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Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce 第三章(2)——PAIRS AND STRIPES
Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce第三章(3)——COMPUTING RELATIVE FREQUENCIES




package mp.co_occurrence_matrix;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;/** *  * @author liupenghe * 自定义TextPair Writable类型 * */public class TextPair implements WritableComparable<TextPair>{    private Text first;    private Text second;    /**     * 默认的构造函数,这样MapReduce方法才能创建对象,然后通过readFeilds方法从序列化数据流中独处进行赋值     */    public TextPair() {        set (new Text(), new Text());    }    public TextPair(String first, String second) {        set(new Text(first), new Text(second));    }    public TextPair(Text first, Text second) {        set(first, second);    }    public void set(Text first, Text second) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        this.first = first;        this.second = second;    }    public Text getFirst() {        return first;    }    public Text getSecond() {        return second;    }    /**     * 通过成员对象本身的readFeilds方法,从输入流中反序列化每一个成员对象     * @param arg0     * @throws IOException     */    @Override    public void readFields(DataInput arg0) throws IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        first.readFields(arg0);        second.readFields(arg0);    }    /**     * 通过成员对象本身的write方法,序列化每一个成员对象到输出流中     * @param arg0     * @throws IOException     */    @Override    public void write(DataOutput arg0) throws IOException {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        first.write(arg0);        second.write(arg0);    }    /**     * 实现WritableComparable必须要实现的方法,用语比较排序     * @param TextPair     * @return     */    @Override    public int compareTo(TextPair tp) {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        int cmp = first.compareTo(tp.first);        if(cmp != 0) {            return cmp;        }        return second.compareTo(tp.second);    }    /**     * 就像针对java语言构造任何值的对象,需要重写java.lang.Object中的hashCode(), equals()和toString()方法     */    /**     * MapReduce需要一个Partitioner把map的输出作为输入分成一块块喂给多个reduce     * 默认的是HashPartitioner,它是通过对象的hashCode函数进行分割,所以hashCode的好坏决定了分割是否均匀,它是一个关键的方法     * @return     */    //当不使用reletive frequency时采用该hashCode求值方式    @Override    public int hashCode() {        return first.hashCode() * 163 + second.hashCode();     }    @Override    public boolean equals(Object o) {        if(o instanceof TextPair) {            TextPair tp = (TextPair) o;            return first.equals(tp.first) && second.equals(tp.second);        }        return false;    }    /**     * 重写toString方法,作为TextOutputFormat输出格式的输出     * @return     */    @Override    public String toString() {        return first + "," + second;    }    /**     * 当Textpair被用作健时,需要将数据流反序列化为对象,然后再调用compareTo()方法进行比较。     * 为了提升效率,可以直接对数据的序列化表示来进行比较     */    public static class Comparator extends WritableComparator {        private static final Text.Comparator TEXT_COMPARATOR = new Text.Comparator();        public Comparator() {            super(TextPair.class);        }        @Override        public int compare(byte[] b1, int s1, int l1, byte[] b2, int s2, int l2) {            try {                /**                 * Text对象的二进制表示是一个长度可变的证书,包含字符串之UTF-8表示的字节数以及UTF-8字节本身。                 * 读取该对象的起始长度,由此得知第一个Text对象的字节表示有多长;然后将该长度传给Text对象RawComparator方法                 * 最后通过计算第一个字符串和第二个字符串恰当的偏移量,从而实现对象的比较                 * decodeVIntSize返回变长整形的长度,readVInt表示文本字节数组的长度,加起来就是某个成员的长度                 */                int firstL1 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b1[s1]) + readVInt(b1, s1);                int firstL2 = WritableUtils.decodeVIntSize(b2[s2]) + readVInt(b2, s2);                //先比较first                int cmp =, s1, firstL1, b2, s2, firstL2);                if(cmp != 0) {                    return cmp;                }                //再比较second                return, s1 + firstL1, l1 - firstL1, b2, s2 + firstL2,  l2 - firstL2);            } catch (IOException e) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException();            }        }    }    //注册RawComparator, 这样MapReduce使用TextPair时就会直接调用Comparator    static {        WritableComparator.define(TextPair.class, new Comparator());    }}
/*** 使用pair的方式,使用自定义了TextPiar Writable对象**/public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixMapperWithPair extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, TextPair, DoubleWritable> {    @Override    public void map(LongWritable inputKey, Text inputValue, Context context)             throws IOException, InterruptedException {            String doc = inputValue.toString();            //这里只是简单的根据正则分词,如果希望准确分词,请使用相关分词包            String reg = "[\\p{P}\\s]";            String[] allTerms = doc.split(reg);            for(int i = 0; i < allTerms.length; i++) {                if((!"".equals(allTerms[i])) && allTerms[i] != null) {                    //考虑in-mapper combining                    Map<String, Integer> pairMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();                    //取出该单词对应的一定窗口大小内的共现词                    String[] termNeighbors = neighborsOfTerm(allTerms[i], i, allTerms, 3);                    for(String nbTerm : termNeighbors) {                        if((!"".equals(nbTerm)) && nbTerm != null) {                                                    String textPairStr = allTerms[i] + "," + nbTerm;                            //in-mapper combining                            if(!pairMap.containsKey(textPairStr)) {                                pairMap.put(textPairStr, 1);                            } else {                                pairMap.put(textPairStr, pairMap.get(textPairStr) + 1);                            }                        }                    }                    for(Entry<String, Integer> entry: pairMap.entrySet()) {                        String[] pairStrs = entry.getKey().split(",");                        TextPair textPair = new TextPair(pairStrs[0], pairStrs[1]);                        context.write(textPair, new DoubleWritable(entry.getValue()));                      }                }            }        }    /**    * 计算某个词在某窗口大小内的共现词    * @param term    * @param allterms    * @return    */    public String[] neighborsOfTerm(String term, int pos, String[] allterms, int windowSize) {            String[] neighbors = new String[windowSize];            int count = allterms.length;            int j = 0;            int leftOffSet = 0;            int rightOffSet = 0;            if(pos < windowSize / 2) {                leftOffSet = pos;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            } else if (pos >= count - 1 - windowSize / 2) {                rightOffSet = count - 1 - pos;                leftOffSet = windowSize - rightOffSet;            } else {                leftOffSet = windowSize / 2;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            }            for(int i = pos - leftOffSet; i <= pos + rightOffSet && i >=0 && i < count; i++) {                if(term != allterms[i] ) {                    neighbors[j] = allterms[i];                    j ++;                }            }            return neighbors;        }    } 
public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixReducerWithPair extends Reducer<TextPair, DoubleWritable, TextPair, DoubleWritable> {    @Override    public void reduce(TextPair inputKey, Iterable<DoubleWritable> inputValues, Context context)            throws IOException, InterruptedException {            int sum = 0;            for(DoubleWritable inC : inputValues) {                sum += inC.get();            }            context.write(inputKey, new DoubleWritable(sum));        }    }


