Code Convention

来源:互联网 发布:我是未来 阿里云 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 23:01


1. When you extend existing well-known class, attach the parent class name as suffix.

    e.g.) When making a fragment for community feature:

2. If you are making abstract class, attach Base as suffix,

    e.g.) Abstract base class of fragment which will be used in Galaxy Care:

3. Class name should be like XxxYyyy



1. When you declare instance variables of well-known classes, attach the class name as suffix.

    e.g.) Declaring TextView variable for decstription: descriptionTextView

           Decalring ImageView for icon: iconImageView

2. When you declaring member variables, it may be protected, private.

    the member variable should be started with underscore.

    e.g.) Declaring member variable for icon image: private ImageView _iconImageView;

3. Static final member variable should be all uppercase.

    e.g.) Declaring static server url: private static final String _SERVER_URL = "...";

4. Variables name should be like: xxxYyy



1. Always use braces even when only one line in the loop or if-else.


       if(a < 0) {

           a = 0;


2. If you use collections like Map, List, etc., I encourage you to set it final and initialize it in the member.

    e.g.) private final Map<String, String> _nameJobMap = new HashMap<>();

3. If possible declare as most possible abstract interface as type.

    e.g.) private Map<String, String> _nameJobMap = new HashMap<>();

           private List<String> _nameList = new ArrayList<>();

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