
来源:互联网 发布:朝阳区群众 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:20


    /**     * Completely remove the given task.     *     * @param taskId Identifier of the task to be removed.     * @param flags Additional operational flags.  May be 0 or     * {@link #REMOVE_TASK_KILL_PROCESS}.     * @return Returns true if the given task was found and removed.     *     * @hide     */    public boolean removeTask(int taskId, int flags)            throws SecurityException {        try {            return ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().removeTask(taskId, flags);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            // System dead, we will be dead too soon!            return false;        }    }

在ActivityManager中提供的只是一个接口,真正的实现要通过IPC去调用ActivityManagerService的removeTask. 主要的逻辑在cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked中实现。

    @Override    public boolean removeTask(int taskId, int flags) {...            try {                TaskRecord tr = recentTaskForIdLocked(taskId);                if (tr != null) {                    ActivityRecord r = tr.removeTaskActivitiesLocked(-1, false);                    if (r != null) {                        cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked(tr, flags);                        return true;                    }...    }


    private void cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked(TaskRecord tr, int flags) {...        final boolean killProcesses = (flags&ActivityManager.REMOVE_TASK_KILL_PROCESS) != 0;...        if (killProcesses) {...                    killUnneededProcessLocked(pr, "remove task");                } else {                    pr.waitingToKill = "remove task";                }            }        }    }


    private void killUnneededProcessLocked(ProcessRecord pr, String reason) {        if (!pr.killedByAm) {            Slog.i(TAG, "Killing " + pr.toShortString() + " (adj " + pr.setAdj + "): " + reason);            EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_KILL, pr.userId, pr.pid,                    pr.processName, pr.setAdj, reason);            pr.killedByAm = true;            Process.killProcessQuiet(pr.pid);        }    }


ENTRY(kill)    mov     ip, r7    ldr     r7, =__NR_kill    swi     #0    mov     r7, ip    cmn     r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)    bxls    lr    neg     r0, r0    b       __set_errno_internalEND(kill)


ENTRY(kill)    mov     x8, __NR_kill    svc     #0    cmn     x0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)    cneg    x0, x0, hi    b.hi    __set_errno_internal    retEND(kill)

在Intel x86芯片上,系统调用要用int 0x80软中断。

ENTRY(kill)    pushl   %ebx    pushl   %ecx    mov     12(%esp), %ebx    mov     16(%esp), %ecx    movl    $__NR_kill, %eax    int     $0x80    cmpl    $-MAX_ERRNO, %eax    jb      1f    negl    %eax    pushl   %eax    call    __set_errno    addl    $4, %esp    orl     $-1, %eax1:    popl    %ecx    popl    %ebx    retEND(kill)

但是在x86_64指令集中,系统调用已经变成基本指令了,不再需要int 0x80了。

ENTRY(kill)    movl    $__NR_kill, %eax    syscall    cmpq    $-MAX_ERRNO, %rax    jb      1f    negl    %eax    movl    %eax, %edi    call    __set_errno_internal1:    retEND(kill)

从API 22开始,情况出现了一些变化,带参数的API被取消了,默认就杀进程。

    /**     * Completely remove the given task.     *     * @param taskId Identifier of the task to be removed.     * @return Returns true if the given task was found and removed.     *     * @hide     */    public boolean removeTask(int taskId) throws SecurityException {        try {            return ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().removeTask(taskId);        } catch (RemoteException e) {            // System dead, we will be dead too soon!            return false;        }    }


    @Override    public boolean removeTask(int taskId) {        synchronized (this) {            enforceCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.REMOVE_TASKS,                    "removeTask()");            long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();            try {                return removeTaskByIdLocked(taskId, true);            } finally {                Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident);            }        }    }


    /**     * Removes the task with the specified task id.     *     * @param taskId Identifier of the task to be removed.     * @param killProcess Kill any process associated with the task if possible.     * @return Returns true if the given task was found and removed.     */    private boolean removeTaskByIdLocked(int taskId, boolean killProcess) {        TaskRecord tr = mStackSupervisor.anyTaskForIdLocked(taskId);        if (tr != null) {            tr.removeTaskActivitiesLocked();            cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked(tr, killProcess);            if (tr.isPersistable) {                notifyTaskPersisterLocked(null, true);            }            return true;        }        Slog.w(TAG, "Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task " + taskId);        return false;    }
    private void cleanUpRemovedTaskLocked(TaskRecord tr, boolean killProcess) {        mRecentTasks.remove(tr);        tr.removedFromRecents();......        if (!killProcess) {            return;        }......
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