package mp.co_occurrence_matrix;import java.math.BigDecimal;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import;import;import;import;/** *  * @author liupenghe * 自定义TextStripe类型,其实是继承自Hadoop提供的MapWritable * */public class TextStripe extends MapWritable {    public TextStripe(){        super();    }    /**     * 重写格式化输出函数,否则以TextOutputFormat输出,文件只会显示该对象的信息     * 如:TextStripe@75123     */    @Override    public String toString(){        String res = "";        for(Entry<Writable, Writable> entry : this.entrySet()) {            Text key = (Text) entry.getKey();            DoubleWritable value = (DoubleWritable) entry.getValue();                   res += key.toString()+ ":" + value.get() + ";";        }        return res;    }    /**     * 添加另一个putAll方法,实现两个TextStripe的相加     * 自带的不知为何不能叠加,没办法,只能自己动手实现了     * @param ts     */    public void putAll(TextStripe ts) {        for(Entry<Writable, Writable> entry : ts.entrySet()) {            Text tsKey = (Text)entry.getKey();            DoubleWritable tsValue = (DoubleWritable)entry.getValue();            //如果已包含该健,累加值            if(this.containsKey(tsKey)) {                double newValue = ((DoubleWritable)this.get(tsKey)).get() + tsValue.get();                this.put(tsKey, new DoubleWritable(newValue));            } else { //如果不包含该健,则加上                this.put(tsKey, tsValue);            }        }    }
/*** 使用stripe方式,使用自定义的TextStripe Writable对象* */public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixMapperWithStripe extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, TextStripe> {    @Override    public void map(LongWritable inputKey, Text inputValue, Context context)             throws IOException, InterruptedException {            String doc = inputValue.toString();            //这里只是简单的根据正则分词,如果希望准确分词,请使用相关分词包            String reg = "[\\p{P}\\s]";            String[] allTerms = doc.split(reg);            for (int i = 0; i < allTerms.length; i++) {                if((!"".equals(allTerms[i])) && allTerms[i] != null) {                    Text outputKey = new Text(allTerms[i]);                    //定义一TextStripe存储与该单词共现的词以及频率                    TextStripe termTS = new TextStripe();                    //取出该单词对应的一定窗口大小内的共现词                    String[] termNeighbors = neighborsOfTerm(allTerms[i], i, allTerms, 3);                    for(String nbTerm : termNeighbors) {                        if((!"".equals(nbTerm)) && nbTerm != null) {                            Text co_term = new Text(nbTerm);                            //这里其实是做了in-mapper combining                            if(!termTS.containsKey(co_term)) {                                termTS.put(co_term, new DoubleWritable(1));                            } else {                                DoubleWritable lastValue = (DoubleWritable) termTS.get(co_term);                                double newValue = lastValue.get() + 1.0;                                termTS.put(co_term, new DoubleWritable(newValue));                            }                                   }                    }                    context.write(outputKey, termTS);                }            }        }    /**    * 计算某个词在某窗口大小内的共现词    * @param term    * @param allterms    * @return    */    public String[] neighborsOfTerm(String term, int pos, String[] allterms, int windowSize) {            String[] neighbors = new String[windowSize];            int count = allterms.length;            int j = 0;            int leftOffSet = 0;            int rightOffSet = 0;            if(pos < windowSize / 2) {                leftOffSet = pos;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            } else if (pos >= count - 1 - windowSize / 2) {                rightOffSet = count - 1 - pos;                leftOffSet = windowSize - rightOffSet;            } else {                leftOffSet = windowSize / 2;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            }            for(int i = pos - leftOffSet; i <= pos + rightOffSet && i >=0 && i < count; i++) {                if(term != allterms[i] ) {                    neighbors[j] = allterms[i];                    j ++;                }            }            return neighbors;        }    }
public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixReducerWithStripe extends Reducer<Text, TextStripe, Text, TextStripe> {    @Override    public void reduce(Text inputKey, Iterable<TextStripe> inputValues, Context context)            throws IOException, InterruptedException {            //创建一表示总和的TexStripe            TextStripe sumStripe = new TextStripe();            for(TextStripe ts : inputValues) {                //将对应的列表加入总列表里                sumStripe.putAll(ts);            }               context.write(inputKey, sumStripe);        }    }


Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=179807Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=575376Map output bytes=739261121Reduce shuffle bytes=18651738GC time elapsed (ms)=2287CPU time spent (ms)=153540
Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=226361Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=784184Map output bytes=607005002Reduce shuffle bytes=11818684GC time elapsed (ms)=2809CPU time spent (ms)=202450          






//为了实现reletive frequenc版的共现矩阵,比较方法也要重写,以确保特殊的单词对(word, *)会首先发送到reducer端@Overridepublic int compareTo(TextPair tp) {        //先按第一个单词比较        int cmp = this.getFirst().compareTo(tp.getFirst());        if(cmp != 0) {            return cmp;        }        //再比较第二个单词        //如果单词为“*”则说明需排在最前面        if(this.getSecond().toString().equals("*")) {            return -1;        } else if (tp.getSecond().toString().equals("*")) {            return 1;        } else {            return this.getSecond().compareTo(tp.getSecond());        }    }   
//使用pair方式计算相对频率时,也可以不改变TextPair中的hashCode方法,可以重写一个自定义的Partitionerpublic static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixWithRFPairPartitioner extends Partitioner<TextPair, DoubleWritable> {        @Override        public int getPartition(TextPair key, DoubleWritable value, int numPartitions) {            return key.getSecond().hashCode() % numPartitions;        }    }
/*** 使用pair方式计算相对频率,map端与reducer端均做相应改变*/public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixWithRFPairMapper extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, TextPair, DoubleWritable> {        @Override        public void map(LongWritable inputKey, Text inputValue, Context context)            throws IOException, InterruptedException {            String doc = inputValue.toString();            //这里只是简单的根据正则分词,如果希望准确分词,请使用相关分词包            String reg = "[\\p{P}\\s]";            String[] allTerms = doc.split(reg);            for(int i = 0; i < allTerms.length; i++) {                if((!"".equals(allTerms[i])) && allTerms[i] != null) {                    //取出该单词对应的一定窗口大小内的共现词                    String[] termNeighbors = neighborsOfTerm(allTerms[i], i, allTerms, 3);                    //考虑in-mapper combining                    Map<String, Integer> pairMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();                    //这里作出求频率所需的相应改变,需要把当前的邻接的词的个数发送出去                    TextPair totalNeighbors = new TextPair(allTerms[i], "*");   //*号作为特殊记号,排序时被排在最前面,reducer端最先获取到此对                    //(word, *)对对应的值是与word共现的所有词的个数                    double totalNum = 0.0;                    for(String nbTerm : termNeighbors) {                        if((!"".equals(nbTerm)) && nbTerm != null) {                                                    totalNum += 1.0;                            String textPairStr = allTerms[i] + "," + nbTerm;                            //in-mapper combining                            if(!pairMap.containsKey(textPairStr)) {                                pairMap.put(textPairStr, 1);                            } else {                                pairMap.put(textPairStr, pairMap.get(textPairStr) + 1);                            }                        }                    }                    context.write(totalNeighbors, new DoubleWritable(totalNum));                    for(Entry<String, Integer> entry: pairMap.entrySet()) {                        String[] pairStrs = entry.getKey().split(",");                        TextPair textPair = new TextPair(pairStrs[0], pairStrs[1]);                        context.write(textPair, new DoubleWritable(entry.getValue()));                      }                }            }        }        /**         * 计算某个词在某窗口大小内的共现词         * @param term         * @param allterms         * @return         */public String[] neighborsOfTerm(String term, int pos, String[] allterms, int windowSize) {            String[] neighbors = new String[windowSize];            int count = allterms.length;            int j = 0;            int leftOffSet = 0;            int rightOffSet = 0;            if(pos < windowSize / 2) {                leftOffSet = pos;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            } else if (pos >= count - 1 - windowSize / 2) {                rightOffSet = count - 1 - pos;                leftOffSet = windowSize - rightOffSet;            } else {                leftOffSet = windowSize / 2;                rightOffSet = windowSize - leftOffSet;            }            for(int i = pos - leftOffSet; i <= pos + rightOffSet && i >=0 && i < count; i++) {                if(term != allterms[i] ) {                    neighbors[j] = allterms[i];                    j ++;                }            }            return neighbors;        }    }
