[LeetCode] Climbing Stairs, Solution

来源:互联网 发布:内部优惠券提取软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 15:31

You are climbing a stair case. It takes n steps to reach to the top.
Each time you can either climb 1 or 2 steps. In how many distinct ways can you climb to the top?

» Solve this problem

DP. The transition function should be:
 f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)  n>2;
     or = 1   n=1
    or  = 2   n=2


1:    int climbStairs(int n) {  
2: // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
3: // DO NOT write int main() function
4: int fn_2 =1, fn_1=2;
5: if(n==1) return fn_2;
6: if(n ==2) return fn_1;
7: int fn;
8: for(int i =3; i<=n; i++)
9: {
10: fn = fn_2+fn_1;
11: fn_2 = fn_1;
12: fn_1= fn;
13: }
14: return fn;
15: }
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