Flyme patchrom项目笔记

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝澳洲代购真相 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:11


## 标准流程 ##下载完代码以后, 在开源项目根目录, 执行以下命令初始化开发环境:$ source build/envsetup.sh创建一个新的机型工程的目录(以demo为例), 后续的移植都在机型目录完成。$ mkdir -p devices/demo$ cd devices/demo按照如下步骤,完成一个新机型的适配:$ flyme config      # 生成机型配置文件Makefile$ flyme newproject  # 生成新机型目录$ flyme patchall    # 自动插桩$ flyme fullota     # 生成适配完成的ROM包## 冲突处理 ##自动插桩可能会造成代码合并冲突。冲突会以下面的形式标注出来, 开发者需要在厂商的文件中手工解决这些冲突。<<<<<<< VENDOR  原厂的代码块=======  Flyme的代码块>>>>>>> BOSP## 版本升级 ##可以跟随官方发布的最新ROM包,将已经是适配完成的机型升级到最新版本:$ flyme cleanall$ flyme upgrade


  1. 连接手机,打开usb调试,运行flyme config,生成makefile,关于makefile配置
# Makefile Reference# Please use this file as the project Makefile reference############################################################################### The value decides which base device should choose for patchall and upgrade.# You can configure the property according to your device.# The default value is base.# Support values: base, base_cm, base_mt6592 and other devices in the future.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------BASE := base_cm############################################################################### The value is used for resource adapter with the aapt tool.# It depends on the device's resolution.# The default value is hdpi.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------DENSITY := xhdpi############################################################################### The value is used to config the bootanimation.# It depends on the device's resolution, such as 480x854, 540x960, 720x1280, 1080x1920.# The default value is nothing.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------RESOLUTION := 720x1280############################################################################### The value decides whether use prebuilt image or pack from the BOOT or RECOVERY directory in the vendor directory.# Support values: boot, recovery or nothing.# The default value is boot.# When the value is boot or recovery, the system of build will pack boot.img or recovery.img# from the BOOT or vendor RECOVERY in the vendor directory which might contain your changes.# When the value is nothing, the system of build will check boot.img or recovery.img in the project root directory.# If the boot.img or recovery.img exists, the system of build will use a prebuilt boot.img or recovery.img.# If the boot.img or recovery.img doesn't exists, the system of build will do nothing.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vendor_modify_images := boot############################################################################### The value decides the directory which you want to remove in the vendor directory for the ota package.# The default value is app or pri-app which not need to configure.# You can configure the directory name which relative to the vendor/system directory.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#vendor_remove_dirs := vendor/operator/app############################################################################### The value decides the file which you want to remove in the vendor directory for the ota package.# The default value is nothing.# You can configure the file name which relative to the vendor/system directory.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#vendor_remove_files := bin/zchgd############################################################################### The value decides the vendor apk which you want to save in the vendor directory for the ota package.# The default value is Bluetooth.# You can configure the apk name in the vendor/system/app or vendor/system/pri-app directory.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vendor_saved_apps := Bluetooth KeyChain HTMLViewer UserDictionaryProvider BackupRestoreConfirmation \                     FusedLocation PrintSpooler SharedStorageBackup  ExternalStorageProvider InputDevices \                     ProxyHandler Shell DefaultContainerService WAPPushManager Stk TimeService qcrilmsgtunnel############################################################################### The value decides which vendor apk you want to modify.# The modify jar will build from the directory named the vendor apk name in the current project root directory.# eg: vendor_modify_apps := FMRadio# You need ro decode FMRadio.apk to the project directory(use apktool d FMRadio.apk) first,# and then you can make it by:   make FMRadio#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#vendor_modify_apps := FMRadio############################################################################### The value decides which vendor jar you want to modify.# The modify jar will build from the *.jar.out directory in the current project root directory.# eg: vendor_modify_jars := android.policy# You need to decode android.policy.jar to the project directory (use apktool d android.policy.jar) first,# and then you can make it by:   make android.policy#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------vendor_modify_jars := android.policy framework services telephony-common wifi-service############################################################################### The value decides which board system directory you want to save.# The default value is nothing.# You can configure the board system directory path which relative to the system directory in the board release.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#board_saved_dirs := media/audio/ui############################################################################### The value decides which board system file you want to save.# The default value is nothing.# You can configure the board system file path which relative to the system directory in the board release.# You should add "lib64/" for 64 bit system.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------board_saved_files := lib/  lib64/  bin/bootanimation  bin/shutdownanimation  media/  media/ The value decides which board system apk you want to remove.# The default value is nothing.# You can configure the board system apk name in the value.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#board_remove_apps := LogReport############################################################################### The value decides which apk you want to modify, when the apk is based on the board system apk.# The default value is Phone.# You can configure the board system apk name in the value.# You can modify the apk with the smali.part file or other method.# You may need to check if the apk in the BOARD_MODIFY_RESID_APPS(you can see it in build/configs/ If in, you may need to change the resource id to "#type@name#t" or "#type@name#a" by the command idtoname.# The command idtoname how to use: first use "apktool d source/system/framework/framework-res.apk other/TMP/framework-res",# and then use "idtoname other/TMP/framework-res/res/values/public_master.xml XXXX/smali"(XXXX is the directory where you decode board system apk).#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------board_modify_apps := TeleService Keyguard SystemUI Telecom FlymeLauncher MmsService TelephonyProvider############################################################################### The value decides which jar you want to modify, when the jar is based on the board framework jar.# The default value is nothing.# You can modify the jar with the smali.part file or other method.# You may need to check if the jar in the BOARD_MODIFY_RESID_APPS(you can see it in build/configs/ If in, you may need to change the resource id to "#type@name#t" or "#type@name#a" by the command idtoname.# The command idtoname how to use: first use "apktool d source/system/framework/framework-res.apk other/TMP/framework-res",# and then use "idtoname other/TMP/framework-res/res/values/public_master.xml XXXX/smali"(XXXX is the directory where you decode board system jar).#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#board_modify_jars := android.policy############################################################################### The value decides which property you will override in the build.prop.# The default value is nothing.# You can add the property name in the value from the build.prop.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# The property decide whether hide the soft mainkeys.# If 1, hide the soft mainkeys. If 0, display the soft mainkeys.# You should configure the property according to your device.#override_property += \#    qemu.hw.mainkeys=0# The value of the property ro.flyme.romer will be contained in the ota package name.# The default value is Unofficial.# You should configure the property according to your ID, ie, replace "Unofficial" with your ID.# The property ro.product.model_romer decide your ID on the backend server which statistical data for your device.# The default value is Nexus-5_Unofficial.# You should configure the property according to your device and your ID with replace the "Nexus-5_Unofficial".override_property += \    ro.flyme.romer=wlking \    ro.product.model_romer=Lenovo_k30T_wlking############################################################################### The value decides which property you will remove from the build.prop.# The default value is nothing.# You can add the property name in the value from the build.prop.#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# remove_property += \#     dev.defaultwallpaper############################################################################### Defines whether uses assertions in /META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script of the OTA package.# Assertions is used to verify the validity of the OTA package.# Set it to be false when you want to escape the verification.# Default: true#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#USE_ASSERTIONS_IN_UPDATER_SCRIPT := false############################################################################### Defines whether reduces useless resources, only keep the resources of preferred configuration, like current density or locale.# If set to be true, it will cost much more time to build out a system.img of which the size is reduced.# Default: false#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#REDUCE_RESOURCES := true############################################################################### Defines whether produces an image zipfile suitable for use with 'fastboot update'.# Default: false#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#PRODUCE_IMAGES_FOR_FASTBOOT := true############################################################################### Defines whether generates a block-based OTA, system.img.dat in DAT format will be produced.# Will fall back to a file-based OTA if the target_files is older and doesn't support block-based OTAs.# Default: false#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------#PRODUCE_BLOCK_BASED_OTA := trueinclude $(PORT_BUILD)/

