strange problems while you are using Intellij IDEA

来源:互联网 发布:资料员学习软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 03:41

sometimes strange problems occur if you use IDEA,比如你用sbt或maven编译成功但是用IDEA编译报错报错,


但是有时候,还会出现一下问题,此时一般是只有少数的errors 多数的警告,改字符集的情况一般是多数的errors(一般上百)


$ rm -rf .idea*
$ sbt gen-idea

File/Open in IDEA, answer yes to the question about converting to the new project structure
$ rm -rf projectFilesBackUp  to remove the backup files created during the conversion.

It gets a little annoying... when IDEA imports an SBT project it keeps track of dependency changes and updates stuff on the fly, not so with this work around.

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