NetMQ 测试用例

来源:互联网 发布:c语言开发实战宝典pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:11


下面的例子是我基于NetMQ官网的例子修改的,下面有三个对象Ventilator 消息分发者,Worker 消息处理者,Sink 接受Worker处理消息后返回的结果,耗时的计算处理工作是交给Worker的,如果开多个Worker.exe,可以提升处理速度,Worker的最终目的是分布式计算,部署到多台PC上面,把计算工作交给他们去做(在分布式爬虫上面,每个Worker相当于一个爬虫)。



using System;using ProtoBuf;namespace Model{    [Serializable]    [ProtoContract]    public class Person    {        [ProtoMember(1)]        public int Id { get; set; }        [ProtoMember(2)]        public string Name { get; set; }        [ProtoMember(3)]        public DateTime BirthDay { set; get; }        [ProtoMember(4)]        public Address Address { get; set; }    }}

using System;using ProtoBuf;namespace Model{    [Serializable]    [ProtoContract]    public class Address    {        [ProtoMember(1)]        public string Line1 { get; set; }        [ProtoMember(2)]        public string Line2 { get; set; }    }}

using System;using System.IO;using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using Model;using NetMQ;using ProtoBuf;using ProtoBuf.Meta;namespace Ventilator{    sealed class Ventilator    {        public void Run()        {            Task.Run(() =>            {                using (var ctx = NetMQContext.Create())                using (var sender = ctx.CreatePushSocket())                using (var sink = ctx.CreatePushSocket())                {                    sender.Bind("tcp://*:5557");                    sink.Connect("tcp://localhost:5558");                    sink.Send("0");                    Console.WriteLine("Sending tasks to workers");                    RuntimeTypeModel.Default.MetadataTimeoutMilliseconds = 300000;                    //send 100 tasks (workload for tasks, is just some random sleep time that                    //the workers can perform, in real life each work would do more than sleep                    for (int taskNumber = 0; taskNumber < 10000; taskNumber++)                    {                        Console.WriteLine("Workload : {0}", taskNumber);                        var person = new Person                        {                            Id = taskNumber,                            Name = "First",                            BirthDay = DateTime.Parse("1981-11-15"),                            Address = new Address { Line1 = "Line1", Line2 = "Line2" }                        };                        using (var sm = new MemoryStream())                        {                            //Serializer.PrepareSerializer<Person>();                            //Serializer.Serialize(sm, person);                            //sender.Send(sm.ToArray());                            var binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();                            binaryFormatter.Serialize(sm, person);                            sender.Send(sm.ToArray());                        }                    }                }            });        }    }}
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using NetMQ;namespace Ventilator{    public class Program    {        public static void Main(string[] args)        {            // Task Ventilator            // Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557            // Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket            Console.WriteLine("====== VENTILATOR ======");            Console.WriteLine("Press enter when worker are ready");            Console.ReadLine();            //the first message it "0" and signals start of batch            //see the Sink.csproj Program.cs file for where this is used            Console.WriteLine("Sending start of batch to Sink");            var ventilator = new Ventilator();            ventilator.Run();            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit");            Console.ReadLine();        }    }}


using System;using System.IO;using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;using Model;using NetMQ;using ProtoBuf;namespace Worker{    sealed class Worker    {        public void Run()        {            Task.Run(() =>            {                using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())                {                    //socket to receive messages on                    using (var receiver = ctx.CreatePullSocket())                    {                        receiver.Connect("tcp://localhost:5557");                        //socket to send messages on                        using (var sender = ctx.CreatePushSocket())                        {                            sender.Connect("tcp://localhost:5558");                            //process tasks forever                            while (true)                            {                                //workload from the vetilator is a simple delay                                //to simulate some work being done, see                                //Ventilator.csproj Proram.cs for the workload sent                                //In real life some more meaningful work would be done                                //string workload = receiver.ReceiveString();                                var receivedBytes = receiver.Receive();                                using (var sm = new MemoryStream(receivedBytes))                                {                                    // 序列化在多线程方式下报错:                                    /*                                      Timeout while inspecting metadata; this may indicate a deadlock.                                       This can often be avoided by preparing necessary serializers during application initialization,                                       rather than allowing multiple threads to perform the initial metadata inspection;                                       please also see the LockContended event                                     */                                    //var person = Serializer.Deserialize<Person>(sm);                                    //采用二进制方式                                    var binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();                                    var person = binaryFormatter.Deserialize(sm) as Person;                                    Console.WriteLine("Person {Id:" + person.Id + ",Name:" + person.Name + ",BirthDay:" +                                                      person.BirthDay + ",Address:{Line1:" + person.Address.Line1 +                                                      ",Line2:" + person.Address.Line2 + "}}");                                    Console.WriteLine("Sending to Sink:" + person.Id);                                    sender.Send(person.Id + "");                                }                                //simulate some work being done                                //Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(workload));                            }                        }                    }                }            });        }    }}

