
来源:互联网 发布:手机桌面天气预报软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:35

2 并发与并行的联系和区别


2.1 Erlang 之父 Joe Armstrong 的观点

Erlang 是一种通用的并行程序设计语言,在并行、分布式和容错等方面表现优异。下面是 Erlang 官方的介绍:

Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Erlang's runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.

Erlang 的发明者 Joe Armstrong 在他的一篇博文(原文链接)中提到如何向一个 5 岁的小孩去介绍并发和并行的区别,并给出了下面一幅图(下图是自己重绘的,原图连接):




Go 发明者之一 Rob Pike 的观点

Go 是一门新兴的编程语言,Go 官方对其介绍如下:

The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive.

Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines.

Go 的并行机制使其非常容易编写多核和网络应用。Go 语言的并发模型基于 CSP(Communicating sequential processes, 参见维基百科 CSP)。Go 提供了 goroutines(并发执行), channels(同步和通信), select(多路并发控制) 等特性来支持并发编程。Go 的发明者之一 Rob Pick 在他的一篇讲稿(Concurrency is not Parallelism(it's better))中提到:

Concurrency: Programming as the composition of independently executing processes.

Parallelism: Programming as the simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations.

Rob 认为并发是程序本身的一种特性,程序被分为多个可独立执行的部分,而各个可独立执行的片段通过通信手段进行协调(后文会提到),而并行则是程序的计算过程(不同的计算过程可能相关联)同时执行。

Rob Pike 的观点是: 并发是一次处理(dealing with)很多事情,而并行是一次做(doing)很多事情.(注: 英文词汇的表达也很微妙)原文是如下:

Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once.

Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.

前者是关于程序结构的,而后者是关于程序执行的。Rob 认为:

Concurrency provides a way to structure a solution to solve a problem that may (but not necessarily) be parallelizable.


作者在本文中还提到,设计并发程序时应该将程序分为多个执行片段,使得每个片段可以独立执行。不同执行片段通过通信(Communication )来进行协调。因此 Go 的并发模型基于 CSP: C. A. R. Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes (CACM 1978)

作者后面还给出了一个例子来阐述他的观点,感兴趣的读者可以继续阅读:(Concurrency is not Parallelism(it's better))


另外,Intel 中文网站的一篇文章(原文链接)曾这样写道(可能不是很权威,不过可以大致说明并发与并行的区别),

并发(Concurrence):指两个或两个以上的事件或活动在同一时间间隔内发生。并发的实质是单个物理 CPU(也可以多个物理CPU) 在若干道程序之间多路复用,并发可以对有限物理资源强制行使多用户共享以提高效率,如下图所示:






std::thread 在 <thread> 头文件中声明,因此使用 std::thread 需包含 <thread> 头文件。

<thread> 头文件摘要

<thread> 头文件声明了 std::thread 线程类及 std::swap (交换两个线程对象)辅助函数。另外命名空间 std::this_thread 也声明在 <thread> 头文件中。下面是 C++11 标准所定义的 <thread> 头文件摘要:

参见 N3242=11-0012 草案第 30.3 节 Threads(p1133)。

namespace std {    #define __STDCPP_THREADS__ __cplusplus    class thread;    void swap(thread& x, thread& y);    namespace this_thread {        thread::id get_id();        void yield();        template <class Clock, class Duration>        void sleep_until(const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration>& abs_time);        template <class Rep, class Period>        void sleep_for(const chrono::duration<Rep, Period>& rel_time);    }        }

