
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝如何修改会员名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 08:51


日前,Hibernate官方宣布由于Bug太多不再支持DBCP,而推荐使用 Proxool或C3P0。

proxool是个很好的开源连接池。但配置文件中的用户和密码却是明文存储的,如果对系统安全有较高的要求,使用时就麻烦了。昨天下了Proxool 0.9.1的源码,研究了下,做了些小小的改动,现在proxool配置文件中用户和密码可以使用密文存储了,同时明文的也可以正常使用。解密功能部分做成了接口,可以用自己的算法来实现,很方便。



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>                 <!-- the proxool configuration can be embedded within your own application's. Anything outside the "proxool" tag is ignored. -->                 <something-else-entirely>             <proxool>                 <!--连接池的别名-->                 <alias>hdqt</alias>              <!--实现解密的工具类-->                <encrypt></encrypt>              <!--proxool只能管理由自己产生的连接-->                 <driver-url>jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;databaseName=xxxx</driver-url>                 <!--JDBC驱动程序-->                 <driver-class></driver-class>                 <driver-properties>                     <!--加密后的用户名和密码-->                  <property name="user" value="da33e8657877280c32683ae317ef78e1"/>                     <property name="password" value="3defde98af47835a74537600eebe78f2"/>                 </driver-properties>                 <!-- proxool自动侦察各个连接状态的时间间隔(毫秒),侦察到空闲的连接就马上回收,超时的销毁-->                 <house-keeping-sleep-time>90000</house-keeping-sleep-time>               <house-keeping-test-sql>select getdate()</house-keeping-test-sql>              <!-- 指因未有空闲连接可以分配而在队列中等候的最大请求数,超过这个请求数的用户连接就不会被接受-->                   <!--maximum-new-connections>150</maximum-new-connections-->             <simultaneous-build-throttle>5</simultaneous-build-throttle>              <!-- 最少保持的空闲连接数-->                   <prototype-count>3</prototype-count>                 <!-- 允许最大连接数,超过了这个连接,再有请求时,就排在队列中等候,最大的等待请求数由maximum-new-connections决定-->                   <maximum-connection-count>100</maximum-connection-count>                 <!-- 最小连接数-->                 <minimum-connection-count>3</minimum-connection-count>             </proxool>            </something-else-entirely>  


    jdbc-0.proxool.alias=property-test      jdbc-0.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=xxxx      jdbc-0.user=da33e8657877280c32683ae317ef78e1      jdbc-0.password=3defde98af47835a74537600eebe78f2 getdate()      jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10      jdbc-0.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3      jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000      jdbc-0.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5      jdbc-0.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000      jdbc-0.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000      jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000      jdbc-0.proxool.verbose=true      jdbc-0.proxool.trace=true      jdbc-0.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error      jdbc-0.proxool.prototype-count=2  


    /*      * This software is released under a licence similar to the Apache Software Licence.      * See org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.package.html for details.      * The latest version is available at      */      package org.logicalcobwebs.proxool;            /**      * All constants here please.      *      * @version $Revision: 1.21 $, $Date: 2004/06/02 20:39:17 $      * @author billhorsman      * @author $Author: billhorsman $ (current maintainer)      */      public interface ProxoolConstants {                public final String PROXOOL = "proxool";                /**          * The namespace uri associated with namepace aware Proxool xml configurations.<br>          * Value: The latest version is available at          */          public final String PROXOOL_XML_NAMESPACE_URI = "The latest version is available at";                public final String ALIAS_DELIMITER = ".";                public final String PROPERTY_PREFIX = PROXOOL + ".";                public final String URL_DELIMITER = ":";                    /** 用户名和密码是否加密,对应值为解密的class*/          public final String USER_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT = "encrypt";                /** Standard JDBC property */          public final String USER_PROPERTY = "user";                /** Standard JDBC property */          public final String PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "password";                /** Used to build up URL */          public final String ALIAS_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + "alias";                /** Instead of defining the driver in the url you can also use this property */          public final String DELEGATE_DRIVER = "driver";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */           public final String DELEGATE_DRIVER_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + DELEGATE_DRIVER;                /** @see #HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY */          public final String DELEGATE_URL = "url";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */           public final String DELEGATE_URL_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + DELEGATE_URL;                /** @see #HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY */          public final String HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME = "house-keeping-sleep-time";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */           public final String HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME;                /** @see #HOUSE_KEEPING_TEST_SQL_PROPERTY */          public final String HOUSE_KEEPING_TEST_SQL = "house-keeping-test-sql";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String