public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixWithRFPairReducer extends Reducer<TextPair, DoubleWritable, TextPair, DoubleWritable> {        /**         * reducer端接受textpair         * 顺序为:(word, *) : {3, 5}         *        (word, word1): {2, 4}         *        (word, word2): {1, 1}         */        //声明一全局变量,记录与该次共现的所有的词个数        private double totalNum = 0.0;        //声明一变量,表示相对频率        private double rfValue = 0.0;        //声明一变量,记录当前处理到的词        private String currentWord = "#####";        //依次求各个pair的频率        @Override        public void reduce(TextPair inputKey, Iterable<DoubleWritable> inputValues, Context context)            throws IOException, InterruptedException {            String key = inputKey.toString();            String word = key.split(",")[0];            String sign = key.split(",")[1];            //首先将所有共现词的个数求出来            if (sign.equals("*")) {                if (word.equals(currentWord)) {                    totalNum += getTotalCount(inputValues);                } else {                    currentWord = word;                    totalNum = 0.0;                    totalNum = getTotalCount(inputValues);                }            }            //求各个共现词的频率            else {                double tempSum = getTotalCount(inputValues);                //求频率                rfValue = tempSum / totalNum;                //保留四位小数                BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(rfValue);                  rfValue = bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();                  context.write(inputKey, new DoubleWritable(rfValue));            }        }private int getTotalCount(Iterable<DoubleWritable> values) {            int count = 0;            for(DoubleWritable value: values) {                count += value.get();                       }            return count;        }    }



public static class Co_OccurrenceMatrixWithRFStripeReducer extends Reducer<Text, TextStripe, Text, TextStripe> {        /**         *  在reducer端计算相对频率         */        public void reduce(Text inputKey, Iterable<TextStripe> inputValues, Context context)            throws IOException, InterruptedException {            //创建一表示总和的TexStripe            TextStripe sumStripe = new TextStripe();            for(TextStripe ts : inputValues) {                //将对应的列表加入总列表里                sumStripe.putAll(ts);            }            //计算频率            //统计所有的共现单词数            double totalNumOfWords = 0.0;            for(Entry<Writable, Writable> entry: sumStripe.entrySet()) {                DoubleWritable count = (DoubleWritable) entry.getValue();                totalNumOfWords += count.get();            }            //计算每个单词在所有共现单词中的频率            for(Entry<Writable, Writable> entry: sumStripe.entrySet()) {                Text word = (Text) entry.getKey();                DoubleWritable count = (DoubleWritable) entry.getValue();                double rfValue =  count.get() / totalNumOfWords;                //保留四位小数                BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(rfValue);                  rfValue = bd.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();                  //重新放进数据结构中                sumStripe.put(word, new DoubleWritable(rfValue));            }            context.write(inputKey, sumStripe);        }    }


Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=1698777Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=913924Map output bytes=968788536Reduce shuffle bytes=1070082526GC time elapsed (ms)=9936CPU time spent (ms)=1220820
Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=212706Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=268947Map output bytes=1281341916Reduce shuffle bytes=1309411451GC time elapsed (ms)=3162CPU time spent (ms)=305890


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