
来源:互联网 发布:smali语言编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 23:04
        1、DBImpl::Put 函数用于数据查询
        3、对于level 0,比较特别,因为level0的数据直接由内存表转储得到,各个SSTable之间可能会有重复的数据。所以要遍历level 0的每一个文件,然后找到匹配的数据,存放到一个列表中,然后对列表进行排序(最新的数据排在最前面),那么列表的第一个数据就是要找查询的数据

        5、数据查找的阶段是在文件的元数据中进行的,找到对应的文件之后,还要在table 的cache中获取这个数据,如果没有,要把它从硬盘中读取到内存中,然后返回查找结果

// 读取数据(查询数据)Status DBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions& options,                   const Slice& key,                   std::string* value){    Status s;    MutexLock l(&mutex_);    // 记录快照的编号    SequenceNumber snapshot;    if (options.snapshot != NULL) {        snapshot = reinterpret_cast<const SnapshotImpl*>(options.snapshot)->number_;    } else {        snapshot = versions_->LastSequence();    }    MemTable* mem = mem_;    MemTable* imm = imm_;    Version* current = versions_->current();    mem->Ref();    if (imm != NULL) imm->Ref();    current->Ref();    bool have_stat_update = false;    Version::GetStats stats;    // Unlock while reading from files and memtables    {        mutex_.Unlock();        // First look in the memtable, then in the immutable memtable (if any).        // 查找键        LookupKey lkey(key, snapshot);        // 在可读可写的内存表中查询        if (mem->Get(lkey, value, &s)) {            // Done        }        // 在只读表中查询        else if (imm != NULL && imm->Get(lkey, value, &s)) {            // Done        }        // 在硬盘中查询        else {            s = current->Get(options, lkey, value, &stats);            // 设置状态需要更新选项            have_stat_update = true;        }        mutex_.Lock();    }    if (have_stat_update && current->UpdateStats(stats)) {        MaybeScheduleCompaction();    }    mem->Unref();    if (imm != NULL) imm->Unref();    current->Unref();    return s;}
// 在版本当(的SSTable)中进行查询Status Version::Get(const ReadOptions& options,                    const LookupKey& k,                    std::string* value,                    GetStats* stats){    Slice ikey = k.internal_key();    Slice user_key = k.user_key();    const Comparator* ucmp = vset_->icmp_.user_comparator();    Status s;    stats->seek_file = NULL;    stats->seek_file_level = -1;    FileMetaData* last_file_read = NULL;    int last_file_read_level = -1;    // We can search level-by-level since entries never hop across    // levels.  Therefore we are guaranteed that if we find data    // in an smaller level, later levels are irrelevant.    std::vector<FileMetaData*> tmp;    FileMetaData* tmp2;    // 在每一层中进行查找    for (int level = 0; level < config::kNumLevels; level++) {        size_t num_files = files_[level].size();        if (num_files == 0) continue;        // Get the list of files to search in this level        FileMetaData* const* files = &files_[level][0];        // 对于第0层,比较特别        if (level == 0) {            // Level-0 files may overlap each other.  Find all files that            // overlap user_key and process them in order from newest to oldest.            tmp.reserve(num_files);            // 可能多个文件都有这个键,把它添加到列表中            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {                FileMetaData* f = files[i];                if (ucmp->Compare(user_key, f->smallest.user_key()) >= 0 &&                        ucmp->Compare(user_key, f->largest.user_key()) <= 0) {                    tmp.push_back(f);                }            }            if (tmp.empty()) continue;            std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), NewestFirst);            files = &tmp[0];            num_files = tmp.size();        }        // 对于其他层        else {            // Binary search to find earliest index whose largest key >= ikey.            // 查找            uint32_t index = FindFile(vset_->icmp_, files_[level], ikey);            // 没有找到            if (index >= num_files) {                files = NULL;                num_files = 0;            }            // 找到了            else            {                tmp2 = files[index];                if (ucmp->Compare(user_key, tmp2->smallest.user_key()) < 0)                {                    // All of "tmp2" is past any data for user_key                    files = NULL;                    num_files = 0;                } else {                    files = &tmp2;                    num_files = 1;                }            }        }        // 然后进行处理(files中保存了可能有待查找键的文件)        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_files; ++i)        {            if (last_file_read != NULL && stats->seek_file == NULL)            {                // We have had more than one seek for this read.  Charge the 1st file.                stats->seek_file = last_file_read;                stats->seek_file_level = last_file_read_level;            }            FileMetaData* f = files[i];            last_file_read = f;            last_file_read_level = level;            Saver saver;            saver.state = kNotFound;            saver.ucmp = ucmp;            saver.user_key = user_key;            saver.value = value;            // 在对应的表cache中查找            s = vset_->table_cache_->Get(options, f->number, f->file_size,                                         ikey, &saver, SaveValue);            if (!s.ok()) {                return s;            }            switch (saver.state) {            case kNotFound:                break;      // Keep searching in other files            case kFound:                return s;            case kDeleted:                s = Status::NotFound(Slice());  // Use empty error message for speed                return s;            case kCorrupt:                s = Status::Corruption("corrupted key for ", user_key);                return s;            }        }    }    return Status::NotFound(Slice());  // Use an empty error message for speed}
// 在table的cache中查询数据,如果没有找到,需要把文件从硬盘中加载进来Status TableCache::Get(const ReadOptions& options,                       uint64_t file_number,                       uint64_t file_size,                       const Slice& k,                       void* arg,                       void (*saver)(void*, const Slice&, const Slice&)){    Cache::Handle* handle = NULL;    // 在cache中查找对应的表    Status s = FindTable(file_number, file_size, &handle);    if (s.ok()) {        Table* t = reinterpret_cast<TableAndFile*>(cache_->Value(handle))->table;        // 查找数据        s = t->InternalGet(options, k, arg, saver);        cache_->Release(handle);    }    return s;}
// 在cache中查找一个tableStatus TableCache::FindTable(uint64_t file_number, // table文件的序号                             uint64_t file_size, // 文件的大小                             Cache::Handle** handle) // 处理句柄{    Status s;    char buf[sizeof(file_number)];    EncodeFixed64(buf, file_number);    Slice key(buf, sizeof(buf));    // 查找这个table是否在cache中    // 如果不存在需要把它载入cache中    *handle = cache_->Lookup(key);    if (*handle == NULL)    {        // 载入table文件        std::string fname = TableFileName(dbname_, file_number);        RandomAccessFile* file = NULL;        Table* table = NULL;        s = env_->NewRandomAccessFile(fname, &file);        if (!s.ok())        {            std::string old_fname = SSTTableFileName(dbname_, file_number);            if (env_->NewRandomAccessFile(old_fname, &file).ok()) {                s = Status::OK();            }        }        // 载入成功,打开table        if (s.ok()) {            s = Table::Open(*options_, file, file_size, &table);        }        // 载入或者打开失败,那么删除文件        if (!s.ok())        {            assert(table == NULL);            delete file;            // We do not cache error results so that if the error is transient,            // or somebody repairs the file, we recover automatically.        }        // 成功,创建一个table和文件的映射实体        // 然后插入cache列表中        else        {            TableAndFile* tf = new TableAndFile;            tf->file = file;            tf->table = table;            *handle = cache_->Insert(key, tf, 1, &DeleteEntry);        }    }    return s;}

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