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace Worker{    public class Program    {        public static void Main(string[] args)        {            // Task Worker            // Connects PULL socket to tcp://localhost:5557            // collects workload for socket from Ventilator via that socket            // Connects PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5558            // Sends results to Sink via that socket            Console.WriteLine("====== WORKER ======");            //Task 方式多线程            //foreach (Worker client in Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).Select(            //    x => new Worker()))            //{            //    client.Run();            //}            //多核计算方式多线程            var actList =                Enumerable.Range(0, 50).Select(x => new Worker()).Select(client => (Action)(client.Run)).ToList();            var paraOption = new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount };            Parallel.Invoke(paraOption, actList.ToArray());            Console.ReadLine();        }    }}

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Diagnostics;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Threading.Tasks;using NetMQ;namespace Sink{    public class Program    {        public static void Main(string[] args)        {            // Task Sink            // Bindd PULL socket to tcp://localhost:5558            // Collects results from workers via that socket            Console.WriteLine("====== SINK ======");            using (NetMQContext ctx = NetMQContext.Create())            {                //socket to receive messages on                using (var receiver = ctx.CreatePullSocket())                {                    receiver.Bind("tcp://localhost:5558");                    //wait for start of batch (see Ventilator.csproj Program.cs)                    var startOfBatchTrigger = receiver.ReceiveString();                    Console.WriteLine("Seen start of batch");                    //Start our clock now                    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();                    watch.Start();                    for (int taskNumber = 0; taskNumber < 10000; taskNumber++)                    {                    //while (true)                    //{                        var workerDoneTrigger = receiver.ReceiveString();                        Console.WriteLine(workerDoneTrigger);                    //}                    }                    watch.Stop();                    //Calculate and report duration of batch                    Console.WriteLine();                    Console.WriteLine("Total elapsed time {0} msec", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);                    Console.ReadLine();                }            }        }    }}



<span style="font-family: 'microsoft yahei'; line-height: 26px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">再次提醒,Worker.exe 可以开多个,以提高效率</span>
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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 蜡笔同步被对方发现删掉的怎么办 微信时间和手机时间不同步怎么办 孩子们家乡爱画美丽的也自己怎么办 娃把豆豆弄进鼻孔了怎么办 20岁了不知道自己该干什么怎么办 遇到一个新手买家恶意拍下怎么办 淘宝卖螃蟹有什么要求美工怎么办 淘宝衣服吊牌剪了想退货怎么办修 用图片在淘宝搜衣服搜不到怎么办 汽车黑塑料水砂纸磨的不平怎么办 sat报名要你填10位电话怎么办 手绘板连接电脑绘画有点迟钝怎么办 走路不小心滑了一下特尴尬怎么办 小孩子头撞了头发长不出来怎么办 小孩子头磕破了不长头发怎么办 晚上洗了冷水头早上头痛怎么办 头发洗了一天就油了怎么办 米诺地尔搽剂喷了头皮油怎么办 头发可以种植吗如果是秃顶怎么办 前额头发少怎么办如何使头发增多 头发又细又软又少怎么办 宝宝一岁了头发又少又黄怎么办 生完孩子头发掉的厉害怎么办 洗完头发后头发很蓬松怎么办 头发掉的厉害怎么办吃什么好得快 头发掉的很厉害怎么办吃什么好 我头发掉的厉害怎么办吃什么药 头发干枯毛躁掉发怎么办吃什么 最近洗头时头发掉的厉害怎么办 生完小孩头发掉的厉害怎么办 生完小孩后头发掉的厉害怎么办 生完孩子后严重掉头发怎么办 生过孩子后掉头发严重怎么办 孩孑16岁了高中没考上怎么办 小孩的嘴巴里有点点该怎么办 小孩从出生哭笑嘴巴有点歪怎么办 儿童耳朵受伤后嘴巴歪了怎么办 手机锁屏图案忘了怎么办求解锁 忘给仓鼠买吃的了怎么办 两岁宝宝不爱吃饭只喝奶粉怎么办 下载百度云压缩包要提取密码怎么办