
来源:互联网 发布:微博的个性域名是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:28


 2048小游戏是首先在github上发布的一款开源的小游戏, 游戏的规则十分简单, 但也意外的获得了世界上很多人的青睐。在这里, 我想介绍一下我实现2048小游戏后端的一些小算法的设计。


 在2048的游戏当中, 最主要的操作便是上下左右的操作, 而这里, 我们需要使用一个常用的数据结构--栈。在移动方块的时候, 相同数字的方块会在移动的过程中融合。这和栈只允许栈顶作操作的特点十分吻合。所以, 首先需要实现的是一个栈(当然大部分语言的标准库内都有这样的内容, 详情看下面的代码)


  在2048当中, 在每一次的移动之后后端需要做两项操作, 首先是判断游戏是否可以通过移动来产生方块的融合, 其次则是找到一个任意的空位来产生一个新的方块。  首先是判断游戏是否结束。在这里我们可以采用BFS的方法, 对每个方块进行尽量的广度搜索, 从而找到可以融合的地方。其次是找到一个任意的空位。我们将空位的x,y坐标都用线性表储存起来, 然后对这个线性表执行一次洗牌操作, 就可以任意找到一个空白的位置来插入一个新的方块了, 这样大致2048游戏的后端就完成了。

首先是线性栈, 因为无聊所以写了一个:

#the stack module is designed for the movement of #puzzle.class Stack:    def __init__(self):        #the base is the element list        self.__base =[]        #the number of the element in the stack        self.length =0        #the top points to the top element of the stack        self.__top =0    #the insert function is for element insertion    def insert(self, n):        self.__base.append(n)        self.length +=1        self.__top  +=1        #change the lenght and the top pointers    #to pop the head element in the stack    def pop(self):        if self.__top >0:            self.__base.pop(self.__top-1)            self.length -=1            self.__top -=1    #return the head element in the stack    def front(self):        if(self.__top >0):           return self.__base[self.__top-1]        else: return 0


import randomfrom stack import *class puzzle:    #create the puzzle of the game of a given size    def __init__(self, n):        self.__board =[]        for i in range(n):            self.__board.append(n*[0])        self.__size =n        #set the initial size and board    #find a proper position to insert the element    def creatInsertLocation(self):        #use a list to decide the location of insertion        stack =[]        for i in range(self.__size):            for j in range(self.__size):                if(self.__board[i][j]==0):stack.append([i,j])        #decide which number to insert        x =random.randint(1,2)        if(len(stack)>0):            random.shuffle(stack)            z =stack[0][0]             y =stack[0][1]            self.__board[z][y] =2**x            return True        else:            return False    #This function aims to print the whole board    def showBoard(self):        print self.__board    #this method is designed for judge the game can go on    def moveable(self):        flag =False   #to record if the puzzle is moveable        mvx =[1,-1,0,0]        mvy =[0,0,1,-1]        for i in range(self.__size):            for j in range(self.__size):                for k in range(4):                    mx =i+mvx[k]                    my =j+mvy[k]                    #if the index is out of range, then continue                    if(mx<0 or mx>=self.__size or my <0 or my >=self.__size):                        continue                    #if we find a movable position, then the whole puzzle is movable                    if(self.__board[i][j] ==self.__board[mx][my]):                        flag =True                        break                if(flag):break;            if(flag):break;        return flag    #this function defines the up move    def upMove(self):       for i in range(self.__size):           s =Stack()           for j in range(self.__size):               if(self.__board[j][i] ==0):continue               elif self.__board[j][i] ==s.front():                   s.pop()                   s.insert(2*self.__board[j][i])               elif self.__board[j][i] !=s.front():                   s.insert(self.__board[j][i])               self.__board[j][i] =0           for j in range(s.length-1, -1, -1):               self.__board[j][i] =s.front()               s.pop()    #this function is designed for the puzzle down move    def downMove(self):       for i in range(self.__size):           s =Stack()           for j in range(self.__size -1, -1, -1):               if(self.__board[j][i] ==0):continue               elif self.__board[j][i] ==s.front():                   s.pop()                   s.insert(2*self.__board[j][i])               elif self.__board[j][i] !=s.front():                   s.insert(self.__board[j][i])               self.__board[j][i] =0           for j in range(s.length, 0, -1):               self.__board[self.__size -j][i] =s.front()               s.pop()    #this function is designed for the left move of the puzzle    def leftMove(self):       for i in range(self.__size):           s =Stack()           for j in range(self.__size):               if(self.__board[i][j] ==0):continue               elif self.__board[i][j] ==s.front():                   s.pop()                   s.insert(2*self.__board[i][j])               elif self.__board[i][j] !=s.front():                   s.insert(self.__board[i][j])               self.__board[i][j] =0           for j in range(s.length -1, -1, -1):               self.__board[i][j] =s.front()               s.pop()    #this function is designed for the right move of the puzzle    def rightMove(self):       for i in range(self.__size):           s =Stack()           for j in range(self.__size-1, -1, -1):               if(self.__board[i][j] ==0):continue               elif self.__board[i][j] ==s.front():                   s.pop()                   s.insert(2*self.__board[i][j])               elif self.__board[i][j] !=s.front():                   s.insert(self.__board[i][j])               self.__board[i][j] =0           for j in range(s.length, 0, -1):               self.__board[i][self.__size -j] =s.front()               s.pop()    def getElem(self,i, j):        return self.__board[i][j]


十分遗憾的是, 由于本人的前端设计实在太渣, 所以没有实现相应的前端。在此如果有实现前端设计的同道中人欢迎将代码发送到我的邮箱wyc8094@gmail.com 谢谢!!

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