HOUSE_KEEPING_TEST_SQL_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + HOUSE_KEEPING_TEST_SQL;                /** @see #TEST_BEFORE_USE_PROPERTY */          public final String TEST_BEFORE_USE = "test-before-use";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String TEST_BEFORE_USE_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + TEST_BEFORE_USE;                /** @see #TEST_AFTER_USE_PROPERTY */          public final String TEST_AFTER_USE = "test-after-use";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String TEST_AFTER_USE_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + TEST_AFTER_USE;                /** @see #MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY */          public final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT = "maximum-connection-count";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT;                /** @see #MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_LIFETIME_PROPERTY */          public final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_LIFETIME = "maximum-connection-lifetime";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_LIFETIME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_LIFETIME;                /**          * @deprecated use {@link #SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE} instead          */          public final String MAXIMUM_NEW_CONNECTIONS = "maximum-new-connections";                /**          * @deprecated use {@link #SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE_PROPERTY} instead          */          public final String MAXIMUM_NEW_CONNECTIONS_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + MAXIMUM_NEW_CONNECTIONS;                /** @see #SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE_PROPERTY*/          public final String SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE = "simultaneous-build-throttle";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + SIMULTANEOUS_BUILD_THROTTLE;                /** @see #MINIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY */          public final String MINIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT = "minimum-connection-count";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String MINIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + MINIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT;                /** @see #PROTOTYPE_COUNT_PROPERTY */          public final String PROTOTYPE_COUNT = "prototype-count";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String PROTOTYPE_COUNT_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + PROTOTYPE_COUNT;                /** @see #RECENTLY_STARTED_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY */          public final String RECENTLY_STARTED_THRESHOLD = "recently-started-threshold";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String RECENTLY_STARTED_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + RECENTLY_STARTED_THRESHOLD;                /** @see #OVERLOAD_WITHOUT_REFUSAL_LIFETIME_PROPERTY */          public final String OVERLOAD_WITHOUT_REFUSAL_LIFETIME = "overload-without-refusal-lifetime";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String OVERLOAD_WITHOUT_REFUSAL_LIFETIME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + OVERLOAD_WITHOUT_REFUSAL_LIFETIME;                /** @see #MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME_PROPERTY */          public final String MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME = "maximum-active-time";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + MAXIMUM_ACTIVE_TIME;                /** @see #INJECTABLE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY */          public final String INJECTABLE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME = "injectable-connection-interface";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String INJECTABLE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + INJECTABLE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME;                /** @see #INJECTABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY */          public final String INJECTABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME = "injectable-statement-interface";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String INJECTABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + INJECTABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME;                /** @see #INJECTABLE_PREPARED_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY */          public final String INJECTABLE_PREPARED_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME = "injectable-prepared-statement-interface";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String INJECTABLE_PREPARED_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + INJECTABLE_PREPARED_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME;                /** @see #INJECTABLE_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY */          public final String INJECTABLE_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME = "injectable-callable-statement-interface";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String INJECTABLE_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + INJECTABLE_CALLABLE_STATEMENT_INTERFACE_NAME;                /**          * @deprecated use {@link #VERBOSE_PROPERTY verbose} instead.          */          public final String DEBUG_LEVEL_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + "debug-level";                /** @see #VERBOSE_PROPERTY */          public final String VERBOSE = "verbose";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String VERBOSE_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + VERBOSE;                /** @see #TRACE_PROPERTY */          public final String TRACE = "trace";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String TRACE_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + TRACE;                /** @see #FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY **/          public final String FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION = "fatal-sql-exception";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION;                /** @see #FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_WRAPPER_CLASS_PROPERTY**/          public final String FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_WRAPPER_CLASS = "fatal-sql-exception-wrapper-class";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_WRAPPER_CLASS_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + FATAL_SQL_EXCEPTION_WRAPPER_CLASS;                public static final String STATISTICS = "statistics";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String STATISTICS_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + STATISTICS;                public static final String STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL = "statistics-log-level";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL;                public static final String JNDI_NAME = "jndi-name";                    /** Prefix for generic JNDI properties. */          public static final String JNDI_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "jndi-";                /** @see ProxoolDriver#getPropertyInfo */          public final String JNDI_NAME_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + JNDI_NAME;            // End JNDI                public static final String STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = "TRACE";                public static final String STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = "DEBUG";                public static final String STATISTICS_LOG_LEVEL_INFO = "INFO";                /**          * Element name for the container of properties passed directlry to the delegate driver.          */          public static final String DRIVER_PROPERTIES = "driver-properties";                      /**          * Configuration attribute used to indicate that a pool should be registered with JMX.          */          public static final String JMX = "jmx";                /**          * "proxool." prefixed version of {@link #JMX}.          */          public final String JMX_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + JMX;                /**          * Configuration attribute for a list of jmx agent ids to register a          * {@link org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.admin.jmx.ConnectionPoolMBean} to.          * The list is comma separated.          */          public static final String JMX_AGENT_ID = "jmx-agent-id";                /**          * "proxool." prefixed version of {@link #JMX_AGENT_ID}.          */          public final String JMX_AGENT_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + JMX_AGENT_ID;                /**          *  Un-prefixed propety name for the Proxool alias configuration property. Value: alias          */          public final String ALIAS = "alias";                /**          *  Un-prefixed propety name for the Proxool driver class  configuration property. Value: driver-class          */          public final String DRIVER_CLASS = "driver-class";          /**          *  Prefixed propety name for the Proxool driver class  configuration property. Value: proxool.driver-class          */          public final String DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + DRIVER_CLASS;;          /**          *  Un-prefixed propety name for the Proxool driver url configuration property. Value: driver-url          */          public final String DRIVER_URL = "driver-url";          /**          *  Prefixed propety name for the Proxool driver url configuration property. Value: proxool.driver-url          */          public final String DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY = PROPERTY_PREFIX + DRIVER_URL;      }            /*      Revision history:      $Log:,v $      Revision 1.21  2004/06/02 20:39:17  billhorsman      New injectable interface constants           Revision 1.20  2004/03/15 02:43:47  chr32      Removed explicit JNDI properties. Going for a generic approach instead.      Added constant for JNDI properties prefix.           Revision 1.19  2003/09/30 18:39:08  billhorsman      New test-before-use, test-after-use and fatal-sql-exception-wrapper-class properties.           Revision 1.18  2003/09/29 17:48:21  billhorsman      New fatal-sql-exception-wrapper-class allows you to define what exception is used as a wrapper. This means that you      can make it a RuntimeException if you need to.           Revision 1.17  2003/09/05 17:00:42  billhorsman      New wrap-fatal-sql-exceptions property.           Revision 1.16  2003/07/23 06:54:48  billhorsman      draft JNDI changes (shouldn't effect normal operation)           Revision 1.15  2003/03/05 23:28:56  billhorsman      deprecated maximum-new-connections property in favour of      more descriptive simultaneous-build-throttle           Revision 1.14  2003/03/03 11:11:58  billhorsman      fixed licence           Revision 1.13  2003/02/26 16:05:52  billhorsman      widespread changes caused by refactoring the way we      update and redefine pool definitions.           Revision 1.12  2003/02/24 18:02:24  chr32      Added JMX related constants.           