
来源:互联网 发布:机油加盟代理淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:52



在编程语言中,接口都遵循同一种模式。下面我们会使用一种不同于 C++JavaC# 等等面向对象语言的接口模式来列举几个 Go 语言的例子。Go 作为一种面向过程的语言,它的接口设计也非常好,并且能够产出很多优秀的设计。

在例子中,我们会求取各种图形,例如长方形、正常性、圆形等等的面积。我们把 Shage 作为一种接口,定义求取面积的方法,实际图形 RectangleSquareCircle 等等实现各自的求取面积的具体方法。至此,我们可以通过同一种调用方式,获得各种图形的面积。


让我们一步一步来,首先,创建一个 Rectangle,并且打印其面积

package mainimport "fmt"//define a Rectangle struct that has a length and a widthtype Rectangle struct {   length, width int}//write a function Area that can apply to a Rectangle typefunc (r Rectangle) Area() int {   return r.length * r.width}func main() {   r := Rectangle{length:5, width:3} //define a new Rectangle instance with values for its properties   fmt.Println("Rectangle details are: ",r)     fmt.Println("Rectangle's area is: ", r.Area())}
Rectangle details are: {5 3}Rectangle's area is: 15

就如同前面的代码一样,上述的代码中没有接口,让我们把 Area() 拿出来,放入接口 Shaper 当中。

Go 中通过在命名之后添加 er 以表征这是一个接口,当然其它定义也是可能,这样只是大家遵循的一种编程命名方式,可以使代码更易读。

package mainimport "fmt"//Shaper is an interface and has a single function Area that returns an int.type Shaper interface {   Area() int}type Rectangle struct {   length, width int}//this function Area works on the type Rectangle and has the same function signature defined in the interface Shaper.  Therefore, Rectangle now implements the interface Shaper.func (r Rectangle) Area() int {   return r.length * r.width}func main() {   r := Rectangle{length:5, width:3}   fmt.Println("Rectangle r details are: ", r)     fmt.Println("Rectangle r's area is: ", r.Area())     s := Shaper(r)   fmt.Println("Area of the Shape r is: ", s.Area())  }
Rectangle r details are: {5 3}Rectangle r's area is: 15Area of the Shape r is: 15

C++ 或者 Java 中继承接口时,需要明确的声明这一关系,例如上面的代码,用 Java 来写的话,可能为如下的语句

public class Rectangle implements Shaper { //implementation here }

Go 中,无需表现出这层关系。上面代码中,接口 Shaper 定义一个方式 Area() int。而 Rectangle 也定义了一个相同的方法 func (r Rectangle) Area() int。所以, Go 会认为 Rectangle 实现了 Shaper 的接口。所以,我们可以定义 RectangleShaper 类型:r := Shaper(r) ,之后调用 Area() 方法,输出 Rectangle 的面积。

让我们继续添加 Square 也实现 Area() int , 来看一看如何通过接口统一的访问每种类型的面积。

package mainimport "fmt"type Shaper interface {   Area() int}type Rectangle struct {   length, width int}func (r Rectangle) Area() int {   return r.length * r.width}type Square struct {   side int}//the Square type also has an Area function and therefore, it too, implements the Shaper interfacefunc (sq Square) Area() int {   return sq.side * sq.side}func main() {   r := Rectangle{length:5, width:3}   fmt.Println("Rectangle details are: ",r)     var s Shaper   s = r //equivalent to "s = Shaper(r)" since Go identifies r matches the Shaper interface   fmt.Println("Area of Shaper(Rectangle): ", s.Area())   fmt.Println()   q := Square{side:5}   fmt.Println("Square details are: ",q)     s = q //equivalent to "s = Shaper(q)   fmt.Println("Area of Shaper(Square): ", s.Area())   fmt.Println()}
Rectangle details are: {5 3}Area of Shaper(Rectangle): 15Square details are: {5}Area of Shaper(Square): 25

当前我们按照 Rectange 的方式实现了另一个类型 Square。 让我们通过循环的方式,更加准确的说明一下接口的用途。在下面的代码中,创建 Shaper 实例的列表,通过循环输出每种具体类型的面积。

package mainimport "fmt"type Shaper interface {   Area() int}type Rectangle struct {   length, width int}func (r Rectangle) Area() int {   return r.length * r.width}type Square struct {   side int}func (sq Square) Area() int {   return sq.side * sq.side}func main() {   r := Rectangle{length:5, width:3}   q := Square{side:5}   shapesArr := [...]Shaper{r, q}   fmt.Println("Looping through shapes for area ...")   for n, _ := range shapesArr {       fmt.Println("Shape details: ", shapesArr[n])       fmt.Println("Area of this shape is: ", shapesArr[n].Area())   }}
Looping through shapes for area ...Shape details: {5 3}Area of this shape is: 15Shape details: {5}Area of this shape is: 25

译者注:关于 Go interface 的设 计方式,如果大家觉得很新颖,可以看看这篇文章 Duck Typing


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