够从一系列软件模式中做出选择,从而使产品得到定制。另外,一些可利用模式也可作为其组成部分,这意味着这些模式能够通过从一套可利用的组份做出选择,从而成为标准模式。通过选择,Windows CE能够达到系统要求的最小模式, 从而减少存储脚本和操作系统的运行[1] 。
Windows CE中的C代表袖珍(Compact)、消费(Consumer)、通信能力(Connectivity)和伴侣(Companion);E代表电子产品(Electronics)。与Windows 95/98、Windows NT不同的是,Windows CE是所有源代码全部由微软自行开发的嵌入式新型操作系统,其操作界面虽来源于Windows 95/98,但Windows CE是基于WIN32 API重新开发、新型的信息设备的平台。Windows CE具有模块化、结构化和基于Win32应用程序接口和与处理器无关等特点。Windows CE不仅继承了传统的Windows图形界面,并且在Windows CE平台上可以使用Windows 95/98上的编程工具(如Visual Basic、Visual C++等)、使用同样的函数、使用同样的界面风格,使绝大多数的应用软件只需简单的修改和移植就可以在Windows CE平台上继续使用。Windows CE并非是专为单一装置设计的,所以微软为旗下采用Windows CE作业系统的产品大致分为三条产品线,Pocket PC(掌上电脑)、Handheld PC(手持设备)及Auto PC。[1]


NetBSD是一个免费的,具有高度移植性的 UNIX-like 操作系统,是现行可移植平台最多的操作系统,可以在许多平台上执行,从 64bit alpha 服务器到手持设备和嵌入式设备。NetBSD计划的口号是:”Of course it runs NetBSD”。它设计简洁,代码规范,拥有众多先进特性,使得它在业界和学术界广受好评。由于简洁的设计和先进的特征,使得它在生产和研究方面,都有卓越的表现,而且它也有受使用者支持的完整的源代码。许多程序都可以很容易地通过NetBSD Packages Collection获得。
NetBSD项目是由Chris Demetriou, Theo de Raadt, Adam Glass和Charles Hannum四人发起,是集合
来自全球各地的一群开发者,开发出一个完全自由的类UNIX操作系统——NetBSD。NetBSD也包含了大量其他的自由软件,比如来自University of California, Berkeley的4.4BSD Lite。第一个NetBSD版本0.8发布于1993年4月20日,事实上,NetBSD是最早的4.4BSD Lite衍生操作系统。
NetBSD以三种形式分发:formal releases、maintenance branches和NetBSD-current。CD包含的操作系统部分以BSD许可证分发,其他部分主要以GPL协议分发。
● formal releases:经过测试的生产版本,即正式发布版本。提供较好的稳定性以及较佳性能,易于安装并支持所有已声明支持的平台。
● maintenance branches:维护分支,即之前的正式发布版本,相对稳定性佳,但是性能低。
● NetBSD-current:正处于开发版本,主要用于用户测试。

NetBSD is a free, fast, secure, and highly portable Unix-like Open Source operating system. It is available for a wide range of platforms, from large-scale servers and powerful desktop systems to handheld and embedded devices. Its clean design and advanced features make it excellent for use in both production and research environments, and the source code is freely available under a business-friendly license. NetBSD is developed and supported by a large and vivid international community. Many applications are readily available through pkgsrc, the NetBSD Packages Collection. » Learn more

» Latest release: NetBSD 7.0

NetBSD 7.0, the fifteenth major release of NetBSD, was released on September 25, 2015. It brings stability improvements, hundreds of bug fixes, and many new features. » Full 7.0 Release Notes

A list of download sites providing FTP, AnonCVS, and other services may be found at the NetBSD mirror sites page. We encourage users who wish to install via ISO images to download via BitTorrent by using the torrent files supplied in the disk image area.

Your donation to the NetBSD Foundation allows the project to make major improvements to the code base. Please donate!


OpenBSD是一个多平台的,基于4.4BSD的类UNIX操作系统,是BSD衍生出的三种免费操作系统(另外两种是NetBSD和FreeBSD)之一,被称为世界上最安全的操作系统。专案领导人 Theo de Raadt在1995年发起了OpenBSD 专案,希望创造一个注重安全的操作系统。
The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. As an example of the effect OpenBSD has, the popular OpenSSH software comes from OpenBSD.

OpenBSD is freely available from our download sites, or as a 3-CD set sold at openbsdstore.com.

The current release is OpenBSD 5.8, released Oct 18, 2015 which is the 20th anniversary of the OpenBSD source tree.

OpenBSD is developed entirely by volunteers. The project’s development environment and developer events are funded through contributions collected by The OpenBSD Foundation. Contributions ensure that OpenBSD will remain a vibrant and free operating system.


Darwin是由苹果电脑于2000年所释出的一个开放原始码操作系统。Darwin 是MacOSX 操作环境的操作系统成份。苹果电脑于2000年把Darwin 释出给开放原始码社群。现在的Darwin皆可以在苹果电脑的PowerPC 架构和X86 架构下执行,而后者的架构只有有限的驱动程序支援。
Darwin 是一种Unix-like操作系统,整合数种的技术,包含开
Darwin LOGO
Darwin LOGO
放原始码的XNU核心,一种以微核心为基础的核心架构来实作Machkernel。操作系统的服务和userland 工具是以4.4BSD(柏克莱软件套件的UNIX),特别是FreeBSD和NetBSD) 为基础类似其他Unix-like 操作系统Darwin 也有对称多处理器的优点,高效能的网络设施和支援多种整合的档案系统。
通常来说,大多数的计算机制造商都把自己的操作系统(以及大多数的应用程序)看作是私人拥有不会公开的。将源代码向外界开发人员免费提供是为了鼓励所有的开发人员都来修正其中的问题,对其进行改善。在Darwin之外,OS X还包括了自己的用户接口所有权,以及其他一些没有提供开源的特性。
整合Mach microkernel到XNU核心的好处是可携性,或者是在不同形式的系统使用软件的能力。举例来说,一个操作系统核心整合了Mach microkernel,能够提供多种不同CPU架构的二进制格式到一个单一的档案 (例如 x86 和 PowerPC),这是因为它使用了Mach-O的二进制格式。Mach 整合的缺点则是增加了操作系统核心-kernel- 的复杂度。在过去的microkernel实作上,这种复杂度有时候会导致很难分离kernel 效能的问题。因此,采用Mach microkernel会伴随风险,但它有潜在的好处是广泛的可携性。以Darwin 可携性的具体例子来说,在2005年6月,苹果电脑宣布它会于2006年 在 Mac 电脑上开始采用 ntel 处理器。


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