Revision 1.11  2003/02/24 01:16:15  chr32      Added constant for "driver-properties" property.           Revision 1.10  2003/02/06 15:41:17  billhorsman      add statistics-log-level           Revision 1.9  2003/01/30 17:22:03  billhorsman      new statistics property           Revision 1.8  2003/01/23 10:41:05  billhorsman      changed use of pool-name to alias for consistency           Revision 1.7  2002/12/26 11:32:22  billhorsman      Moved ALIAS, DRIVER_URL and DRIVER_CLASS constants      from XMLConfgiurator to ProxoolConstants.           Revision 1.6  2002/12/15 19:22:51  chr32      Added constant for proxool xml namespace.           Revision 1.5  2002/12/11 01:47:12  billhorsman      extracted property names without proxool. prefix for use      by XMLConfigurators.           Revision 1.4  2002/11/09 15:50:49  billhorsman      new trace constant           Revision 1.3  2002/10/27 13:29:38  billhorsman      deprecated debug-level in favour of verbose           Revision 1.2  2002/10/25 15:59:32  billhorsman      made non-public where possible           Revision  2002/09/13 08:13:06  billhorsman      new           Revision 1.3  2002/08/24 19:57:15  billhorsman      checkstyle changes           Revision 1.2  2002/07/12 23:03:22  billhorsman      added doc headers           Revision 1.7  2002/07/10 16:14:47  billhorsman      widespread layout changes and move constants into ProxoolConstants           Revision 1.6  2002/07/02 11:19:08  billhorsman      layout code and imports           Revision 1.5  2002/07/02 08:27:47  billhorsman      bug fix when settiong definition, displayStatistics now available to ProxoolFacade, prototyper no longer attempts to make connections when maximum is reached           Revision 1.4  2002/06/28 11:19:47  billhorsman      improved doc          */  


    /*      * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates      * and open the template in the editor.      */      package org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util;            /**      *      * @author zhappy      */      public interface Decryptool {                /**          * 解密字符串          * @param content 密文          * @return 明文          */          public String decrypt(String content);                }

 /*  * This software is released under a licence similar to the Apache Software Licence.  * See org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.package.html for details.  * The latest version is available at  */  package org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration;    import;  import;  import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Iterator;  import java.util.Map;  import java.util.Properties;  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;  import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolConstants;  import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException;  import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade;  import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util.Decryptool;    /**  * Uses a standard Java properties file to configure Proxool. For example:  *  * <pre>  * jdbc-0.proxool.alias=property-test  * jdbc-0.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:.  * jdbc-0.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver  * jdbc-0.encrypt=org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util.Decryptool  * jdbc-0.user=foo  * jdbc-0.password=bar  *  * CURRENT_DATE  * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10  * jdbc-0.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3  * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000  * jdbc-0.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5  * jdbc-0.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000  * jdbc-0.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000  * jdbc-0.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000  * jdbc-0.proxool.verbose=true  * jdbc-0.proxool.trace=true  * jdbc-0.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error  * jdbc-0.proxool.prototype-count=2  *  * jdbc-1.proxool.alias=property-test-2  * jdbc-1.proxool.driver-url=jdbc:hsqldb:.  * jdbc-1.proxool.driver-class=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver  * jdbc-1.user=scott  * jdbc-1.password=tiger  *  * CURRENT_DATE  * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-count=10  * jdbc-1.proxool.minimum-connection-count=3  * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-connection-lifetime=18000000  * jdbc-1.proxool.simultaneous-build-throttle=5  * jdbc-1.proxool.recently-started-threshold=40000  * jdbc-1.proxool.overload-without-refusal-lifetime=50000  * jdbc-1.proxool.maximum-active-time=60000  * jdbc-1.proxool.verbose=true  * jdbc-1.proxool.trace=true  * jdbc-1.proxool.fatal-sql-exception=Fatal error  * jdbc-1.proxool.prototype-count=2  * </pre>  *  * <p>The first word (up to the first dot) must start with "jdbc", but it can be  * anything you like. Use unique names to identify each pool. Any property not  * starting with "jdbc" will be ignored.</p> <p> The properties prefixed with  * "proxool." will be used by Proxool while the properties that are not prefixed  * will be passed on to the delegate JDBC driver. </p>  *  * @version $Revision: 1.11 $, $Date: 2006/01/18 14:39:58 $  * @author Bill Horsman (  * @author $Author: billhorsman $ (current maintainer)  * @since Proxool 0.5  */  public class PropertyConfigurator {        private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyConfigurator.class);      protected static final String PREFIX = "jdbc";      private static final String DOT = ".";      private static final String EXAMPLE_FORMAT = PREFIX + "*" + DOT + "*";        /**      * Configure proxool with the given properties file.      *      * @param filename the filename of the properties file.      * @throws ProxoolException if the configuration fails.      */      public static void configure(String filename) throws ProxoolException {          Properties properties = new Properties();          try {              properties.load(new FileInputStream(filename));          } catch (IOException e) {              throw new ProxoolException("Couldn't load property file " + filename);          }          configure(properties);      }        /**      * Configure proxool with the given properties.      *      * @param properties the properties instance to use.      * @throws ProxoolException if the configuration fails.      */      public static void configure(Properties properties) throws ProxoolException {          final Map propertiesMap = new HashMap();          final Iterator allPropertyKeysIterator = properties.keySet().iterator();          Properties proxoolProperties = null;            while (allPropertyKeysIterator.hasNext()) {              String key = (String);              String value = properties.getProperty(key);                if (key.startsWith(PREFIX)) {                  int a = key.indexOf(DOT);                  if (a == -1) {                      throw new ProxoolException("Property " + key + " must be of the format " + EXAMPLE_FORMAT);                  }                  final String tag = key.substring(0, a);                  final String name = key.substring(a + 1);                  proxoolProperties = (Properties) propertiesMap.get(tag);                  if (proxoolProperties == null) {                      proxoolProperties = new Properties();                      propertiesMap.put(tag, proxoolProperties);                  }                  proxoolProperties.put(name, value);              }          }            final Iterator tags = propertiesMap.keySet().iterator();          while (tags.hasNext()) {              proxoolProperties = (Properties) propertiesMap.get(;                final String ec = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT);              if (ec != null) {//如果在配置文件中存在解密项就先动态加载解密类,然后对用户名和密码进行解密                  Decryptool dec = null;                  try {                      Class c = Class.forName(ec);                      Object o = c.newInstance();                      dec = (Decryptool) o;                  } catch (Exception e) {                      LOG.error("new Class [" + ec + "] fail!", e);                  }                  final String user = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PROPERTY);//取原值                  proxoolProperties.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PROPERTY, dec.decrypt(user));//解密并设置                  final String password = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY);//取原值                  proxoolProperties.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, dec.decrypt(password));//解密并设置              }              // make sure that required propeties are defined              // and build the url              // Check that we have defined the minimum information              final String driverClass = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY);              final String driverUrl = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY);              if (driverClass == null || driverUrl == null) {                  throw new ProxoolException("You must define the " + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY + " and the "                          + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY + ".");              }              final String alias = proxoolProperties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_PROPERTY);                // Build the URL; optionally defining a name              StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();              url.append("proxool");              if (alias != null) {                  url.append(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_DELIMITER);                  url.append(alias);                  proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_PROPERTY);              }              url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);              url.append(driverClass);              proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS_PROPERTY);              url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);              url.append(driverUrl);              proxoolProperties.remove(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL_PROPERTY);              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                  LOG.debug("Created url: " + url);              }                ProxoolFacade.registerConnectionPool(url.toString(), proxoolProperties);          }      }  }    /*  * Revision history: $Log:,v $ Revision 1.11  * 2006/01/18 14:39:58 billhorsman Unbundled Jakarta's Commons Logging.  *  * Revision 1.10 2003/03/05 23:28:56 billhorsman deprecated  * maximum-new-connections property in favour of more descriptive  * simultaneous-build-throttle  *  * Revision 1.9 2003/03/03 11:12:00 billhorsman fixed licence  *  * Revision 1.8 2003/02/06 17:41:05 billhorsman now uses imported logging  *  * Revision 1.7 2003/02/05 14:46:31 billhorsman fixed copyright and made PREFIX  * protected for use by ServletConfigurator  *  * Revision 1.6 2003/01/27 18:26:43 billhorsman refactoring of ProxyConnection  * and ProxyStatement to make it easier to write JDK 1.2 patch  *  * Revision 1.5 2003/01/23 10:41:05 billhorsman changed use of pool-name to  * alias for consistency  *  * Revision 1.4 2003/01/22 17:35:01 billhorsman checkstyle  *  * Revision 1.3 2003/01/18 15:13:12 billhorsman Signature changes (new  * ProxoolException thrown) on the ProxoolFacade API.  *  * Revision 1.2 2002/12/26 11:32:59 billhorsman Rewrote to support new format.  *  * Revision 1.1 2002/12/15 18:48:33 chr32 Movied in from 'ext' source tree.  *  * Revision 1.4 2002/11/09 15:57:57 billhorsman fix doc  *  * Revision 1.3 2002/11/02 14:22:16 billhorsman Documentation  *  * Revision 1.2 2002/10/27 13:05:01 billhorsman checkstyle  *  * Revision 1.1 2002/10/27 12:00:16 billhorsman moved classes from ext  * sub-package which is now obsolete - let's keep everything together in one  * place  *  * Revision 1.1 2002/10/25 10:40:27 billhorsman draft  *  */

