2015年11月4号 运行中的package报错处理

来源:互联网 发布:优易淘宝小号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:31
问题如下:Unable to get package info for com.zdnews; is package not installed?
首先想到的是application 里面是不是没有配置好name的路径,后来发觉。根本就不是路径的问题。所以。方案一,失败。
其次,想到的百度和CSDN上面的大神。于是,答案如下:这个问题引起原因是 简单的卸载app 没有卸载干净,然后再次运行,当dalvik重新安装。apk文件并试图重用以前的活动从同一个包    实在是没有理解这句话的意思。所以方案二 失败。(eclipse 里面重新运行,哪里来的dalvik 没有卸载干净一说。。。。反正是不理解这句话,博主肯定没有认真看下,app安卓的几种方式,我指的是底层安装方式)
----------------------------------------------------- Good Boy---------------------------------------------------------------

I think this happens when you run the app from eclipse while you already have the previous version installed ? This won't happen if you uninstall the app before running it again from eclipse. Also, this won't cause any problems.

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answered Jun 26 '14 at 9:21
Shivam Verma

i see i will try uninstalling the app and be back on you..im just worried if it will affect the performance of my app because i see a lot of 06-26 05:06:24.280: I/Choreographer(3193): Skipped 115 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. this line in my logcat..doing too much work thing – GiantJun 26 '14 at 9:23
stackoverflow.com/a/11329209/1239966 – Shivam Verma Jun 26 '14 at 9:25
in case you are doing any of the above mentioned tasks, do them on a background thread so that the ui is not blocked. – Shivam Verma Jun 26 '14 at 9:30
So this reading from the database will take some time, minimal but it will and skipping frames could be caused by this. If you move the reading from database to a background thread, your problem of frames being skipped will mostly be solved :) – Shivam VermaJun 26 '14 at 9:35
yep. You can fetch database values in doInBackground(). – Shivam VermaJun 26 '14 at 9:39
 大概解释下。意思就是说。这小哥也解释了卸载不干净一说,但是意思说这种可能比较小。有种可能就是你在Appliaction中做了某些耗时的动作。这个在刚安装的时候。这是不被允许的。耗时动作是要在后台。而不是主线程。so~~~~ 搞定。之前测试数据的时候。很贱的在Application中去获取设备信息。实在作死。
========= 碎觉。
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