
来源:互联网 发布:mmd怎么保存姿势数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 05:42


USE [linye]GO/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_winddirection]    Script Date: 01/15/2016 15:02:55 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author:<Author,,Name>-- Create date: <Create Date,,>-- Description:<Description,,>-- =============================================ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_winddirection] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here@starttime varchar(255),@endtime varchar(255),@id int,@c1 float output,@c2 float output,@c3 float output,@c4 float output,@c5 float output,@c6 float output,@c7 float output,@c8 float outputASBEGIN-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;declare @no nvarchar(255),@w1 numeric=0,@w2 numeric=0,@w3 numeric=0,@w4 numeric=0,@w5 numeric=0,@w6 numeric=0,@w7 numeric=0,@w8 numeric=0,@w numeric=0    set @no=(select plateNo from GPSRealData where ID = @id)    set @w=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w1=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity = 0 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w2=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity > 0 and recordVelocity < 90 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w3=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity = 90 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w4=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity > 90 and recordVelocity < 180 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w5=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity = 180 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w6=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity > 180 and recordVelocity < 270 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w7=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity = 270 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    set @w8=(select count(recordVelocity) from GPSHistoryData where plateNo = @no and recordVelocity > 270 and updateDate > @starttime and updateDate < @endtime)    -- Insert statements for procedure here    if(@w != 0)    begin     set @c1 = @w1/@w    set @c2 = @w2/@w    set @c3 = @w3/@w    set @c4 = @w4/@w    set @c5 = @w5/@w    set @c6 = @w6/@w    set @c7 = @w7/@w    set @c8 = @w8/@wselect @w1/@w,@w2/@w,@w3/@w,@w4/@w,@w5/@w,@w6/@w,@w7/@w,@w8/@wendelsebeginset @c1 = 0    set @c2 = 0    set @c3 = 0    set @c4 = 0    set @c5 = 0    set @c6 = 0    set @c7 = 0    set @c8 = 0endEND