    /*      * This software is released under a licence similar to the Apache Software Licence.      * See org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.package.html for details.      * The latest version is available at      */      package org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.configuration;            import java.util.Iterator;      import java.util.Properties;      import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;      import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;      import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolConstants;      import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolException;      import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolFacade;      import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util.Decryptool;      import org.xml.sax.Attributes;      import org.xml.sax.SAXException;      import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;      import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;            /**      * <p>A SAX 2 ContentHandler that can configure Proxool from an XML source.</p>      *      * <p>This is just a <a      * href=""      * target="_new" >ContentHandler</a>, so you must associate it with a SAX parser      * for it to actually do anything. If you have JAXP available {@link JAXPConfigurator}      * will do this for you.</p>      *      * <p>Properties that you pass on to the delegate driver have to be treated      * specially. They must be contained within a <driver-properties>      * element.</p>      *      * <p>See the <a href="The latest version is available at      *" target="_new">Proxool      * properties</a> for documentation on the available configuration      * properties.</p>      *      * Example configuration:      * <pre>      * <proxool>      *     <alias>apple</alias>      *     <encrypt>org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util.Decryptool</alias>      *     <driver-url>jdbc:hsqldb:.</driver-url>      *     <driver-class>org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</driver-class>      *     <driver-properties>      *         <property name="user" value="abc" />      *         <property name="password" value="def" />      *     </driver-properties>      *     <house-keeping-sleep-time>40000</house-keeping-sleep-time>      *     <house-keeping-test-sql>select CURRENT_DATE</house-keeping-test-sql>      *     <maximum-connection-count>10</maximum-connection-count>      *     <minimum-connection-count>3</minimum-connection-count>      *     <maximum-connection-lifetime>18000000</maximum-connection-lifetime> <!-- 5 hours -->      *     <simultaneous-build-throttle>5</simultaneous-build-throttle>      *     <recently-started-threshold>40000</recently-started-threshold>      *     <overload-without-refusal-lifetime>50000</overload-without-refusal-lifetime>      *     <maximum-active-time>60000</maximum-active-time>      *     <verbose>true</verbose>      *     <trace>true</trace>      *     <fatal-sql-exception>ORA-1234</fatal-sql-exception>      *     <prototype-count>2</prototype-count>      * </proxool>      * </pre>      *      * When the parser reaches the end of the <proxool> element the pool is      * automatically registered. You can contain the <proxool> element in any      * other elements as you wish. And the <proxool> element can occur as many      * times as you wish. This allows you to use an XML file that configures your      * whole application as the source. This configurator will ignore everything      * apart from the elements contained within the <proxool> element. <p><a      * name="#validation"> <b>Validation</b><br> A couple of additional steps are      * required if you want your SAX parser to validate your Proxool xml      * confguration: <ul> <li> Put your proxool configuration elements inside a root      * <code>proxool-config</code> element. The document must adhere to the <a      * href="proxool.dtd">Proxool dtd</a>. </li> <li> Add a      * <code>DOCTYPE</code> entry to your xml with a system id containing the      * <i>absolute url</i> to the Proxool dtd. The Proxool jar contains a copy of      * the Proxool dtd in the confguration package. You can reference that with a      * jar url like this:<br>      * <code><nobr><!DOCTYPE proxool-config SYSTEM "jar:file:///C:/Proxool/lib/proxool.jar!/org/logicalcobwebs/proxool/configuration/proxool.dtd"></nobr></code></li>      * <li> Configure your parser to be validating. In the {@link JAXPConfigurator}      * this is done by passing      * <code>true</code> as the second arghument to any of the      * <code>configure</code> methods. </li> </ul> </p> <p>This class is not thread      * safe.