<thread> 头文件主要声明了 std::thread 类,另外在 std::this_thread 命名空间中声明了 get_idyieldsleep_until以及 sleep_for 等辅助函数,本章稍微会详细介绍 std::thread 类及相关函数。

std::thread 类摘要

std::thread 代表了一个线程对象,C++11 标准声明如下:

namespace std {    class thread {        public:            // 类型声明:            class id;            typedef implementation-defined native_handle_type;            // 构造函数、拷贝构造函数和析构函数声明:            thread() noexcept;            template <class F, class ...Args> explicit thread(F&& f, Args&&... args);            ~thread();            thread(const thread&) = delete;            thread(thread&&) noexcept;            thread& operator=(const thread&) = delete;            thread& operator=(thread&&) noexcept;            // 成员函数声明:            void swap(thread&) noexcept;            bool joinable() const noexcept;            void join();            void detach();            id get_id() const noexcept;            native_handle_type native_handle();            // 静态成员函数声明:            static unsigned hardware_concurrency() noexcept;    };}

std::thread 中主要声明三类函数:(1). 构造函数、拷贝构造函数及析构函数;(2). 成员函数;(3). 静态成员函数。另外,std::thread::id 表示线程 ID,同时 C++11 声明如下:

namespace std {    class thread::id {        public:            id() noexcept;    };    bool operator==(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    bool operator!=(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    bool operator<(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    bool operator<=(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    bool operator>(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    bool operator>=(thread::id x, thread::id y) noexcept;    template<class charT, class traits>    basic_ostream<charT, traits>&        operator<< (basic_ostream<charT, traits>& out, thread::id id);    // Hash 支持    template <class T> struct hash;    template <> struct hash<thread::id>;}

std::thread 详解

std::thread 构造和赋值

std::thread 构造函数

默认构造函数 (1)thread() noexcept;初始化构造函数 (2)template <class Fn, class... Args>
explicit thread(Fn&& fn, Args&&... args);拷贝构造函数 [deleted] (3)thread(const thread&) = delete;Move 构造函数 (4)thread(thread&& x) noexcept;
  1. 默认构造函数(1),创建一个空的 std::thread 执行对象。
  2. 初始化构造函数(2),创建一个 std::thread 对象,该 std::thread 对象可被 joinable,新产生的线程会调用 fn 函数,该函数的参数由 args 给出。
  3. 拷贝构造函数(被禁用)(3),意味着 std::thread 对象不可拷贝构造。
  4. Move 构造函数(4),move 构造函数(move 语义是 C++11 新出现的概念,详见附录),调用成功之后 x 不代表任何std::thread 执行对象。

注意:可被 joinable 的 std::thread 对象必须在他们销毁之前被主线程 join 或者将其设置为 detached.

std::thread 各种构造函数例子如下(参考):

#include <iostream>#include <utility>#include <thread>#include <chrono>#include <functional>#include <atomic>void f1(int n){    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {        std::cout << "Thread " << n << " executing\n";        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    }}void f2(int& n){    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {        std::cout << "Thread 2 executing\n";        ++n;        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    }}int main(){    int n = 0;    std::thread t1; // t1 is not a thread    std::thread t2(f1, n + 1); // pass by value    std::thread t3(f2, std::ref(n)); // pass by reference    std::thread t4(std::move(t3)); // t4 is now running f2(). t3 is no longer a thread    t2.join();    t4.join();    std::cout << "Final value of n is " << n << '\n';}

std::thread 赋值操作

Move 赋值操作 (1)thread& operator=(thread&& rhs) noexcept;拷贝赋值操作 [deleted] (2)thread& operator=(const thread&) = delete;
  1. Move 赋值操作(1),如果当前对象不可 joinable,需要传递一个右值引用(rhs)给 move 赋值操作;如果当前对象可被joinable,则会调用 terminate() 报错。
  2. 拷贝赋值操作(2),被禁用,因此 std::thread 对象不可拷贝赋值。


#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <chrono>    // std::chrono::seconds#include <iostream>  // std::cout#include <thread>    // std::thread, std::this_thread::sleep_forvoid thread_task(int n) {    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(n));    std::cout << "hello thread "        << std::this_thread::get_id()        << " paused " << n << " seconds" << std::endl;}int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){    std::thread threads[5];    std::cout << "Spawning 5 threads...\n";    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {        threads[i] = std::thread(thread_task, i + 1);    }    std::cout << "Done spawning threads! Now wait for them to join\n";    for (auto& t: threads) {        t.join();    }    std::cout << "All threads joined.\n";    return EXIT_SUCCESS;}



