Training MNIST LeNet on MNIST with Caffe

来源:互联网 发布:表格删除重复数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:04

LeNet 结构

(1) 准备数据

 cd $CAFFE_ROOT./data/mnist/

从MNIST网站上下载数据,并且将数据转换成caffe可以识别的数据.然后,即得到两个数据集 mnist_train_lmdb, and mnist_test_lmdb.

(2) 定义MNIST网络

该网络定义在 lenet_train_test.prototxt 中.关于caffe中protobuf的定义, $CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto中有详细解释.
name: "LeNet"
Data Layer

layer {  name: "mnist"  type: "Data"  data_param {    source: "mnist_train_lmdb"    backend: LMDB    batch_size: 64    scale: 0.00390625  }  top: "data"  top: "label"}

scale主要是为了归一化,使像素值在[0 1]之间,1/256 约等于0.00390625.
Convolution Layer

layer {  name: "conv1"  type: "Convolution"  param { lr_mult: 1 }  param { lr_mult: 2 }  convolution_param {    num_output: 20    kernel_size: 5    stride: 1    weight_filler {      type: "xavier"    }    bias_filler {      type: "constant"    }  }  bottom: "data"  top: "conv1"}

输出20channels(feature map),卷积的kernel size 为5 and stride 为1.filters的参数可以随机产生.对于weight_filler, 用的是xavier算法. bias filler初始为constant,默认为0.lr_mults是学习率, weight learning rate 跟运行时的学习率一样,bias learning rate 一般是两倍.
Pooling Layer

layer {  name: "pool1"  type: "Pooling"  pooling_param {    kernel_size: 2    stride: 2    pool: MAX  }  bottom: "conv1"  top: "pool1"}


layer {  name: "ip1"  type: "InnerProduct"  param { lr_mult: 1 }  param { lr_mult: 2 }  inner_product_param {    num_output: 500    weight_filler {      type: "xavier"    }    bias_filler {      type: "constant"    }  }  bottom: "pool2"  top: "ip1"}

fully connected layer 在caffe里面通常被称为InnerProduct layer
ReLU Layer

layer {  name: "relu1"  type: "ReLU"  bottom: "ip1"  top: "ip1"}

ReLU Layer 后会再接一个innerproduct layer

layer {  name: "ip2"  type: "InnerProduct"  param { lr_mult: 1 }  param { lr_mult: 2 }  inner_product_param {    num_output: 10    weight_filler {      type: "xavier"    }    bias_filler {      type: "constant"    }  }  bottom: "ip1"  top: "ip2"}

Loss Layer

layer {  name: "loss"  type: "SoftmaxWithLoss"  bottom: "ip2"  bottom: "label"}

(3) MNIST Solver

定义在 $CAFFE_ROOT/examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxt:

# The train/test net protocol buffer definitionnet: "examples/mnist/lenet_train_test.prototxt"# test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.# In the case of MNIST, we have test batch size 100 and 100 test iterations,# covering the full 10,000 testing images.test_iter: 100# Carry out testing every 500 training iterations.test_interval: 500# The base learning rate, momentum and the weight decay of the network.base_lr: 0.01momentum: 0.9weight_decay: 0.0005# The learning rate policylr_policy: "inv"gamma: 0.0001power: 0.75# Display every 100 iterationsdisplay: 100# The maximum number of iterationsmax_iter: 10000# snapshot intermediate resultssnapshot: 5000snapshot_prefix: "examples/mnist/lenet"# solver mode: CPU or GPUsolver_mode: GPU

(4) training and test the model

./examples/mnist/ 就是一个简单的脚本

./build/tools/caffe train --solver=examples/mnist/lenet_solver.prototxt



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