</p>      *      * @version $Revision: 1.18 $, $Date: 2006/01/18 14:39:58 $      * @author billhorsman      * @author $Author: billhorsman $ (current maintainer)      */      public class XMLConfigurator extends DefaultHandler {                private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(XMLConfigurator.class);          private StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();          private String poolName;          private String driverClass;          private String driverUrl;          private Properties properties = new Properties();          private static final String PROXOOL = "proxool";          private static final String DRIVER_PROPERTIES = "driver-properties";          private static final String PROPERTY = "property";          private static final String NAME = "name";          private static final String VALUE = "value";          private boolean insideDelegateProperties;          private boolean insideProxool;                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#startElement          */          @Override          public void startElement(String uri, String lname, String qname, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {              content.setLength(0);                    if (!namespaceOk(uri)) {                  return;              }                    final String elementName = getElementName(uri, lname, qname);                    if (elementName.equals(PROXOOL)) {                  if (insideProxool) {                      throw new SAXException("A <" + PROXOOL + "> element can't contain another <" + PROXOOL + "> element.");                  }                  insideProxool = true;                  properties.clear();                  driverClass = null;                  driverUrl = null;              }                    if (insideProxool) {                  if (elementName.equals(DRIVER_PROPERTIES)) {                      insideDelegateProperties = true;                  } else if (insideDelegateProperties) {                      if (elementName.equals(PROPERTY)) {                          setDriverProperty(attributes);                      }                  }              }          }                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#characters          */          @Override          public void characters(char[] chars, int start, int length) throws SAXException {              if (insideProxool) {                  content.append(chars, start, length);              }          }                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ContentHandler#endElement          */          @Override          public void endElement(String uri, String lname, String qname) throws SAXException {              if (!namespaceOk(uri)) {                  return;              }                    final String elementName = getElementName(uri, lname, qname);                    // Are we ending a proxool configuration section?              if (elementName.equals(PROXOOL)) {                        // Check that we have defined the minimum information                  if (driverClass == null || driverUrl == null) {                      throw new SAXException("You must define the "                               + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS + " and the " + ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL + ".");                  }                        // Build the URL; optinally defining a name                  StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();                  url.append("proxool");                  if (poolName != null) {                      url.append(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS_DELIMITER);                      url.append(poolName);                  }                  url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);                  url.append(driverClass);                  url.append(ProxoolConstants.URL_DELIMITER);                  url.append(driverUrl);                  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                      LOG.debug("Created url: " + url);                  }                        // Register the pool                  try {                      final String ec = properties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX                               + ProxoolConstants.USER_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT);                      if (ec != null) {//判断配置文件中是否有解密class的配置,如果有则动态加载                          Decryptool dec = null;                          try {                              Class c = Class.forName(ec);                              Object o = c.newInstance();                              dec = (Decryptool) o;                          } catch (Exception e) {                              LOG.error("new Class [" + ec + "] fail!", e);                          }                          final String user = properties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PROPERTY);//取原值                          properties.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PROPERTY, dec.decrypt(user));//解密并设置                          final String password = properties.getProperty(ProxoolConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY);//取原值                          properties.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, dec.decrypt(password));//解密并设置                      }                      ProxoolFacade.registerConnectionPool(url.toString(), properties);                  } catch (ProxoolException e) {                      throw new SAXException(e);                  }                        // This ensures we ignore remaining XML until we come across another                  // <proxool> element.                  