使用Gradle 快速构建项目

来源:互联网 发布:文件夹加密软件破解版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 19:55


Gradle 是一款基于 Groovy 语言、免费开源的构建工具,它既保持了 Maven 的优点,又通过使用 Groovy 定义的 DSL 克服了 Maven 中使用 XML 繁冗以及不灵活的缺点。

Gradle 官方网站:http://www.gradle.org/downloads


Ø gradle对多工程的构建支持很出色,工程依赖是gradle的第一公民。

Ø gradle支持局部构建。
  Ø 支持多方式依赖管理:包括从maven远程仓库、nexus私服、ivy仓库以及本地文件系统的jars或者dirs

Ø gradle是第一个构建集成工具(the first build integration tool),与ant、maven、ivy有良好的相容相关性。

Ø 轻松迁移:gradle适用于任何结构的工程(Gradle can adapt to any structure you have.)。你可以在同一个开发平台平行构建原工程和gradle工程。通常要求写相关测试,以保证开发的插件的相似性,这种迁移可以减少破坏性,尽可能的可靠。这也是重构的最佳实践。

Ø gradle的整体设计是以作为一种语言为导向的,而非成为一个严格死板的框架。

Ø 免费开源



Switchable, build-by-convention frameworks a la Maven. But we never lock you in!

2. 强大的支持多工程的构建

3. 强大的依赖管理(基于Apache Ivy),提供最大的便利去构建你的工程

Language for dependency based programming

4. 全力支持已有的Maven或者Ivy仓库基础建设

5. 支持传递性依赖管理,在不需要远程仓库和pom.xml和ivy配置文件的前提下

6 基于groovy脚本构建,其build脚本使用groovy语言编写

7 具有广泛的领域模型支持你的构建A rich domain model for describing your build.

Installing Gradle


Gradle requires a Java JDK or JRE to be installed, version 6 or higher (to check, usejava -version). Gradle ships with its own Groovy library, therefore Groovy does not need to be installed. Any existing Groovy installation is ignored by Gradle.

Gradle uses whatever JDK it finds in your path. Alternatively, you can set theJAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the installation directory of the desired JDK.


You can download one of the Gradle distributions from the Gradle web site.


The Gradle distribution comes packaged as a ZIP. The full distribution contains:

  • The Gradle binaries.

  • The user guide (HTML and PDF).

  • The DSL reference guide.

  • The API documentation (Javadoc and Groovydoc).

  • Extensive samples, including the examples referenced in the user guide, along with some complete and more complex builds you can use as a starting point for your own build.

  • The binary sources. This is for reference only. If you want to build Gradle you need to download the source distribution or checkout the sources from the source repository. See theGradle web site for details.

Environment variables

For running Gradle, add GRADLE_HOME/bin to yourPATH environment variable. Usually, this is sufficient to run Gradle.

Running and testing your installation

You run Gradle via the gradle command. To check if Gradle is properly installed just typegradle -v. The output shows the Gradle version and also the local environment configuration (Groovy, JVM version, OS, etc.). The displayed Gradle version should match the distribution you have downloaded.

JVM options

JVM options for running Gradle can be set via environment variables. You can use eitherGRADLE_OPTSorJAVA_OPTS, or both.JAVA_OPTS is by convention an environmentvariable shared by many Java applications. A typical use case would be to set the HTTP proxy inJAVA_OPTSand the memory options inGRADLE_OPTS. Those variables can also be set at the beginningof thegradle orgradlew script.

Note that it's not currently possible to set JVM options for Gradle on the command line.

Getting help

You might check the user guide at GRADLE_HOME/docs/userguide/userguide.html.It is also available on theGradle web site.Typing gradle help prints the command line help. Typinggradle tasks shows all thetasks of a Gradle build.








apply plugin:'java'

在项目路径下,输入gradle build进行项目构建


Gradle User Guide


Groovy 闭包深入浅出
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