C point and array practice

来源:互联网 发布:php前端和后端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 08:27
#include "stdio.h"                                                                                                                    #include "stdlib.h"#define SIZE 2#include "string.h"void myprint(int *p) {    printf("array[1]= %d\n",*p);    p++;    printf("array[1]= %d\n",*p);}main () {//using multi array//multi array will allocate memory directly in stack    printf("****************************\n");    char president[SIZE][10] = {0};    char (*p)[10];    p = president;    strcpy((char *)p,"aa");    p++;    strcpy((char *)p,"bb");    int x,index;    for(x=0;x<SIZE;x++)    {        index = 0;        while(president[x][index] != '\0')        {            putchar(president[x][index]);            index++;        }        putchar('\n');    }//-----using array which contain pointer, you still need malloc memory for the pointer's content    printf("****************************\n");    char *pointarray[10];    char *q;    q=(char* )malloc(20);    strcpy(q,"aaaaaa");    pointarray[1] = q;    printf("pointarray[1]= %s\n",pointarray[1]);    printf("size of char * %lud\n", sizeof(char *));    printf("size of point %lud\n", sizeof(int *));//-------using double ** pointer, you need first malloc memeory for pointer self!!---//allocate two pointer's space, each pointer's content is still pointer    printf("****************************\n");    char **doublestar= (char **)malloc(2*sizeof(char *));    char **tmp = doublestar;    char *tmpp;    char *tmpq;    tmpp=(char* )malloc(20);    tmpq=(char* )malloc(20);    strcpy(tmpp,"abcbbb");    strcpy(tmpq,"abcaaa");    *tmp= tmpp;    tmp++;    *tmp= tmpq;    printf("*doublestar is  %s\n",*doublestar);    doublestar++;    printf("*doublestar is  %s\n",*doublestar);//---------using array name as function parameter    printf("****************************\n");    int intarray[2];    intarray[0] = 2;    intarray[1] = 4;    myprint(intarray);    return(0);}      Result:gcc -g -c  aa.c  gcc -g -o  aa aa.o                                                                                    ./aa  ****************************aabb****************************pointarray[1]= aaaaaasize of char * 8dsize of point 8d*****************************doublestar is  abcbbb*doublestar is  abcaaa****************************array[1]= 2array[1]= 4 

#include "stdio.h"                                                                                                                    #include "stdlib.h"#define SIZE 2#include "string.h"main () {    int i = 5;    int *p =NULL;    printf("addr of i = %p\n", (void *)&i);    printf("addr of p = %p\n", &p);    printf("value of p = %p\n", p);    printf("size of p = %ld\n", sizeof(p));    p = &i;    printf("addr of i = %p\n", (void *)&i);    printf("addr of p = %p\n", &p);    printf("value of p = %p\n", p);    return(0);}~                gcc -g -c  aa.c  gcc -g -o  aa aa.o                                                                                    ./aa  addr of i = 0x7fff7e04c044addr of p = 0x7fff7e04c048value of p = (nil)size of p = 8addr of i = 0x7fff7e04c044addr of p = 0x7fff7e04c048value of p = 0x7fff7e04c044                                                                                                                                

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