insideProxool = false;              }                    if (insideProxool && !elementName.equals(PROXOOL)) {                  if (elementName.equals(DRIVER_PROPERTIES)) {                      insideDelegateProperties = false;                  } else if (!insideDelegateProperties) {                      setProxoolProperty(elementName, content.toString().trim());                  }              }          }                private void setProxoolProperty(String localName, String value) {              if (localName.equals(ProxoolConstants.ALIAS)) {                  poolName = value;              } else if (localName.equals(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_CLASS)) {                  driverClass = value;              } else if (localName.equals(ProxoolConstants.DRIVER_URL)) {                  driverUrl = value;              } else {                  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                      LOG.debug("Setting property '" + ProxoolConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + localName + "' to value '" + value + "'.");                  }                  properties.put(ProxoolConstants.PROPERTY_PREFIX + localName, value);              }          }                private void setDriverProperty(Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {              final String name = attributes.getValue(NAME);              final String value = attributes.getValue(VALUE);              if (name == null || name.length() < 1 || value == null) {                  throw new SAXException("Name or value attribute missing from property element."                          + "Name: '" + name + "' Value: '" + value + "'.");              }              if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                  if (name.toLowerCase().indexOf("password") > -1) {                      LOG.debug("Adding driver property: " + name + "=" + "*******");                  } else {                      LOG.debug("Adding driver property: " + name + "=" + value);                  }              }              properties.put(name, value);          }                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#warning(SAXParseException)          */          @Override          public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {              // Just debug-log the warning. We'll probably survive.              LOG.debug("The saxparser reported a warning.", e);          }                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#error(SAXParseException)          */          @Override          public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {              // On error we rethrow the exception.              // This should cause the parser stop and an exeption be thrown back to the client.              throw e;          }                /**          * @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#fatalError(SAXParseException)          */          @Override          public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {              // On fatal error we rethrow the exception.              // This should cause the parser stop and an exeption be thrown back to the client.              throw e;          }                // If no namespace use qname, else use lname.          private String getElementName(String uri, String lname, String qname) {              if (uri == null || "".equals(uri)) {                  return qname;              } else {                  return lname;              }          }                private boolean namespaceOk(String uri) {              return uri == null || uri.length() == 0 || uri.equals(ProxoolConstants.PROXOOL_XML_NAMESPACE_URI);          }      }  




    /*      * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates      * and open the template in the editor.      */      package;            import;      import java.util.logging.Level;      import java.util.logging.Logger;      import org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.util.Decryptool;      import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;      import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;            /**      *      * @author zhappy      */      public class DecUtil implements Decryptool {                @Override          public String decrypt(String string) {              BASE64Decoder decode = new BASE64Decoder();              String s = null;              try {                  byte[] b = decode.decodeBuffer(string);                  s = new String(b);              } catch (IOException ex) {                  Logger.getLogger(DecUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);              }              return s;          }                          public String encrypt(String string) {              BASE64Encoder encode = new BASE64Encoder();              return encode.encode(string.getBytes());          }                    public static void main(String[] args) {              DecUtil dec = new DecUtil();              String str = "password";              System.out.println("未加密前:" + str);              String _str = dec.encrypt(str);              System.out.println("加密后:" + _str);              System.out.println("加密字符串[" + _str + "]解密后:" + dec.decrypt(_str));          }                }  


 JAXPConfigurator.configure("src/java-test/org/logicalcobwebs/proxool/configuration/test-no-ns.xml", false);  ……  connection = DriverManager.getConnection("proxool.xml-test");

properties 配置文件的

    PropertyConfigurator.configure("src/java-test/org/logicalcobwebs/proxool/configuration/");       ……      connection = DriverManager.getConnection("");  

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