Scalaz(27)- Inference & Unapply :类型的推导和匹配

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  经过一段时间的摸索,用scala进行函数式编程的过程对我来说就好像是想着法儿如何将函数的款式对齐以及如何正确地匹配类型,真正是一种全新的体验,但好像有点太偏重学术型了。 本来不想花什么功夫在scala的类型系统上,但在阅读scalaz源代码时往往遇到类型层面的编程(type level programming),常常扰乱了理解scalaz代码思路,所以还是要简单的介绍一下scala类型系统的一些情况。scala类型系统在scala语言教材中一般都提及到了。但有些特殊的类型如phantom type, dependent type等,以及在一些场合下使用类型的特殊技巧还是值得研究的。scala类型系统的主要功能就是在程序运行之前,在编译时(compile time)尽量捕捉代码中可能出现的错误,也就是类型不匹配错误。scala类型系统是通过找寻隐式转换类型证例(implicit type evidence)来判断代码中当前类型是否期待的类型从而确定是否发生类型错误(type error)。写起来很简单,我们只要用隐式参数(implicit parameter)来表述一个隐式的类型实例(implicit type instance):

trait Proofdef sayHi(implicit isthere: Proof) = println("hello")sayHi    //编译失败


trait Proofdef sayHi(implicit isthere: Proof) = println("hello")                                                  //> sayHi: (implicit isthere: Exercises.deptype.Proof)Unitimplicit object ishere extends Proof  //建一个实例sayHi                                             //> hello


trait Proof { def apply(): String}def sayHi(implicit isthere: Proof) = println(isthere())                                                  //> sayHi: (implicit isthere: Exercises.deptype.Proof)Unitimplicit object ishere extends Proof {def apply() = "Hello World!"}sayHi                                             //> Hello World!


 def join[B](implicit ev: A <~< F[B]): F[B] = F.bind(self)(ev(_))List(List(1),List(2),List(3)).join                //> res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)//List(1.some,2.some,3.some).join  //无法编译,输入类型不对

trait LiskovFunctions {  import Liskov._  /**Lift Scala's subtyping relationship */  implicit def isa[A, B >: A]: A <~< B = new (A <~< B) {    def subst[F[-_]](p: F[B]): F[A] = p  }


理论上我们可以用依赖类型(dependent type)来描述类型参数之间的关系,推导结果类型最终确定代码中类型的正确无误。据我所知scala并不支持完整功能的依赖类型,但有些前辈在scala类型编程(type level programming)中使用了一些依赖类型的功能和技巧。Scalaz的unapply就利用了依赖类型的原理,然后通过隐式参数(implicit parameter)证明某些类型实例的存在来判断输入参数类型正确性的。Unapply的构思是由Miles Sabin创造的。我们先用他举的一个例子来看看如何利用依赖类型及类型实例通过隐式输入参数类型来推导结果类型并判断输入参数类型正确性的:

trait TypeAtrait TypeBtrait DepType[A,B,C]  //依赖类型implicit object abb extends DepType[TypeA,TypeB,TypeB] {def apply(a:TypeA, b:TypeB): TypeB = error("TODO")  //结果类型依赖TypeA和TypeB}implicit object aaa extends DepType[TypeA,TypeA,TypeA] {def apply(a:TypeA, b:TypeA): TypeA = error("TODO")  //结果类型依赖TypeA和TypeA}implicit object iab extends DepType[Int,TypeA,TypeB] {def apply(a:Int, b:TypeA): TypeB = error("TODO")  //结果类型依赖Int和TypeB}implicit object bbi extends DepType[TypeB, TypeB, Int] {def apply(a:TypeB, b:TypeB): Int = error("TODO")  //结果类型依赖Int和TypeB}implicitly[DepType[Int,TypeA,TypeB]]              //> res1: Exercises.deptype.DepType[Int,Exercises.deptype.TypeA,Exercises.deptyp                                                  //| e.TypeB] = Exercises.deptype$$anonfun$main$1$iab$2$@7722c3c3implicitly[DepType[TypeB,TypeB,Int]]              //> res2: Exercises.deptype.DepType[Exercises.deptype.TypeB,Exercises.deptype.Ty                                                  //| peB,Int] = Exercises.deptype$$anonfun$main$1$bbi$2$@2ef3eef9implicitly[DepType[TypeA,TypeB,TypeB]]            //> res3: Exercises.deptype.DepType[Exercises.deptype.TypeA,Exercises.deptype.T                                                  //| ypeB,Exercises.deptype.TypeB] = Exercises.deptype$$anonfun$main$1$abb$2$@24                                                  //| 3c4f91implicitly[DepType[TypeA,TypeA,TypeA]]            //> res4: Exercises.deptype.DepType[Exercises.deptype.TypeA,Exercises.deptype.T                                                  //| ypeA,Exercises.deptype.TypeA] = Exercises.deptype$$anonfun$main$1$aaa$2$@29                                                  //| 1ae//implicitly[DepType[TypeA,TypeA,TypeB]]  //无法通过编译 could not find implicit value for parameter e: Exercises.deptype.DepType[Exercises.deptype.TypeA,Exercises.deptype.TypeA,Exercises.deptype.TypeB]def checkABC[A,B,C](a: A, b: B)(implicit instance: DepType[A,B,C]): C = error("TODO")                                                  //> checkABC: [A, B, C](a: A, b: B)(implicit instance: Exercises.deptype.DepTyp                                                  //| e[A,B,C])C/*val v_aaa: TypeA = checkABC(new TypeA{},new TypeA{})val v_iab: TypeB = checkABC(1,new TypeA{})val v_bbi: Int = checkABC(new TypeB{},new TypeB{})val v_aab: TypeB = checkABC(new TypeA{}, new TypeA{})  //ype mismatch;  found   : Exercises.deptype.TypeA  required: Exercises.deptype.TypeB*/


函数式编程重视概括抽象以方便函数组合从而实现高度的代码重复使用。因为我们在进行函数式编程时最常遇到的类型款式是这样的:F[A],所以我们在设计函数时会尽量对函数的参数进行针对F[A]的概括。但这样也会对函数的使用者提出了苛刻要求:在调用函数时必须按照要求传人F[A]类型的参数,实际上又限制了函数的通用。Scalaz里的Unapply类型可以把许多不同款式的类型对应成抽离的F[],A和TC。其中TC是个typeclass,用来引导编译器进行类型推导。Unapply trait 如下:scalaz/Unapply.scala

trait Unapply[TC[_[_]], MA] {  /** The type constructor */  type M[_]  /** The type that `M` was applied to */  type A  /** The instance of the type class */  def TC: TC[M]  /** Evidence that MA =:= M[A] */  def leibniz: MA === M[A]  /** Compatibility. */  @inline final def apply(ma: MA): M[A] = leibniz(ma)}

从定义上分析:Unapply把MA拆分出M[]和A,但使用者必须提供TC - 一个施用在A的typeclass。


class TypeWithMap[F[_],A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: Functor[F]) {  def doMap[B](f: A => B) =}val mapList = new TypeWithMap(List(1,2,3))        //> mapList  : Exercises.unapply.TypeWithMap[List,Int] = Exercises.unapply$$anon                                                  //| fun$main$1$TypeWithMap$1@1d9b7ccemapList.doMap {_ + 1}                             //> res2: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4)

在这个例子里我们通过传入一个F[A]类型来创建一个TypeWithMap类型实例, F是个Functor。如果我们传入一个List, 因为List的类型款式是F[A]的,所以编译器顺利地把F[A]拆解成F[_]和A, 在例子里就是List和Int。那么如果我们试着传入一个Function1[Int,Int]呢?

val mapFunc = new TypeWithMap( (_: Int) * 2 )//- not enough arguments for constructor TypeWithMap: (implicit F: scalaz.Functor[Any])Exercises.unapply.TypeWithMap[Any,A]. Unspecified value parameter F.//- could not find implicit value for parameter F: scalaz.Functor[Any]


val mapFunc2 = new TypeWithMap[({type l[x] = Function1[Int,x]})#l,Int]((_: Int) * 2)                                                  //> mapFunc2  : Exercises.unapply.TypeWithMap[[x]Int => x,Int] = Exercises.unapp                                                  //| ly$$anonfun$main$1$TypeWithMap$1@15ff3e9emapFunc2.doMap {_ + 1}(2)                         //> res3: Int = 5

