
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝如何不打电话注册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 11:41



  • 如何表示带权的节点?定义结构体RawNode,data表示权值,pos表示其在原vector或数组中的从0开始的位置。为什么需要pos这个域呢?
  • 赫夫曼树,采用孩子双亲表示法,记录线性存储区中的相对地址,不用指针。与书上一样。


  1. 用原带权节点vector初始化赫夫曼树,此时树种所有的叶子节点左右孩子都为0,双亲也为0
  2. 在vector上原地建一个小顶堆,节点的相对关系已经改变。所以用变量pos_in_wght记录原vector的size,表示下一个新建的节点的地址。
  3. 取出堆上的最小的两个带权节点sm1,sm2,并将其从堆中删除;
  4. 新建节点sm3的权值为sm1和sm2的和,位置pos为pos_in_wght,伺候pos_in_wght自加一,表示下一个新建节点的位置。
  5. 将新的节点加入到堆中,使用push_heap接口使堆维持其状态。
  6. 新建一个赫夫曼树节点,正确处理其与sm1,sm2,sm3的父子关系,然后加入到树hoff中。
  7. 重复步骤3直到堆中只剩下一个节点。
  8. 将最后一个节点的双亲指向-1,表示它为根节点。
#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;/*pos is a node's position from vector[0]*/typedef struct rnode{    int data;    int pos;}RawNode;/*Huffman Tree Definition*/typedef struct hnode{    int weight;    int parent, left, right;}HTNode, *HoffmanTree;/*Show the Huffman Tree in a man-read way*/void PrintHuffman(vector<HTNode> &hoff){    vector<HTNode>::iterator it = hoff.begin();    while(it != hoff.end())    {        cout << "| " << it->weight << " | " << it->parent << " | "\            << it->left << " " << it->right << " |" << endl;        it++;    }}void PrintVector(vector<RawNode> &w, const string &note){    int n = w.size();    cout << note << endl;    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)    {        cout << w[i].data << " ";    }    cout << endl;}/*comp function, make an min-heap*/bool compare(const RawNode &a, const RawNode &b){    return a.data > b.data;}void Build_HoffmanTree(vector<RawNode> &wght, vector<HTNode> &hoff){    int nodes = wght.size();    if(nodes < 1)        return;    //1. init the hofftree with wght    HTNode tmp;    vector<RawNode>::iterator it = wght.begin();    while(it != wght.end())    {        tmp.weight = it->data;        tmp.parent = -1;        tmp.left = 0;        tmp.right = 0;        hoff.push_back(tmp);        it++;    }    //2. heapify the w, get the top 2 smallest node    make_heap(wght.begin(), wght.end(), compare);    //because wght's size will be variable, so a var is needed to    //store new rawnode's pos in the original wght vector    int pos_in_wght = wght.size();    for(int i = 0; i < nodes - 1; i++)    {        //from the heap top, get the top-2 smallest nodes        RawNode sm1 = wght[0];        pop_heap(wght.begin(), wght.end(), compare);        wght.pop_back();        RawNode sm2 = wght[0];        pop_heap(wght.begin(), wght.end(), compare);        wght.pop_back();        //move them to the end of vector with pop_heap() and delete them        //push the new node to wght;        RawNode sm3;        sm3.data = sm2.data + sm1.data;        sm3.pos = pos_in_wght++;        wght.push_back(sm3);        push_heap(wght.begin(), wght.end(), compare);        //process the sm1, sm2 and sm3's relationship, add new huffman-tree        //node into hoff vector        hoff[sm1.pos].parent = hoff.size();        hoff[sm2.pos].parent = hoff.size();        HTNode tmp;        tmp.weight = sm3.data;        tmp.left = sm1.pos;        tmp.right = sm2.pos;        hoff.push_back(tmp);    }    hoff[hoff.size()-1].parent = -1;}int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){    vector<RawNode> w;    RawNode a;    a.data = 5;    a.pos = 0;    w.push_back(a);    a.data = 7;    a.pos = 1;    w.push_back(a);    a.data = 2;    a.pos = 2;    w.push_back(a);    a.data = 4;    a.pos = 3;    w.push_back(a);    vector<HTNode> Huffman;    Build_HoffmanTree(w, Huffman);    PrintHuffman(Huffman);    return 0;}


| 5 | 5 | 0 0 |
| 7 | 6 | 0 0 |
| 2 | 4 | 0 0 |
| 4 | 4 | 0 0 |
| 6 | 5 | 2 3 |
| 11 | 6 | 0 4 |
| 18 | -1 | 1 5 |

0 0