  • get_id: 获取线程 ID,返回一个类型为 std::thread::id 的对象。请看下面例子:

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>void foo(){    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}int main(){    std::thread t1(foo);    std::thread::id t1_id = t1.get_id();    std::thread t2(foo);    std::thread::id t2_id = t2.get_id();    std::cout << "t1's id: " << t1_id << '\n';    std::cout << "t2's id: " << t2_id << '\n';    t1.join();    t2.join();}
  • joinable: 检查线程是否可被 join。检查当前的线程对象是否表示了一个活动的执行线程,由默认构造函数创建的线程是不能被 join 的。另外,如果某个线程 已经执行完任务,但是没有被 join 的话,该线程依然会被认为是一个活动的执行线程,因此也是可以被 join 的。

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>void foo(){    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}int main(){    std::thread t;    std::cout << "before starting, joinable: " << t.joinable() << '\n';    t = std::thread(foo);    std::cout << "after starting, joinable: " << t.joinable() << '\n';    t.join();}
  • join: Join 线程,调用该函数会阻塞当前线程,直到由 *this 所标示的线程执行完毕 join 才返回。

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>void foo(){    // simulate expensive operation    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}void bar(){    // simulate expensive operation    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}int main(){    std::cout << "starting first helper...\n";    std::thread helper1(foo);    std::cout << "starting second helper...\n";    std::thread helper2(bar);    std::cout << "waiting for helpers to finish..." << std::endl;    helper1.join();    helper2.join();    std::cout << "done!\n";}
  • detach: Detach 线程。 将当前线程对象所代表的执行实例与该线程对象分离,使得线程的执行可以单独进行。一旦线程执行完毕,它所分配的资源将会被释放。

调用 detach 函数之后:

  1. *this 不再代表任何的线程执行实例。
  2. joinable() == false
  3. get_id() == std::thread::id()

另外,如果出错或者 joinable() == false,则会抛出 std::system_error.

    #include <iostream>    #include <chrono>    #include <thread>    void independentThread()     {        std::cout << "Starting concurrent thread.\n";        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));        std::cout << "Exiting concurrent thread.\n";    }    void threadCaller()     {        std::cout << "Starting thread caller.\n";        std::thread t(independentThread);        t.detach();        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));        std::cout << "Exiting thread caller.\n";    }    int main()     {        threadCaller();        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5));    }
  • swap: Swap 线程,交换两个线程对象所代表的底层句柄(underlying handles)。

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>void foo(){    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}void bar(){    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}int main(){    std::thread t1(foo);    std::thread t2(bar);    std::cout << "thread 1 id: " << t1.get_id() << std::endl;    std::cout << "thread 2 id: " << t2.get_id() << std::endl;    std::swap(t1, t2);    std::cout << "after std::swap(t1, t2):" << std::endl;    std::cout << "thread 1 id: " << t1.get_id() << std::endl;    std::cout << "thread 2 id: " << t2.get_id() << std::endl;    t1.swap(t2);    std::cout << "after t1.swap(t2):" << std::endl;    std::cout << "thread 1 id: " << t1.get_id() << std::endl;    std::cout << "thread 2 id: " << t2.get_id() << std::endl;    t1.join();    t2.join();}


thread 1 id: 1892thread 2 id: 2584after std::swap(t1, t2):thread 1 id: 2584thread 2 id: 1892after t1.swap(t2):thread 1 id: 1892thread 2 id: 2584
  • native_handle: 返回 native handle(由于 std::thread 的实现和操作系统相关,因此该函数返回与 std::thread 具体实现相关的线程句柄,例如在符合 Posix 标准的平台下(如 Unix/Linux)是 Pthread 库)。

