链表ADT C语言实现

来源:互联网 发布:天下3冰心捏脸数据大赛 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 11:36
代码的风格是 Mark Allen weiss 所著的 数据结构与算法分析----C语言描述上的。

#ifndef _List_Hstruct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode List;typedef PtrToNode Position;List MakeEmpty(List L);int IsEmpty(List L);int IsLast(Position P,list L);Position Find(ElementType X,List L);void Delete(ElementType X,List L);Position FindPrevious(ElementType X,List L);void Insert(ElementType X,List L);void DeleteList(List L);#endif 
/*place in the implementation file*/struct Node{    ElementType Element;    Position Next;};/*return true if L is empty,判断链表是否为空*/int IsEmpty(List L){    return P->Next==NULL;}/*return true if P is the last position in list L*//*Parameter L is unused in this implementation*/
/*测试当前位置是否是链表末尾*/int IsLast(Position P,List L){    return P->Next==NULL;}/*return Position of X in L;NULL if not found*/
/*find例程*/Position Find(ElementType X,List L){    Position P;    P=L->Next;        while(P!=NULL&&P->Element!=X)        P=P->Next;            return P;}/*Delete first occurrence of X from a List*//*Assume use of a header node */
/*链表的删除例程*/void Delete(ElementType X,List L){    Position P,TmpCell;        P=FindPrevious(X,L);        if(!IsLast(P,L))    {        TmpCell=P->Next;        p->Next=TmpCell->Next;        free(TmpCell);    }}/*if x is not found , then next field of returned*//*position is NULL*//*Assume a header*/
/*Findprevious例程*/Position FindPrevious(ElementType X,List L){    Position P;        P=L;    while(P->Next!=NULL&&P->Next->Element!=X)    {        P=P->Next;    }    return P;}/*insert(after legal position)*//*Header implemtentation assumed*//*parameter L is unused in this implementation*/
/*链表的插入例程*/void Insert(ElementType X,List L){    Position TmpCell;    TmpCell=malloc(sizeof(struct Node));    if(TmpCell==NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr,"out of space");        error(1);    }    TmpCell->Element=X;    TmpCell->Next=P->Next;    p->Next=TmpCell;}
/*删除表*/void DeleteList(List L){    Position P,Tmp;        P=L->Next;/*header assumed*/    L->Next=NULL;    while(P!=NULL)    {        Tmp=P->Next;        free(P);        P=Tmp;    }}

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