看来没问题,不过手工写的还是有点复杂。Unapply是通过提供多种款式的类型隐式转换实例(implicit instance)来进行类型匹配再分拆的。在上面的例子里Unapply提供了这么个款式的类型实例:

  /**Unpack a value of type `M0[A0, B0]` into types `[b]M0[A0, b]` and `B`, given an instance of `TC` */  implicit def unapplyMAB2[TC[_[_]], M0[_, _], A0, B0](implicit TC0: TC[({type λ[α] = M0[A0, α]})#λ]): Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[A0, X]    type A = B0  } = new Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[A0, X]    type A = B0    def TC = TC0    def leibniz = refl  }


class TypeWithMap[F[_],A](fa: F[A])(implicit F: Functor[F]) {  def doMap[B](f: A => B) =}object TypeWithMap {  def apply[T](t: T)(implicit U: Unapply[Functor, T]) =    new TypeWithMap[U.M,U.A](U.apply(t))(U.TC)}val umapList = TypeWithMap(List(1,2,3))           //> umapList  : Exercises.unapply.TypeWithMap[[X]List[X],Int] = Exercises.unappl                                                  //| y$$anonfun$main$1$TypeWithMap$2@42e99e4aumapList.doMap {_ + 1}                            //> res2: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4)val umapFunc = TypeWithMap((_: Int) * 2)          //> umapFunc  : Exercises.unapply.TypeWithMap[[X]Int => X,Int] = Exercises.unapp                                                  //| ly$$anonfun$main$1$TypeWithMap$2@32eff876umapFunc.doMap {_ + 1}(2)                         //> res3: Int = 5


  /** Evidence that MA =:= M[A] */  def leibniz: MA === M[A]  /** Compatibility. */  @inline final def apply(ma: MA): M[A] = leibniz(ma)

从这里实现了MA >>> M[A]的转换。

Applicative[Option].traverse(List(1,2,3))(a => (a + 1).some)                                                  //> res6: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(2, 3, 4))


final def traverse[G[_], B](f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[F[B]]

G是个Applicative,它的类型款式当然是G[B]这样的了,也就是我们必须提供f: A => G[B]这样的函数款式。但如何解释以下这句:

Monoid[Int].applicative.traverse(List(1,2,3))(a => a + 1)                                                  //> res7: Int = 9


sealed trait Unapply_4 {  // /** Unpack a value of type `A0` into type `[a]A0`, given a instance of `TC` */  implicit def unapplyA[TC[_[_]], A0](implicit TC0: TC[({type λ[α] = A0})#λ]): Unapply[TC, A0] {    type M[X] = A0    type A = A0  } = new Unapply[TC, A0] {    type M[X] = A0    type A = A0    def TC = TC0    def leibniz = refl  }}


def sequenceList[G[_], A](lga: List[G[A]])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[List[A]] =  lga.foldRight(List[A]().point[G])((a,b) => G.apply2(a,b){_ :: _})                                                  //> sequenceList: [G#7905958[_#7912581], A#7905959](lga#7912582: List#3051[G#79                                                  //| 05958[A#7905959]])(implicit G#7912583: scalaz#31.Applicative#28655[G#790595                                                  //| 8])G#7905958[List#3051[A#7905959]]val lli = List(List(1),List(2,3),List(4))         //> lli  : List#8636[List#8636[Int#1125]] = List(List(1), List(2, 3), List(4))val los = List("a".some,"b".some,"c".some)        //> los  : List#8636[Option#1959[String#248]] = List(Some(a), Some(b), Some(c))                                                  //| sequenceList(lli)                                 //> res6: List#8636[List#3051[Int#1125]] = List(List(1, 2, 4), List(1, 3, 4))sequenceList(los)                                 //> res7: Option#1959[List#3051[String#248]] = Some(List(a, b, c)) 


val lether = List(1.right[String],2.right[String],3.right[String])sequenceList(lether)  //....required: List#3051[?G[?A]]


val lether = List(1.right[String],2.right[String],3.right[String])                                                  //> lether  : List#8636[scalaz#31.\/#32660[String#17383,Int#1125]] = List(\/-(1                                                  //| ), \/-(2), \/-(3))//sequenceList(lether)  //....required: List#3051[?G[?A]]sequenceList[({type l[x] = \/[String,x]})#l,Int](lether)                                                  //> res8: scalaz#31.\/#32660[String#248,List#3051[Int#1125]] = \/-(List(1, 2, 3                                                  //| ))


