Setting up Kafka

来源:互联网 发布:小约翰 震惊 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:02
  1. Download the latest release package from kafka site. Un-tar it and move extracted files to where you want to put them, like $HOME/usr or $HOME/bin.

  2. Change the config.
    For some scenario, we only need to update, reference to: brokerconfigs:

    • the unique broker id in integer.
    • port: default is 9092. The port the socket server listens on.
    • log.dirs: a comma-separated list of one or more directories in which Kafka data is stored. It's better to change this directory to local dir, such as ${HOME}/data/kafka. Default dir is /tmp/kafka-logs.
    • zookeeper.connect: zookeeper connection string, a comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk server. ZooKeeper also allows you to add a "chroot" path which will make all kafka data for this cluster appear under a particular path. For example, ${zk_host1}:2181,${zk_host2}:2181,${zk_host3}:2181/kafka
  3. Start kafka server.
    After setting config, in kafka install dir, run following command to start kafka cluster server:

    bin/ config/

Kafka Utility

  1. Create topic

    bin/ --create --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}] --replication-factor ${replication_factor} --partitions ${partition_count} --topic ${topic_name}

    Note: for zookeeper connect string ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}]${zk_chroot} is optional

  2. Describe topic

    • Describe topic all topics
      bin/ --describe --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}]
    • Describe specified topic
      bin/ --describe --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}] --topic ${topic_name}
  3. Publish messages. You can use this utility to test you topic.

    bin/ --broker-list ${kafka_server}:{kafka_port} --topic ${topic_name}

    Note: if you local kafka server is started, you can use localhost:9092 as broker-list.

  4. Consume messages

    bin/ --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}] [--from-beginning] --topic ${topic_name}
  5. Modifying topics
    Currently, support increase partitions well:

    bin/ --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}] --alter --topic ${topic_name} --partitions ${partition_count}

    Kafka does not currently support reducing the number of partitions for a topic or changing the replication factor.

  6. Delete topic

    bin/ --zookeeper ${zk_host}:${zk_port}[${zk_chroot}] --delete --topic ${topic_name}

    Topic deletion option is disabled by default. To enable it set the server config:


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