哈理工OJ 2034 Fire Maze【双BFS】【思维】

来源:互联网 发布:中国移动app软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 02:09

Fire MazeTime Limit: 1000 MSMemory Limit: 32768 KTotal Submit: 63(24 users)Total Accepted: 31(22 users)Rating: Special Judge: NoDescriptionAfter escaping from Figo's chase, Severus falls into a N * M maze designed by Figo.

At first, Severus is located on the grid S. Every second he can only move to the four grids that adjacent to the grid he is

 located on. The moment he move to any side of the maze, he will get rid of Figo.

After T seconds, Figo will reach the maze. Because Figo is the designer of the maze, when Figo arrive, he can reach any 

grid if he want. If Severus can't leave the maze at that moment, there is no doubt that he will be caught by Figo.

Figo is very cunning. In the maze he set not only walls, but also fire! After every second, the fire will spread to the four 

grid that adjacent to it. When a grid is on fire, certainly, Severus can not be on the grid. Can Severus escape from the


InputThe first line will be a integer CS, indicating the number of test cases.
In every case, there will be three integer N, M, T.
After that there will be N * M characters, decribe the maze.

The "." is a empty grid, "#" is wall, "F" is the fire, "S" is the initial grid that Severus stands on.

10 <= n , m  <= 100      10 <= T <=10000


There is only one line, if Severus can get out, output the mininum time he need to escape from the maze. If he can't,

 output "Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!"

Sample Input2
4 4 4
3 3 4


Sample Output3
Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!

Source2014 Winter Holiday Contest 5




#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<iostream>#include<queue>using namespace std;//头文件struct zuobiao{    int x,y;}now,nex;//坐标结构体int step;//要输出的回合数。queue<zuobiao>s[2];//双BFS,就要双队列。char a[105][105];//地图。int vis[2][105][105];//是否走过这个点的判断(这里双BFS,就要用到两个图。)int dir[4][2]={ {1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1} };int n,m,T;int ok;//这里如果是1表示走到了出口,并且没有被火烧到。如果是1表示还没走到出口。
3 3 4


Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!



 void solve(int x,int y)//进来的xy是主人公的位子{    while (!s[0].empty()) s[0].pop();//我们每一次都要清空队列    while (!s[1].empty()) s[1].pop();    memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));//清0    vis[0][x][y]=1;    now.x=x;    now.y=y;    s[0].push(now);//我们这里规定0号队列是主人公队列。    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<m;j++)        {            if(a[i][j]=='F')//因为不止一团火,所以我们遇到一个火就push进去一个火            {                now.x=i;                now.y=j;                s[1].push(now);                vis[1][i][j]=1;            }        }    }    while((!s[0].empty())||(!s[1].empty()))    {        step++;//一个回合加1;我们稍后探讨如何确定每个回合要怎么走。        bfs1();先让火去烧        bfs();//主人公再走        if(ok==1&&step<T)//如果主人公走完之后判断能够走到出口,并且在限制时间内完成了        {            cout<<step+1<<endl;//输出回合数+1,(因为我是让火先烧的),这里好好理解一下就懂了            return ;        }        if(ok==1&&step>=T)        {            cout<<"Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!"<<endl;//如果走到了出口但是时间到了,还是相当于走不出去。            return ;        }    }}int main(){    int t;    cin>>t;    while(t--)    {        cin>>n>>m>>T;        int sx,sy;        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            cin>>a[i];            for(int j=0;j<m;j++)            {                if(a[i][j]=='S')                {                    sx=i;                    sy=j;//找到主人公的位子                }            }        }        ok=0;        step=0;//初始化回合数和ok        solve(sx,sy);//进入函数        if(ok==0)        {           cout<<"Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!"<<endl;        }    }}