 /**Unpack a value of type `M0[A0, B0]` into types `[a]M0[a, B0]` and `A`, given an instance of `TC` */  implicit def unapplyMAB1[TC[_[_]], M0[_, _], A0, B0](implicit TC0: TC[({type λ[α] = M0[α, B0]})#λ]): Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[X, B0]    type A = A0  } = new Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[X, B0]    type A = A0    def TC = TC0    def leibniz = refl  }  /**Unpack a value of type `M0[A0, B0]` into types `[b]M0[A0, b]` and `B`, given an instance of `TC` */  implicit def unapplyMAB2[TC[_[_]], M0[_, _], A0, B0](implicit TC0: TC[({type λ[α] = M0[A0, α]})#λ]): Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[A0, X]    type A = B0  } = new Unapply[TC, M0[A0, B0]] {    type M[X] = M0[A0, X]    type A = B0    def TC = TC0    def leibniz = refl  }


//val u1 = Unapply.unapplyMAB1[Applicative, \/, String, Int]  //这个不行//could not find implicit value for parameter TC0: scalaz#31.Applicative#28655[[α#75838]scalaz#31.\/#32660[α#75838,Int#1125]]val u2 = Unapply.unapplyMAB2[Applicative, \/, String, Int] //这个可以                                                  //> u2  : scalaz#31.Unapply#32894[scalaz#31.Applicative#28655,scalaz#31.\/#3266                                                  //| 0[String#17383,Int#1125]]{type M#9842257[X#9842258] = scalaz#31.\/#32660[St                                                  //| ring#17383,X#9842258]; type A#9842259 = Int#1125} = scalaz.Unapply_0$$anon$                                                  //| 13@47eaca72sequenceList[u2.M,u2.A](lether)                   //> res9: Exercises#29.unapply#17810.u2#9836539.M#9842257[List#3051[Exercises#2                                                  //| 9.unapply#17810.u2#9836539.A#9842259]] = \/-(List(1, 2, 3))


def sequenceListU[GA](lga: List[GA])(implicit U: Unapply[Applicative, GA]): U.M[List[U.A]] =   sequenceList[U.M,U.A](U.leibniz.subst(lga))(U.TC)                                                  //> sequenceListU: [GA#10927512](lga#10936796: List#3051[GA#10927512])(implicit                                                  //|  U#10936797: scalaz#31.Unapply#32894[scalaz#31.Applicative#28655,GA#1092751                                                  //| 2])U#10936797.M#65840[List#3051[U#10936797.A#65842]]sequenceListU(lli)                                //> res10: List#8636[List#8636[Int#1125]] = List(List(1, 2, 4), List(1, 3, 4))sequenceListU(los)                                //> res11: Option#1959[List#8636[String#248]] = Some(List(a, b, c))sequenceListU(lether)                             //> res12: scalaz#31.\/#32660[String#248,List#8636[Int#1125]] = \/-(List(1, 2,                                                   //| 3))sequenceListU(List(1,2,3))                        //> res13: Int#1125 = 6

这个函数够概括的了。主要是通过leibeniz.subst把List[GA]转换成List[G[A]], 我们看看subst的源代码:

sealed abstract class Leibniz[-L, +H >: L, A >: L <: H, B >: L <: H] {  def apply(a: A): B = subst[Id](a)  def subst[F[_ >: L <: H]](p: F[A]): F[B]...


/** Evidence that MA =:= M[A] */  def leibniz: MA === M[A]  implicit def subst[A, B](a: A)(implicit f: A === B): B = f.subst[Id](a)

leibniz返回 MA === M[A],  subst 传入 A 返回 B。A >>>GA, B>>>G[A]。这样上面例子中的U.leibniz.subst(lga)就把List[GA]转换成了List[G[A]]。

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