
来源:互联网 发布:如何注册香港域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 19:16

gerrit的数据库类型可以是mysql,postgresql和自带的H2数据库. 这里使用的是postgresql数据库.


#直接连postgresqlpsql -U postgres -d postgres -h -p 5432#通过gerrit登录数据库ssh -p 29418 admin@localhost gerrit gsqlfatal: admin does not have "Access Database" capability.#修改All-Projects的refs/meta/config分支下project.config文件[capability]       accessDatabase = group Administrators
                    List of relations Schema |            Name             |   Type   | Owner  --------+-----------------------------+----------+-------- public | account_diff_preferences    | table    | gerrit public | account_external_ids        | table    | gerrit public | account_group_by_id         | table    | gerrit public | account_group_by_id_aud     | table    | gerrit public | account_group_id            | sequence | gerrit public | account_group_members       | table    | gerrit public | account_group_members_audit | table    | gerrit public | account_group_names         | table    | gerrit public | account_groups              | table    | gerrit public | account_id                  | sequence | gerrit public | account_patch_reviews       | table    | gerrit public | account_project_watches     | table    | gerrit public | account_ssh_keys            | table    | gerrit public | accounts                    | table    | gerrit public | change_id                   | sequence | gerrit public | change_message_id           | sequence | gerrit public | change_messages             | table    | gerrit public | changes                     | table    | gerrit public | patch_comments              | table    | gerrit public | patch_set_ancestors         | table    | gerrit public | patch_set_approvals         | table    | gerrit public | patch_sets                  | table    | gerrit public | schema_version              | table    | gerrit public | starred_changes             | table    | gerrit public | submodule_subscriptions     | table    | gerrit public | system_config               | table    | gerrit
#gerrit数据库表表名命名的很好,accounts和account_groups分别存储用户信息和分组信息,主键分别为account_id和qroup_idaccount_group_members存储群组成员, 外键为account_id和qroup_idaccount_group_names表存储群组名字, 主键为name, 外键为qroup_idaccount_ssh_keys表存储用户SSH公钥, 外键为account_idaccount_external_ids表存储用户敏感信息, 主键为external_id, 外键为account_idschema_version主要存储gerrit schema版本号system_config主要存储site_path,如/home/gerrit/review_site#schema_version和system_config在多个gerrit共享数据库时需要注意
SELECT * FROM account_external_ids; account_id |    email_address    | password |        external_id         ------------+---------------------+----------+----------------------------    1000000 |                     |          | gerrit:admin    1000000 |                     |          | username:admin    1000001 |                     |          | gerrit:jenkins    1000001 |                     |          | username:jenkins    1000001 | my_email@qq.com     |          | mailto:my_email@qq.com    1000000 | my_email@163.com     |          | mailto:my_email@163.com
account_external_ids表中主键为external_idgerrit:<username> #This is the username to sign in into the Gerrit WebUI.#用于web页面登录username:<username> #This is the username used for the SSH authentication.#用于fetch/push代码, SSH认证由用户保存的公钥验证,所以不需要密码mailto:<email>#Scheme used to represent only an email address#格式用于存储email地址#如果配置认证方式为ldap, gerrit提示用户输入用户名和密码,然后它通过对配置的ldap.server执行一个简单的绑定验证,这个时候gerrit不需要存储密码#如果配置认证方式为HTTP, 使用gerrit最方便的协议是SSH,如果使用HTTP协议,需要Settings -> HTTP Password生成认证密码,提交代码时不通过代理服务器,直接连接监听地址#密码保存在external_id格式为username:<username>的记录下#所以external_id格式为username:<username>用于提交代码时HTTP和SSH认证



#配置禁止匿名下载All-Projects/Project -> refs/* ->read权限的Anonymous Users用户组#删除username:admin记录delete from account_external_ids where external_id='username:admin';#由于gerrit缓存了用户信息, 所以这个时候还可以通过SSH清除缓存ssh -p 29418 admin@localhost gerrit flush-caches --all#web页面依然可以登录,username有关的信息没有了,下面两种方式都不能够下载git clone ssh://admin@localhost:29418/repo_namegit clone http://admin@localhost:8081/repo_name#恢复username:admin记录insert into account_external_ids (account_id,external_id) values (1000000, 'username:admin');#admin账号不能从SSH登录,也就不能清除缓存了, 重启gerrit.#删除gerrit:admin记录,在隐身的浏览器中确实打不开


  • What is external_id in account_external_ids?
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