    #include <thread>#include <iostream>#include <chrono>#include <cstring>#include <pthread.h>std::mutex iomutex;void f(int num){    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));   sched_param sch;   int policy;    pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &sch);   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(iomutex);   std::cout << "Thread " << num << " is executing at priority "             << sch.sched_priority << '\n';}int main(){    std::thread t1(f, 1), t2(f, 2);    sched_param sch;    int policy;     pthread_getschedparam(t1.native_handle(), &policy, &sch);    sch.sched_priority = 20;    if(pthread_setschedparam(t1.native_handle(), SCHED_FIFO, &sch)) {        std::cout << "Failed to setschedparam: " << std::strerror(errno) << '\n';    }    t1.join();    t2.join();}


Thread 2 is executing at priority 0Thread 1 is executing at priority 20
  • hardware_concurrency [static]: 检测硬件并发特性,返回当前平台的线程实现所支持的线程并发数目,但返回值仅仅只作为系统提示(hint)。

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>int main() {    unsigned int n = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();    std::cout << n << " concurrent threads are supported.\n";}

std::this_thread 命名空间中相关辅助函数介绍

  • get_id: 获取线程 ID。

    #include <iostream>#include <thread>#include <chrono>#include <mutex>std::mutex g_display_mutex;void foo(){    std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();    g_display_mutex.lock();    std::cout << "thread " << this_id << " sleeping...\n";    g_display_mutex.unlock();    std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));}int main(){    std::thread t1(foo);    std::thread t2(foo);    t1.join();    t2.join();}
  • yield: 当前线程放弃执行,操作系统调度另一线程继续执行。

    #include <iostream>#include <chrono>#include <thread>// "busy sleep" while suggesting that other threads run // for a small amount of timevoid little_sleep(std::chrono::microseconds us){    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();    auto end = start + us;    do {        std::this_thread::yield();    } while (std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() < end);}int main(){    auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();    little_sleep(std::chrono::microseconds(100));    auto elapsed = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start;    std::cout << "waited for "              << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(elapsed).count()              << " microseconds\n";}
  • sleep_until: 线程休眠至某个指定的时刻(time point),该线程才被重新唤醒。

    template< class Clock, class Duration >void sleep_until( const std::chrono::time_point<Clock,Duration>& sleep_time );
  • sleep_for: 线程休眠某个指定的时间片(time span),该线程才被重新唤醒,不过由于线程调度等原因,实际休眠时间可能比 sleep_duration 所表示的时间片更长。

    template< class Rep, class Period >void sleep_for( const std::chrono::duration<Rep,Period>& sleep_duration );#include <iostream>#include <chrono>#include <thread>int main(){    std::cout << "Hello waiter" << std::endl;    std::chrono::milliseconds dura( 2000 );    std::this_thread::sleep_for( dura );    std::cout << "Waited 2000 ms\n";}


Hello waiterWaited 2000 ms





#include <iostream>#include <utility>#include <thread>#include <chrono>#include <functional>#include <atomic>using namespace std;void f1(int n){    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {        std::cout << "Thread " << n << " executing\n";        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    }}void f2(int& n){    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {        std::cout << "Thread 2 executing\n";        ++n;        std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));    }}int main(){    int n = 0;    std::thread t1; // t1 is not a thread    std::thread t2(f1, n + 1); // pass by value    std::thread t3(f2, std::ref(n)); // pass by reference    std::thread t4(std::move(t3)); // t4 is now running f2(). t3 is no longer a thread    t2.join();    t4.join();    std::cout << "Final value of n is " << n << '\n';}


$ g++ test_Thread.cpp -o test_Thread -std=c++11 -pthread -D_GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP


$ ./test_Thread

Thread 1 executingThread 2 executingThread 1 executingThread 2 executingThread 1 executingThread 2 executingThread 1 executingThread 2 executingThread 1Thread 2 executing executingFinal value of n is 5

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