int sum=s.size();就可以搞定啦~这个时候测定的sum就是这个回合一共能走的点的个数。



void bfs1(){    int sum=s[1].size();    while(sum--)    {        now=s[1].front();        s[1].pop();        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)        {            nex.x=now.x+dir[i][0];            nex.y=now.y+dir[i][1];            if(nex.x>=0&&nex.x<n&&nex.y>=0&&nex.y<m&&vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]==0&&a[nex.x][nex.y]!='#')//火烧的就比较暴力无脑了,只要走到的地方不是墙,就尽情的让它烧吧。            {                vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]=1;                s[1].push(nex);            }        }    }}
void bfs(){    int sum=s[0].size();    while(sum--)    {        now=s[0].front();        s[0].pop();        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)        {            nex.x=now.x+dir[i][0];            nex.y=now.y+dir[i][1];            if(nex.x>=0&&nex.x<n&&nex.y>=0&&nex.y<m&&vis[0][nex.x][nex.y]==0&&a[nex.x][nex.y]!='#')//同样我们不能走到墙上            {                if(vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]==1)//如果走到的这个地方虽然不是墙,但是让火烧过了,其实就表明这个点不用走了。因为走了也会被烧。                continue;                s[0].push(nex);//如果没有火,就push进去。                vis[0][nex.x][nex.y]=1;                if(nex.x==0||nex.y==0||nex.x==n-1||nex.y==m-1)//如果走到了终点                {                    ok=1;//ok==1;表示我走到了出口、                    return ;                }            }        }    }}


#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<iostream>#include<queue>using namespace std;struct zuobiao{    int x,y;}now,nex;int step;queue<zuobiao>s[2];char a[105][105];int vis[2][105][105];int dir[4][2]={ {1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1} };int n,m,T;int ok;void bfs1(){    int sum=s[1].size();    while(sum--)    {        now=s[1].front();        s[1].pop();        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)        {            nex.x=now.x+dir[i][0];            nex.y=now.y+dir[i][1];            if(nex.x>=0&&nex.x<n&&nex.y>=0&&nex.y<m&&vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]==0&&a[nex.x][nex.y]!='#')            {                vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]=1;                s[1].push(nex);            }        }    }}void bfs(){    int sum=s[0].size();    while(sum--)    {        now=s[0].front();        s[0].pop();        for(int i=0;i<4;i++)        {            nex.x=now.x+dir[i][0];            nex.y=now.y+dir[i][1];            if(nex.x>=0&&nex.x<n&&nex.y>=0&&nex.y<m&&vis[0][nex.x][nex.y]==0&&a[nex.x][nex.y]!='#')            {                if(vis[1][nex.x][nex.y]==1)                continue;                s[0].push(nex);                vis[0][nex.x][nex.y]=1;                if(nex.x==0||nex.y==0||nex.x==n-1||nex.y==m-1)                {                    ok=1;                    return ;                }            }        }    }}void solve(int x,int y){    while (!s[0].empty()) s[0].pop();    while (!s[1].empty()) s[1].pop();    memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));    vis[0][x][y]=1;    now.x=x;    now.y=y;    s[0].push(now);    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<m;j++)        {            if(a[i][j]=='F')            {                now.x=i;                now.y=j;                s[1].push(now);                vis[1][i][j]=1;            }        }    }    while((!s[0].empty())||(!s[1].empty()))    {        step++;        bfs1();        bfs();        if(ok==1&&step<T)        {            cout<<step+1<<endl;            return ;        }        if(ok==1&&step>=T)        {            cout<<"Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!"<<endl;            return ;        }    }}int main(){    int t;    cin>>t;    while(t--)    {        cin>>n>>m>>T;        int sx,sy;        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        {            cin>>a[i];            for(int j=0;j<m;j++)            {                if(a[i][j]=='S')                {                    sx=i;                    sy=j;                }            }        }        ok=0;        step=0;        solve(sx,sy);        if(ok==0)        {           cout<<"Poor Severus must be caught by strong Figo!!!"<<endl;        }    }}

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