public ArrayList<DataChart> getHistoryData(Integer id,String item, String type,String time,String userrealname, String username,String ip,String addr) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{  ArrayList<DataChart> list = new ArrayList<DataChart>();connectDB();             if("year".equals(type)){for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) {PreparedStatement ps;if("dvrStatus".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ? and dvrStatus != '149280'"); }else if("status".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }else{ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }             ps.setInt(1 , id);            ps.setString(2, getStartTime(type, time,i));            ps.setString(3, getEndTime(type, time,i));//            System.out.println(getStartTime(type, time, i)+"-----------"+getEndTime(type, time, i));            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();           if(rs.next()){           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));           dataChart.setDataTime(getStartTime(type, time, i).substring(0,7));           list.add(dataChart);           } }}else if("month".equals(type)){int days = getDays(time);for (int i = 1; i < days+1; i++) {PreparedStatement ps;if("dvrStatus".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ? and dvrStatus != '149280'"); }else if("status".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }else{ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }             ps.setInt(1 , id);            ps.setString(2, getStartTime(type, time,i));            ps.setString(3, getEndTime(type, time,i));            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();           if(rs.next()){           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));           dataChart.setDataTime(getStartTime(type, time, i).substring(5,10));           list.add(dataChart);           } }}else if("day".equals(type)){for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {PreparedStatement ps;if("dvrStatus".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ? and dvrStatus != '149280'"); }else if("status".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }else if("altitude".equals(item)){ps = conn.prepareStatement("select max("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }else{ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); }              ps.setInt(1 , id);            ps.setString(2, getStartTime(type, time,i));            ps.setString(3, getEndTime(type, time,i));            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();           if(rs.next()){           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));           dataChart.setDataTime((Integer.valueOf(getStartTime(type, time, i).substring(11,13))+1)+":00");           list.add(dataChart);           } }}else if("now".equals(type)){int y = Integer.valueOf(time.substring(11, 13));//for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) {//PreparedStatement ps;//if("dvrStatus".equals(item)){//ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "//+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ? and dvrStatus != '149280'"); //}else if("status".equals(item)){//ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "//+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); //}else if("altitude".equals(item)){//ps = conn.prepareStatement("select max("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "//+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); //}else{//ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg("+item+") as AvgValue from dbo.GPSHistoryData "//+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?"); //}  //            ps.setInt(1 , id);//            ps.setString(2, getStartTime(type, time,i));//            ps.setString(3, getEndTime(type, time,i));//            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();//           if(rs.next()){//           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();//           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));//           dataChart.setDataTime((Integer.valueOf(getStartTime(type, time, i).substring(11,13))+1)+":00");//           list.add(dataChart);//           } //} PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(CONVERT (numeric(18,2), "+item+")) as AvgValue,Convert(int,DATENAME(Hour,updateDate)) as hour from dbo.GPSHistoryData "+ "where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ? group by DATENAME(Hour,updateDate) order by hour asc");  ps.setInt(1 , id);            ps.setString(2, time.substring(0, 10));            ps.setString(3, time.substring(0,8)+(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(8, 10))+1));            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();           while(rs.next()){           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));           dataChart.setDataTime(rs.getInt("hour")+":00");           list.add(dataChart);           } }//            PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select avg(?) from dbo.GPSHistoryData where plateNo = (select plateNo from dbo.GPSRealData where ID = ?) and updateDate > ? and updateDate < ?");  //            ps.setString(1, item);//            ps.setInt(2, id);//            ps.setString(3, getStartTime(type, time));//            ps.setString(4, getEndTime(type, getStartTime(type, time)));//            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();//           while(rs.next()){//           DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();//           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat("AvgValue"));//           dataChart.setDataTime(rs.getString("DataTime").substring(11, 16));//           list.add(dataChart);//           }            PreparedStatement ps1 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dbo.operationLog(userName,detail,createDate,ip,url) values (?,?,?,?,?)");   ps1.setString(1, username+userrealname);   ps1.setString(2, "数据图表模块");   ps1.setString(3, getTime());   ps1.setString(4, ip);   ps1.setString(5, addr);   ps1.executeUpdate();//   conn.close();        return list;    } public ArrayList<DataChart> getWDData(Integer id, String type,String time,String userrealname, String username,String ip,String addr) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{final String[] WD = {"北风", "东北风", "东风","东南风","南风","西南风","西风","西北风"};ArrayList<DataChart> list = new ArrayList<DataChart>();connectDB();      CallableStatement prepareCall = conn.prepareCall("{call proc_winddirection(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");if("year".equals(type)){prepareCall.setString(1, time+"-01-01");prepareCall.setString(2, (Integer.valueOf(time)+1)+"-01-01");}else if("month".equals(type)){prepareCall.setString(1, time+"-01");prepareCall.setString(2, Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[1])==12?(Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[0])+1)+"-01-01":(time.split("-")[0]+"-"+(Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[1])+1)+"-01"));}else if("day".equals(type)){prepareCall.setString(1, time);prepareCall.setString(2, getEndTime2(time));}else if("now".equals(type)){prepareCall.setString(1, time);prepareCall.setString(2, getEndTime2(time));}prepareCall.setInt(3, id);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(4, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(5, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(6, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(7, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(8, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(9, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(10, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.registerOutParameter(11, Types.FLOAT);prepareCall.execute();for (int i = 0; i < WD.length; i++) {DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();           dataChart.setAvgValue(prepareCall.getFloat(i+4));           dataChart.setDataTime(WD[i]);           list.add(dataChart);}//ResultSet rs = prepareCall.executeQuery();//int i = 0;//while(rs.next()){////DataChart dataChart = new DataChart();//           dataChart.setAvgValue(rs.getFloat(i+1));//           dataChart.setDataTime(WD[i]);//           list.add(dataChart);//           i++;//}                      PreparedStatement ps1 = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dbo.operationLog(userName,detail,createDate,ip,url) values (?,?,?,?,?)");   ps1.setString(1, username+userrealname);   ps1.setString(2, "数据图表模块");   ps1.setString(3, getTime());   ps1.setString(4, ip);   ps1.setString(5, addr);   ps1.executeUpdate();//   conn.close();        return list;    } private String getStartTime(String type,String time,int i){if("year".equals(type)){return time+(i<10?("-0"+i):"-"+i)+"-01";}else if("month".equals(type)){return time+(i<10?("-0"+i):"-"+i);}else if("day".equals(type)){return time+" "+(i<10?("0"+i):i)+":00";}else if("now".equals(type)){return time.substring(0, 10)+" "+(i<10?("0"+i):i)+":00";}return time;}private String getEndTime(String type,String time,int i){if("year".equals(type)){if(i == 12)return ((Integer.valueOf(time))+1)+"-01-01";elsereturn time+(i<9?("-0"+(i+1)):"-"+(i+1))+"-01";}else if("month".equals(type)){if(i==getDays(time)){if(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(5, 7))==12)return (Integer.valueOf(time.substring(0, 4))+1)+"-01-01";elsereturn time.substring(0, 4)+"-"+(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(5, 7))+1)+"-01";}else{return time+(i<9?("-0"+(i+1)):"-"+(i+1));}}else if("day".equals(type)){if(i == 23){return time+" 23:59:59";}else{return time+" "+(i<9?("0"+(i+1)):(i+1))+":00";}}else if("now".equals(type)){if(i == 23){return time.substring(0, 10)+" 23:59:59";}else{return time.substring(0, 10)+" "+(i<9?("0"+(i+1)):(i+1))+":00";}}return time;}final int[] LARGE_MONTH = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12};private int getDays(String time){int month = Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[1]);int year = Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[0]);if(isLargeMonth(month))return 31;else if(month == 2){if(new GregorianCalendar().isLeapYear(year))return 29;else return 28;}elsereturn 30;}private boolean isLargeMonth(int month) {for (int i = 0; i < LARGE_MONTH.length; i++) {if (month == LARGE_MONTH[i])return true;}return false;}private String getEndTime2(String time){if(Integer.valueOf(time.split("-")[2])==getDays(time)){if(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(5, 7))==12)return (Integer.valueOf(time.substring(0, 4))+1)+"-01-01";elsereturn time.substring(0, 4)+"-"+(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(5, 7))+1)+"-01";}else{return time.substring(0, 8)+(Integer.valueOf(time.substring(8, 10))+1);}}

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