LeetCode题解:Palindrome Partitioning

来源:互联网 发布:编程差可以做it运维吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 09:06

Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.

Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.

For example, given s = “aab”,





public class Solution {    public List<List<String>> partition(String s) {        int len = s.length();        List<List<String>>[] results = new List[len + 1];        results[0] = new ArrayList<List<String>>();        results[0].add(new ArrayList<String>());        boolean[][] pairs = new boolean[len][len];        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){            char c = s.charAt(i);            results[i + 1] = new ArrayList<List<String>>();            for(int j = 0; j <= i; j++){                if(i == j){                    pairs[j][i] = true;                }else{                    if(s.charAt(j) != c){                        continue;                    }                    if(j == i - 1){                        pairs[j][i] = true;                    }else{                        pairs[j][i] = pairs[j + 1][i - 1];                    }                }                if(pairs[j][i]){                    String str = s.substring(j, i + 1);                    for(List<String> temp : results[j]){                        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(temp);                        result.add(str);                        results[i + 1].add(result);                    }                }            }        }        return results[len];    }}
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