2.完成Makefile配置后,将机型的boot.img和recovery.img放入机型目录,然后执行flyme patchall


4.手动patch完成后,运行flyme fullota进行打包,完成后删除刷机脚本的机型验证方可刷入

5.刷入后,运行adb logcat >1.txt进行log分析


    I: Using Apktool 2.0.0-RC4    I: Checking whether sources has changed...    I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...    Exception in thread "main" org.jf.util.ExceptionWithContext: Unsigned short value out of range: 71412    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.DexDataWriter.writeUshort(    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.InstructionWriter.write(    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.DexWriter.writeCodeItem(    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.DexWriter.writeDebugAndCodeItems(    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.DexWriter.writeTo(    at org.jf.dexlib2.writer.DexWriter.writeTo(    at    at    at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSourcesSmali(    at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildSources(    at    at    at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(    at brut.apktool.Main.main(

很多开发者之前遇到过framework.jar的函数超过限制,需要拆分,所以在Android 5.0以下的版本,会有诸如framework2.jar, framework-ext.jar, secondary-framework.jar这样的framework拆分包。但Android 5.0不再拆分jar包,而是直接拆分dex包,所以在framework.jar包中,会包含 classes.dex和classes2.dex这两个dex包,同样是为了解决函数超过限制的问题。


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