
来源:互联网 发布:dw淘宝代码使用教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 23:22


Zookeeper的C语言的客户端代码在解压后的zookeeper压缩包src/c目录下,在该目录下可以通过./configure, make&sudo make install来安装程序。安装好了之后,主要有两个执行程序:cli_mt, cli_st。需要注意的是,这两个程序分别需要链接libzookeeper_mt.so.2,libzookeeper_st.so.2。所以在运行的时候可能需要通过export LD_LIBRARY_PATH来指定路径

这里我们首先来分析该客户端程序的Log机制,其主要实现文件为src/c/include/zookeeper_log.h, src/c/src/zk_log.c,在zookeeper.c中定义了可选的LogLevel:



#define LOG_ERROR(x) if(logLevel>=ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) \    log_message(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,__LINE__,__func__,format_log_message x)#define LOG_WARN(x) if(logLevel>=ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN) \    log_message(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_WARN,__LINE__,__func__,format_log_message x)#define LOG_INFO(x) if(logLevel>=ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) \    log_message(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,__LINE__,__func__,format_log_message x)#define LOG_DEBUG(x) if(logLevel==ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) \    log_message(ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,__LINE__,__func__,format_log_message x)

__attribute__((constructor)) void prepareTSDKeys() {    pthread_key_create (&time_now_buffer, freeBuffer);    pthread_key_create (&format_log_msg_buffer, freeBuffer);}

static const char* time_now(char* now_str){    struct timeval tv;    struct tm lt;    time_t now = 0;    size_t len = 0;    gettimeofday(&tv,0);    now = tv.tv_sec;    localtime_r(&now, <);    // clone the format used by log4j ISO8601DateFormat    // specifically: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"    len = strftime(now_str, TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE,                          "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",                          <);    len += snprintf(now_str + len,                    TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE - len,                    ",%03d",                    (int)(tv.tv_usec/1000));    return now_str;}

所以,如果每次打印log信息都经过malloc开辟空间来存储格式化的信息,在效率和性能上肯定是不高的。所以在zookeeper client端的log程序中,通过事先开辟好的一块固定的内存空间来存储这个时间戳信息,也就是上面代码的now_str对于每一个线程来说是一块固定内存的起始地址,这个我们可以从log_message的函数实现中看出来:

void log_message(ZooLogLevel curLevel,int line,const char* funcName,    const char* message){    static const char* dbgLevelStr[]={"ZOO_INVALID","ZOO_ERROR","ZOO_WARN",            "ZOO_INFO","ZOO_DEBUG"};    static pid_t pid=0;#ifdef WIN32    char timebuf [TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE];#endif    if(pid==0)pid=getpid();#ifndef THREADED    fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "%s:%d:%s@%s@%d: %s\n", time_now(get_time_buffer()),pid,            dbgLevelStr[curLevel],funcName,line,message);#else#ifdef WIN32    fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "%s:%d(0x%lx):%s@%s@%d: %s\n", time_now(timebuf),pid,            (unsigned long int)(pthread_self().thread_id),            dbgLevelStr[curLevel],funcName,line,message);#else    fprintf(LOGSTREAM, "%s:%d(0x%lx):%s@%s@%d: %s\n", time_now(get_time_buffer()),pid,            (unsigned long int)pthread_self(),            dbgLevelStr[curLevel],funcName,line,message);#endif#endif    fflush(LOGSTREAM);}


#ifdef THREADEDchar* getTSData(pthread_key_t key,int size){    char* p=pthread_getspecific(key);    if(p==0){        int res;        p=calloc(1,size);        res=pthread_setspecific(key,p);        if(res!=0){            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to set TSD key: %d",res);        }    }    return p;}char* get_time_buffer(){    return getTSData(time_now_buffer,TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE);}char* get_format_log_buffer(){    return getTSData(format_log_msg_buffer,FORMAT_LOG_BUF_SIZE);}#elsechar* get_time_buffer(){    static char buf[TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE];    return buf;}char* get_format_log_buffer(){    static char buf[FORMAT_LOG_BUF_SIZE];    return buf;}#endif

到这里,我们可就基本清楚了整个zookeeper client端Log的机制,整体架构还是挺简单的,也没有考虑高性能的问题,毕竟只是作为一个客户端使用。而在这里,我们想要关注的是这种架构下的一些额外的问题:

1. int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destr_function) (void*));


    pthread_key_create allocates a new TSD key. The key is  stored  in  the location pointed to by key. There is a limit of PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX on the number of keys allocated at a given time. The value  initially  associated with the returned key is NULL in all currently executing threads.



2. 上面的Log机制中调用了fprintf来作为输出到文件或者terminal的方式,这里我们也许会有一个疑惑:在多线程的环境下,每一次fprintf并不需要明显的加锁操作,fprintf是线程安全的吗?


If you're using a single FILE object to perform output on an open file, then whole fprintf calls on that FILE will be atomic, i.e. lock is held on the FILE for the duration of the fprintf call. Since a FILE is local to a single process's address space, this setup is only possible in multi-threaded applications; it does not apply to multi-process setups where several different processes are accessing separate FILE objects referring to the same underlying open file. Even though you're using fprintf here, each process has its own FILE it can lock and unlock without the others seeing the changes, so writes can end up interleaved. There are several ways to prevent this from happening:a. Allocate a synchronization object (e.g. a process-shared semaphore or mutex) in shared memory and make each process obtain the lock before writing to the file (so only one process can write at a time); ORb. <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Use filesystem-level advisory locking, e.g. fcntl locks or the (non-POSIX) BSD flock interface; OR</span>
c. Instead of writing directly to the log file, write to a pipe that another process will feed into the log file. Writes to a pipe are guaranteed (by POSIX) to be atomic as long as they are smaller than PIPE_BUF bytes long. You cannot use fprintf in this case (since it might perform multiple underlying write operations), but you could use snprintf to a PIPE_BUF-sized buffer followed by write.

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